/5g/ - what's its purpose

For the same of argument, in this thread I'll assume that 5G is not the most dangerous tech humans have ever tried to implement in their societies and assume it's totally harmless.
Now, can someone explain to me what are the actually practical benefits of 5G? I don't care about lag-less online gaming or downloading 1GB/sec and other consumerism-related bullcrap that will be available with 5G. In all 1st world countries access to high speed net is a default state and making these already high speeds 100x faster is insignificant to 99% of the people / business.

In the video in the link above the IoT is mentioned as one of the main benefits of 5G. He says that since it'll drop the latency from 15ms (4G) to 1ms (5G) autonomous cars will be even better in avoiding any car accidents and significantly reduce traffic congestion due to all auto-cars being synced. That's all good n' nice but I don't see why 5G is needed for this. 15ms lag is literally nothing. In a system where 99% of the cars are autobots the latency is really not that significant, since it'll already be hard for any accidents to occur even with the 15ms lag. Feel free to prove me wrong if you think my statement is not true.

So, assuming my argument is correct, is there any actual reason to implement 5G, apart from consumeristic / gadget tier shit like VR tech etc? Do we really need to invest literally hundreds of billions so that some soi-boy can play the latest soi-game in flawless VR head-set?

And of course, all this becomes EXTREMELY RETARDED when we add to the equation that 5G is, in fact, NOT safe and extremely dangerous, to the point that many consider it a danger to the existence of humanity.

same video for YT addicts

Attached: 5g 1.jpg (786x1024, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They want your flesh and they're going to get it!

>So, assuming my argument is correct, is there any actual reason to implement 5G, apart from consumeristic / gadget tier shit like VR tech etc? Do we really need to invest literally hundreds of billions so that some soi-boy can play the latest soi-game in flawless VR head-set?
So they can farm information from your wireless devices faster and more efficiently

Can someone redpill me about 5G? Possibly something more indepth than lol it microwaevs ur brain

fast internet u idiot

yeah the more I read about 5g the more it stinks of nwo jew bullshit.

Here's whats going to be great about the IoT in one word:

5G is all about opening the gate to viable cloud processing and develop AI. Both are huge for both military, social and economic purposes. It would make the paradigm shift from hardware development to almost entirely just software development. Real life magic.

they need something to create electric fields for the nanomachines but are too stupid to figure out that tesla already solved wireless power WORLDWIDE a century ago, via ground conduction. which is literally in the patents. people are simply too stupid to figure it out and bring up some bullshit about the heaviside layer implying you are transmitting radio waves, not vibrating the earth and using it as a resonator.

Imagine having to shell out 40$ everytime someone hacked your toaster and fridge and microwave because they stopped working and show only ominous black screen with a ransom for Bitcoin
No thanks

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Self-driving cars need very fast and reliable speeds?

>more indepth than lol it microwaevs ur brain
brain cancer, sperm count reduction and other health issues have already been proven in relation to wi-fi & 4G frequencies
>lel I don't believe this lel
Cool. But please attach your balls with your smartphone so at least you won't reproduce any more willfully ignorant brainlets.
The purpose of this thread is to discuss about what will this faster internet will contribute to?
Are 14ms really that valuable to your internet usage?

Attached: npc 5g.png (926x762, 101K)

this also seems entirely possible
dont play the VR "games"

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The frequencies used in 5g don't microwave your brain. They reflect and bounce. This the reason no one but internet cranks is concerned about them. They can't even penetrate tree leaves.

The opposition of 5g because of the frequency of the radio spectrum they use is one of the most ignorant things to ever happen.

Can't wait to see how fucking insane this turns everyone. Get ready for a whole new race of cabbage people.

muh non ionizing radiation is not dangerous has been proven wrong, but of course you never read the paper about 2g.
yeah thats right, 2 g.

>lel I don't believe this lel
I never said I don't believe it fagtron, I just want more info about it

It will be nice to have more choices in internet providers, and finally there will be enough wireless bandwidth that i can get rid of my cable internet company and enjoy occasional hd video at the same time.

>Why yes, a 5G cell tower was just built where I live, how could you tell?

Attached: 3DB3D373-166F-4284-9E30-260F13AE71F3.jpg (1084x828, 477K)

>man, these ultra fast 5G speeds really help me stay on top of my business

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It's to enable the chinese style live action facial recognition tracking system. China and the uk are both breaking their dicks to install it
Also to help turn the internet of things into a huge control grid
Basically its for people like you and me

I already addressed this. Based on the info relayed on the 1st video I posted (which has a positive position towards 5G) the difference will be 14ms in lag. 4G has 15ms lag, 5G has 1ms. As I explained, such minuscule amount of ms is insignificant for a connected system of auto-cars (since most cars accidents and traffic congestion are related to human behavior). the only thing I can accept is that with 5G the traffic congestion might be even more reduced compared to 4G, which again, I don't think the change will be significant.
check the 2nd video I've posted. It has all required info on the subject.

