Why does pol hate Jews?

They are just like us.

Attached: kikes are white.jpg (1024x683, 431K)

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Gangstalking, human trafficking and experimentation, pedophilia, massive government, military, economic, healthcare, education,... scams, epidemic of mental illnesses, massive mafias, a record number of crimes (most of them covered up), is that enough?

>They are just like us.
that's exactly why. fuck humanity.


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the jew fears the onion


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A jew on Jow Forums taught me to set my tuna cans on fire and it is delicious. Im okay with jews now.

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>Bathwater shapeshifter merchant

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Burning tuna?

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White men are descendents and followers of Christ Jesus.
Jews are literal demons who serve Satan and seek to bring ruin, death, disease and filth to the world.
The only reason they look like us, is so that they may infiltrate and destroy everything we hold holy and dear to our hearts.

Same reason they hare sweden
Success breeds jelousy

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>Get offended over the most retarded mundane things
>Demand compensation
>win out of court extortion
>Muh succesfull people

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90% of all world conflicts come from slavic niggers and jews


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>They are just like us.
No we're not. we're much more. we view white people the same way they view black people - dumb niggers.

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You cant hate every jew

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pol isn't a person it's a website. Personally I also am believing jews are white.

>Imagine being able to larp as anyone and chosing to be a filthy dirty inbred subhuman kike


lol highest economics lowest peace this is funny stuff

You were brainwashed. White isn't a thing either. There are different ethnicities, bloodtypes, etc. Some non-jewish genetic lines have average iqs well above 120. You are white. You're just one ethnicity.

Then maybe they should start acting like us, instead of supporting communism, cultural Marxism, feminism, immigration and every other cancer on society. Except in Israel of course!

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God shut the fuck up. Someone ban this nigger so I don't have to hear this libshits retard logic any longer

my god she's so hot

>"Someone please ban him! I can't handle this free speech board!"
Are you a retard or a bot I'm not a libshit.

Shut up nigger. italians are not white.
"the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets." - Baron Rothschild

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i don't hate anyone, except when you piss me off

Italians also aren't black. They are closer to jews than jews are to any other white race. What's your angle?

Hate-fucking is a thing, and she needs some goy in her. That goy is me, onions need not apply.

they stole onions

We have white skin but we are not european. the reason we have many blondes in isreal is because we fucked many goyim women.

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I saw that thread.

Yeah, something about burning a piece of toilet paper on top of the can warms up the tuna and then you can eat it straight from the can. Jewgle it.

there are many speculations. but nobody knows for sure where ashkenazi's came from.

Iranian fathers , Slavic mothers

I am a Jew and we aren't taught this. I do believe as a white man who's family converted two generations ago from Protestantism that whites are superior to the mud races regardless of religion. If we taught this our daughters wouldn't seek out feral niggers to breed with. The fact is that we teach the opposite in our temples- that multicultural mixing is desirable and that makes me sick. This guy/goy is a liar

>Jew fuck goyim roastie, kid officially not Gods Chosen
>Jewesse cuck Betastein with goim, mongrel officially kike

some people hate jews because they ran the slave trade in Europe under moorish rule

how come only nations with white people have slave in the name of the nation?

Georgia, Russia

Sand people starting to get themselves white women and vice versa

You're not understanding my point. Many jews yarmulke wearing or not see me as different than ordinary goyim and treat me in a nicer way even though I am clearly (at least I think) nonjewish. I can see the glisten in a jewish woman's eyes and tell if someone is jewish or not. Many of my early natural friends were jewish. However I am non-jewish. This is potentially because of genetics, or a similar blood type. When you say you are non-european that may be so but many "whites" are also non-european as well in that strict sense.

Jews unabashedly and unapologetically hate white gentiles and actively work to destroy them.

there's no way a piece of tissue paper can fuel enough heat to reach 140 degrees to properly heat your food
I sense some jewry going on here

but i always eat it straight from the can

Based and Tunacanpilled
You need 4-3 pieces of paper, let it soak in the oil, light it up and wait till there is no fire
we used to do this in the military

Try me, bitch.

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Other way round big nose. Jewess succubus have been stealing superior goy seed for centuries.

What goy woman would want to fuck a guy with half his dick missing?

>we used to do this in the military
10 years later and I still won't eat tuna. I ate enough of that shit to last a lifetime.

>all the women and even the rabbi instantly orgasm when he walks into the synagogue
That's why we have the mechitza! Maybe that's why Women of the Wall want the mechitza gone at the Kotel.

Like the Chanukah oil that lasted 8 days

These new buttons have "we" underlined.
That reads "We are the people."
There's a difference.
"We are the people" is not the same as "We are the people."
Let's not fight.

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>Why does pol hate Jews?
Pol is jealous of the success of the Jewish people.

>teach the opposite in our temples
>in our temples
Reform is not real Judaism, just a bunch of leftists there for "tikkun olam"/SJW bullshit. They don't even know the real meaning of tikkun olam. Go Orthodox if you want real Judaism.

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The two biggest lies Hollywood has embedded in peoples brains
>1. Evil is cartoonist over the top and easy to spot
>2. Good always wins with effort.
You have multiple generations growing up now where every story their told, every show they watch and every movie has these underlying values in them. On a sub conscious level they are ingrained in us. It's also why most people can't fathom the evil of the middle ages and the torture. Because evil in real life is so different from what they are looking for they can't even recognize it anymore. They look like us but their thoughts and actions are of a different beast.


>being religious
Nigger tier

You do you man. I have nothing against hilonim. I am dati, not chardal, and would rather associate with hilonim than haredim.

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As long as you are really ancap/libertarian every thing is cool.

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>Why does pol hate Jews?

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>They are just like us.

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why not just eat it cold?

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>a cult comprised of inbred, psychopathic pedophiles who worship a demon think they are better than everyone else because the math of the Kabbalah says they're God's chosen; and any refutation is met with cries of 'anti-semitism'.

fuck jews and fuck israel

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You ever serve in the military?

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Nobody persecutes rats. Everyone expells or exterminates them


Hell I'd wanna destroy the west too if I looked that ugly.

Can you show me where Israel’s internationally recognized nation state borders are located?


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stay mad

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Just look at them, especially the specimen in your image.


You've never known dread unless you had a bitch's pillow talk be about how she's being gangstalked.

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>Steal European genes
>We're not European
Is this the spectacular Jewish IQ I keep hearing about?

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Those are just a few of my Semitic traits

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The npp has been worthless propaganda for decades. A legitimately stupid poplace (nigger teir IQ) and a state sponsered amoral Mafia are the reason you're "successful" so "successful" you can't feed yourself without American money.

Attached: jews assassinated kennedy.jpg (1288x597, 85K)

>let me dump all the images in my anti-Semitism folder, that will show them!

>let me dump all the images of my pro-semitism folder, that will show them

That pic doesn't say much. Jews are pretty smart tho.