post your bunkers
Bunker thread
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Those small panels wont power this place.
- no place to exercise,
- no medkit,
- no tools,
- no mess kit, binoculars, flint, storm matches, repair kit (adhesive tape, super glue, needle and thread), flashlight, spare batteries, maps, paper, pencil
- and why do you need a energy guzzling TV?
This is an underground man-cave, not a apocalyptic shelter.
No weapons!?!?
I dont get this grown manchild prepper fantasy. if shtf good luck surviving in your underground cage.
If you reffer to the enormous TV screen correct, but Illumination, radio and small tv/laptop yes they will.
I would be more concerned about the hydrogen.
Pirate brit and pirate pilled.
no toilet? how to make poopies?
Tech is forcing us into the ground. Reverse tech.
imagine not being a roamer during the apocalypse. How else am i supposed to find girls to fuck?
Good strategy for you. You will get headshot in first door but it cant't cause lethal injury for such brainlet.
>Not a single visible tool
You can survive on hoarded goods but only for so long.
Unless you have the tools to farm and hunt you only bought an extension of your suffering
Here's mine
room for frens in there
That chapter in The Road when they find the bunker is pretty comfy.
>posting externals
Wouldn't that sort of defeat the purpose of having a bunker?
Keep enough entertainment so you don't go crazy, insanity from boredom will kill you faster than not having enough food. So, in mine, I have 100+ copies of Roman / Greek / Renaissance Classical novels, poems, and plays, I have a Harpsichord with over 400 pieces of music and three 400-page hymnals to practice out of, 500+ hours of television saved to disks, a stationary bicycle, and a ping-pong table.
For you, and me. That is by far the better option. But for a tenderfoot, living far inland. Could come in handy.
I'd be more concerned with the piss and shit.
fuck your kikey doomsday shit
Cribbage board and few deck of cards take up no space and could entertain me a long time
>smoke you out
bunkers are useless as you need vents up top. Find a vent, poison the occupants.
Peppers are retarded, they would be the first people to get killed in the apocalypse
>but I'm underground
People will smoke you out and kill you
>but I have guns
It only takes one guy with thermal vision or infrared or whatever to snipe you down at night and take all your shit. You can't win. You will get hunt down and killed
there was a bunker building game that was scheduled to be released on july on steam, it looked cool and I forgot the name. I remember glow niggers were trying to visit you in the trailer.
while I like this idea, do you realise the amount of materials and constant maintenence a boat needs? Especially an ocean going one.
when shtf good luck not getting pirated
So good that your ship is not an easy target for drones. It is not the 20th century anymore user.
This. People are gonna realize these bunker hoarders are like a massive loot stache occupied by like one guy who probably already suffocated himself to death. In a week's time every bunker would have been raided by mobile groups of people
/thread, the only thing you need to prepare is a quality gun, ammo, and a few basic tools. You should be able to hunt and gather for food, and create shelter/fire/whatever you need out of raw materials.
forgot your sex doll faggot you aint going to get real pussy for a while
you need something that can submerge when you spot the pirates and stay under a long time
how hard would it be to build a submarine?
mr. prepper im pretty sure its vaporware tho
>You should be able to hunt and gather for food, and create shelter/fire/whatever you need out of raw materials.
Except that you aren't. Don't delude yourself. Queers like you would end up trading all their ammo + a blowjob for a Snickers within the first week.
I bet you could have a super fun sleepover in there with a few uncircumcised white guys. Boxer shorts only. Perhaps some one will pop out of their boxers. Perhaps even even do some dick pics in the straight pride bicurious experimenting bunker.
No condoms. No limits.
sagy tiddes
r8 my bunker
This. Bunkers are just coffins for the person going un them. It's a treasure trove for the next guy who comes along.
>calls other peoples prep "fantasy"
>unironically posts a sailboat
Pr3pp3rchan reporting
What if the ladder broke.
The genius of Fallout is that the leaders were more interested in Choosing People for experiments over actually saving the population. People hate the Zeta Mothership reveal which negated humans bring responsible for their own demise -- but it's possible to have two conflicting origins for the demise.
So was the life lesson of 'If we found this so easily, so could others.'
Yep. Only one exit, is bad prepping. Having to be able to use a ladder doesn't account for the ladder needing repair, or being stolen, or human injury.
orbital stations are totally the way to go.
oops wrong comment
damn, bamboozled again
last time I got this indie game called sheltered and it was buggy and in the game breaking unplayable way.
The only reason one of those bunkers would be useful is for fallout. Otherwise stay above ground and just keep your food and supplies hidden safely away. Once you've gone on foot far away from the cities, there will be farmers looking for good farm hands who will also defend the farm. Farmers will know they're sitting on little feifdoms ready to rebuilt society. They'd effectively be landed nobility.
Go to them, swear loyalty, get two hots and a cot and work your ass off on the new plantations.
>X is useless because of
Water is useless because you need something to store it in. Find the storage, poison the drinkers.
That might work in France but in the US farmers will be killed off quickly.
No, what you really need is a group of like-minded friends upon whom you can rely for protection and help. If all of you work together at a bunker to keep it safe and well-stocked you might just make it, and the more the merrier as long as you're all tightly knit.
The only kind of prepping that's really going to matter long-term is building your own little village which doesn't rely on the grid. Even needing to trade or raid is fine if you have numbers and can provide your own necessities.