In the uk they are busy clearing our urban trees for 5g

>how it feels to chew 5G gum

Attached: 1456001371671.webm (640x360, 2.38M)

Good. Trees give off ozone and voc's which are far more damaging to your health than 5g radio radiation.

>AI development
So far, this seems to be the only legit explanation (again I ignore any consumerist benefits, like VR tech-masturbation etc)

I forgot to post some black pills in the OP:
>Eventually, new gen smartphones will not allow less than 5G antennas. Meaning, if you want a new smartphone you'll have to comply with the 5G idiocy. Also, maintaining older smartphones (of only 3G/4G capabilities) won't be a long-term solution since they don't allow software updates for too old products, thus eventually become too malfunctioning / obsolete.

Attached: smart meter radiation kills tree - 5g.png (1066x800, 1.35M)

WTF is that!

At least 900mhz radiation has a plausible path to damage tissue, it can penetrate skin. 5g radio frequencies can not. The whole reason they were used in RADAR was their tendency to not penetrate and their tendency to reflect. Thus stealth military jet technology.


We don't do anything with our computers that is important. Just flashy screen toys that don't matter. 5G is retarded. But you know what. Even if humanity wasn't made up of NPC trash, there still wouldn't be anything we could do about it. The corporations will push it through and the government will make sure of it.

the video I posted in the OP provides sources with research relating wifi - 4G frequencies with brain cancer, sperm count reduction and other health issues.>You Must See - 5G APOCALYPSE - THE EXTINCTION EVENT

>I don't care about lag-less online gaming or downloading 1GB/sec and other consumerism-related bullcrap that will be available with 5G

Why would you assume this, given that most of the 4G traffic is just consumerism bullcrap as well

> I just want more info about it


you spoon fed child

Good thing we won't be using those radio frequencies anymore, and will be switching to even more benign frequencies.

>the paper about 2g

That experiment proves that non-ionizing radiation can in fact fuck you up, but you also need to consider that the rats used in the experiment were exposed to 4-6 times more radiation than your usual smartphone over their entire bodies for their entire lives.

The applications for BIG data and Deep learning AI are limitless, the more data farming the better. AI can map features from millions of photos then match that up with a wireframe from a video and get a near perfect face swap. Imagine using the same technology for search engines, research, simulations, anything. Don't fear progress, embrace it wholeheartedly. I welcome what a connected and coordinated future will allow humanity to do, for the betterment and glory of everyone.

also, your video is stupid. 5g is no longer in the microwave frequency spectrum...

Poor explanation from my side, my bad. What I meant to say was
>I don't care about any beneficial change in the net speed related to consumerist crap
Before 4G, with 3G your mobile net capabilities were limited. 4G changed that. Any further improvement from our current net capabilities is redundant and only useful for VR bullcrap (that require extreme amounts of data streaming). The difference in lag between 4G and 5G is 14ms (from 15ms to 1ms).

Sure, but why do you need ultra fast connectivity between your citizenry's smartphones for this, wouldn't all that crap be done on a wired server?

Attached: wifi-sprouts.jpg (660x390, 79K)

Trees also literally manufacture Oxygen, an element which is literally THE CAUSE of your death (and the death of all animals).

All trees must be exterminated. We will become eternal.

So you can synch up your consciousness with your peers. It's the ideal. Always getter faster, more sophisticated. Sure you could probably do the same job with current/more practical tech, but a Big new and Bolder innovation full of promise captures peoples imaginations.

it's because it's chineses

>worries about 5G
>doesn't realize there are already Ka-band satellites operating above him right now with many more on the way

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>in all 1st world countries access to high speed net is a default state
not in the rural areas

Trees make no net oxygen (O2), they only significantly emit ozone (O3),

"Gay niggers from outer space" good movie sums up all 5g related

Assuming virtuous humanity, yes. But such assumption was never proven, so far historically.

Grand ideas ALL lead to genocide. Every single grand plan -> Genocide.

Every single time.

This time won't be different, but maybe we will get to genocide the ruling class, er, (((race))) for a bit.

But it is funny because... Ultra violet light (actual ionizing radiation) fracturing water molecules in the ocean surface is where most oxygen in the environment comes from. No significant oxygen comes from any biological process.

convergence is coming!

Attached: Krautistic convergence.jpg (1600x1081, 492K)

Doesn't 5G also increase the amount of devices you can have networked together before running into bandwidth / communication problems? That seems to be much more useful than just having more data speed / lower latency.

We're trending toward a future where many previously mundane devices like your thermostat and your lightbulb now have wireless communication capabilities, perhaps the 5G network is designed to handle the sheer number of all these devices as well.

toaster should make toasts, fridges should keep food stuff cool, etc. I don't need nor do I want for my toaster to answer my questions about second Boer War or "schedule" toasting sessions, or order more toasts when his buddy the bread cupboard tells him they are out of bread

Countries like germany don't need to update their shitty internet network, that would cost millions just to put down fiber glass....

We can all get neuralink and our brains can be plugged into the 5G slave network 24/7. Imagine the lightning fast porn viewing, straight to your brain!

I think the modern mind set is a little different, We look at ourselves as Stewards, not conquerors. The world is no longer a place to be neglected and exploited for resources, beaten into sumbission. It's a garden to be nurtured. We have more Technilogical might than ever before in history, the influences of man are only limited by our imaginatons, we only need to reach out for it.

The biggest danger humans face right now is replacing internal combustion engines with electric cars. Internal combustion engine cars filter and sterilize huge quantities of air, and no one knows what the effect will be when we shut these modern industrial scale air filters down.

>technology is dangerous because i skipped all my physics classes and am now too stupid to understand it and therefore we need to stop all scientific progress because what we have now is good enough for me
if everyone had your attitude we'd never have progressed past hunter-gatherer tribes, let alone reached the industrial revolution or the information age...

I recently found evidence that we live in a computer simulation. I can provide evidence that the current shard started around 1970. Ask a boomer where they were when astronauts first landed on the moon. None of them have a clear recollection of the event. You can only find people with a clear recollection on TV video sources...

I get where OP is coming from, it's fun to imagine Dark Nightmare Dystopias but you should keep it on /x/ rather than fear mongering on Jow Forums.

m AKe u Sw Ho lE

Why not? that money would go directly into the pockets of the guys building the network. Putting food on their tables and reinvigorating communities. It would give people a sense of moving forward and give them something to be excited about. I'm all for fiscal responsibility (which germany is renowned for) but you shouldnt let that stifle you into complacency and stagnation.

kek they dont filter it at all.

despite your memeflag, you're on to something. what if the whole "5G population suppression field" conspiracy stuff is getting posted by industry shills to make all opposition to 5G look ridiculous by association?

still requires infinite cheap energy, which ain't happening. can you imagine passing restrictive fuel taxes to make sure there's enough oil to power the facebook international brain spy server?

> what's its purpose
To increase the social synergy.

> practical benefits
Synergy comes with both.

> I do not care about the money
BC you are retarded. Money is one of the main motivators in the system.

> autonomous cars
Well that is a load of crap. Autonomous cars would only work in two areas.

1. On special runways, where there are not a lot of other vehicles allowed. Like cargo shipping. With cargo businesses responsible for all the safety, that would include cameras to watch every inch of the driveway and check if there is a flaw in roa markings (which would include shadows).
2. As parking attendants. Self-driving cars can stack the parking lot much denser and automatically let other cars out.

> VR tech
Yes, that would be a part of it.

The two emerging (as opposed to synergeic) system I can see are.
1. People wearing EEG en masse and synchronising with eachother as a religious practice.
2. People too retarded to think for themselves being micromanaged by the partially-AI superviser. Then others will join, as it will augment their abilities in areas, they where not trained to work in.
2nd one would probably EEG-related too.

OFC synergetically that gives unseen opportunities for planet level psychological manipulation. But I doubt they would use it ouside of certain closed communities (like prisons and army), before we establish outer planetary colonies.

I wont' worry about it , I'm sleepy going to take a nap

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>NOT safe and extremely dangerous
Source: Some clickbait video by some "literally who?" on Jewtube.

4-6 fucking times? That’s fucking IT? And you say “over their entire lives” as if people nowadays don’t have phones on them their entire lives. Did this experiment account for having the phone directly applied to your head for a significant portion of its use? Or is it actually worse than 4-6 times when you account for HEAD ON APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD

While what you say probably is not true. It is incredibly stupid. Why? Because "AI" will never be a thing. It is unachievable and the reason why they can't create artificial intelligence is not because of too low computational speed. There is simply just no technical solution to that which requires the spiritual. Of course, the term ai has almost lost its true meaning by now. Sure people will make better algorithms and be able to fool many into thinking their algorithms are AI, but they are not.

Probably not false*

I just noticed my xfinity modem is already 5G....huh.

Only 90Gs to go

They are literally directed energy weapons.
Imagine having ADS in place in every city and every neighborhood; you wouldn’t need a single soldier to control the populace.


Do you feel your brains melting already

5G doesn’t refer to GHz.

I am going to take refuge in your butthole like it or not

Ok ok give me your insight then

Can't tell but there are 2 wireless signals going out of the modem at the same time. One 2GHZ and the other 5GHZ. That' can't be healthy at all...I've been wondering why I had 2 wireless points in the apartment but never cared to investigate further.

>ignoring the arguments of the opposite side is a valid argument
You didn't even try. Work harder next time, user.

5 ghz is faster but is a lot shorter range and has a harder time penetrating through walls and such

5G means 5th generation, not 5ghz

Attached: 2g-3g-4g-5g-radiation.jpg (780x439, 66K)

identifying human-et hybrids within the population

the light coming from the screen you are reading this from is 450 THz, which is almost a hundred thousand times higher than your modem. since you are obviously not dead, you should probably reevaluate your hypothesis regarding electromagnetic radiation and safety.

Neuralink dude...they want the Matrix

Attached: imagesZ3J5N05L.jpg (266x189, 6K)

Nevermind them I'm retarded.

you can disable that in the settings and just have the 2.4g

non ionizing radiation can cause certain brain tumours. its recent science but do your research its mainstream knowledge now. before anyone pulls that old non-ionizing cliche.

I just did, thanks.

>despite your memeflag
I've run social tests in the past on Jow Forums; the average Jow Forumsack is more prone to stay focused on the subject when I post via a memeflag (compared to my real flag). Real flags allow trolls to shit on the thread. So, when my real flag has no value to the subject, I tend to hide it.

5G was created by Shlomo Goldstein to send secret messages through the air.

Attached: download.jpeg-1.jpg (252x200, 9K)

Cause it's totally impossible to hook up some landlines to a cctv currently.

Attached: 1563883249485.jpg (261x193, 4K)

>making these already high speeds 100x faster is insignificant to 99% of the people / business.
>That's all good n' nice but I don't see why 5G is needed for this. 15ms lag is literally nothing
>So, assuming my argument is correct, is there any actual reason to implement 5G, apart from consumeristic / gadget tier shit like VR tech etc?
addressed above
>Do we really need to invest literally hundreds of billions so that some soi-boy can play the latest soi-game in flawless VR head-set?
did we need to invest hundreds of billion so that some soi-boy could have electricity in his house?
>5G is, in fact, NOT safe and extremely dangerous
bullshit. pic related

Attached: electromagneticspectrum.jpg (1393x617, 144K)

You need about 20x the number of base-stations on 5G versus 3G.

From what I have gathered the biggest reason they want to implement it is for the increased bandwidth. 5g while faster also allows MANY more connections simultaneously without a significant drop in speed. They are planning to pretty much put wireless chips in EVERYTHING in the next decade so its needed to allow everything to connect. We are basically being led into a 1984 style big brother system much like china but we are doing it more discreetly.

like every other consumer product its a civilian form of weaponized cell phone service. just like the television is weaponized for propaganda same as the internet, the microwave weapon systems have been integrated into 5G towers for "faster downloads". Meanwhile they are altering your DNA and filling you with excessive EMF just because they can. Its gonna fuck with your Bio-Electrical field and give you all kinds of physical and mental ailments. Your body's natural electricity is what makes your body function, fuck with it and disrupt the "circuits" and you'll be dying of a heart attack..but its certainly not going to make you smarter, in fact it would actively make people stupider by disrupting the neurons in the brain, and in this making you more susceptible to suggestion and external influence. Once this goes national and global, you can bet some shit is gonna happen in the following years or even months. Who knows how fast they want to accelerate they could turn these things up to max output and fry our brains in a day if they wanted to.


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>Feel free to prove me wrong

I'll let you prove yourself wrong on this point. As a musician I understand latency very well. Plug an instrument into a computer and set your audio latency to 15ms. Play for a few moments and take note of the audible delay between the time you sound a note on the instrument and the time you heart it through your speakers. Next drop your latency to ~2ms and repeat the above. You will absolutely hear and feel the difference in responsiveness.
I've spent the better part of 20 years trying to play music in realtime with other musicians over the internet, and it's terrible at best; downright impossible at worst. Having an actual internet latency capable of delivering audio data at such a low latency would be a dream come true for me, but I also see a lot of potential for further enslavement of the NPCs on their race to digital hedonism.

>microwaves dont warm up food in the microwave guys trust me i know how microwaves work

Attached: avin a laff.jpg (720x366, 53K)

>bullshit. pic related
got to the 20th minute in the 2nd video I posted in the OP. It shows academic results about radiation lvls (matched with the frequency used by various hardware) and its effects on human health.

same video for YT addicts

If you have proof that these conclusions are wrong (or fake/faulty) let me know. Until then, their case still stands and ignoring it does not make any less real.

Buddy microwave power is measured in watts..... not hertz