Which one of you started roastie apocalypse?

> wife stops having sex with husband
> he gets a sex doll
> she throws a fit
> he tells her he will divorce her and she'll be deported because she's an immigrant
Absolute mad lad.
Which one of you is it?

> inb4 plebbit

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now that's epic

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Lol their only card to deal is now worth nothing. They have nothing.

tfw not allowed questionably aged sex dolls in my state

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>he tells her he will divorce her and she'll be deported because she's an immigrant

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>Have argument with wife
>Buy replacement
>Tell her to gtfo your country
Based and quintessentially redpilled.

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Kill yourself

stop believing every story you read on reddit, most of it is fake as hell

What country do you think she was from guys?

> he literally bought a replacement

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All she had to do was have sex

Good for this man. It sounds like he's done everything he can to meet her halfway. If she's willing to throw an abundant amount of energy into getting him slapped with rape then he should drop her ass and call ICE asap.

>The sex doll was better at sex than her
How can "females" recover, destruction.
Pack it up fembots, pussy card no more.

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> will I be able to get him convicted of something related to sexual coercion/rape without having any backlash on myself?


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Roastie roastie feeling toasty, on nosie

Imagine being this guy, think of how great sex androids are gonna be and how you won't end up like this faggot.
The time of the vaginal jew is coming to an end

All women are whores; some are just more expensive than others.

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We all know what really happened, bitch wanted the green card, seduced the guy, married the guy, got the card. Wait 4 years to try and self destruct the relationship in anyway possible cause you never actually loved the guy, you were just using him, like most women.
Women are manipulators and users, never ever trust them

She can count herself fortunate that isn't married to an Indian, otherwise she could have an unfortunate cooking accident.

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Indians have low sex drive. He should have married a latina instead.

It will make me look selfish
I am selfish
I just don't want people to know

The Latina would have been more loyal likely too, she would have at least fucked him for 6 years before cutting him off

> All she had to do was have sex
Not even that, just lay there without bitching.
It's just a doll, not a sexbot.

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Indian women have a low sex drive when they're forced to fuck indian men.
Can't say I blame them.
Fucking white western men, however, they're just as voracious a slut as any woman anywhere.

>my friends tell me this is a good idea
Women's rights were a fucking mistake...

Sue your husband for rape because you dont want to fuck him.
>my friends tell me this is a good idea

Is it best to isloate women from "friends"? Never saw anything good comming from women "friends".

never get married

i learned once.
won't do it again, i do not care how nice the person is.

just not worth it.

Easier to just be able to walk away.

But don't worry, once everyone figures that out, feminists will change the laws so that even living together is "marriage".
I know in some places it's already happened.

I would really love to know if she actually gets deported or ensnares another victim into her web

Has there been an update yet? This is kinda lulzy.

she was using him for immigration status, she has to go back

My ex tried to pull similar stunt.
We outright stopped to have sex and when it eventually happened it was most lifeless and emotionless sex I ever had. Confronted her about it and got same ol' "I am just not in the mood, sorry". Apperantly women can hold same mood for a half a year straight. Had to terminate relationship for the sake of both of us.

I imagine mods are locking everything. This doesn't fit with the reddit running narrative.

>never get married
never participate in state sponsored marriage, if you ask your girl's dad if he's cool with you being together you're married, thats all you need, paperwork from the government will fuck you and better stay out of NY all together, IL also, do not give birth to children from women in those states, stay the fuck away

She literally ruined this strategy for everyone else with a single plebbit post
Now every guy in this situation will know to get a doll and call woman's bullshit

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i would have said "well, you held out, he adapted improvised and overcame. you are no longer even a hole. You are obsolete".

>Women are manipulators and users, never ever trust them
never trust a woman or a government

Pathetic..immigrant wife..she won’t fuck him...sex doll...kys

it works on all humans. you just replace them with somebody else and they lose their shit.

kek yes

whats the thread called? i wanna read teh comments

I can almost commiserate with this psycho bitch - I can only imagine the kind of 'man' this guy is. Immigrant wife because no local bitch will touch him or his dick with a 50 foot pole, and then when she gets a green card she wants nothing to do with him either.
His solution? sex doll.

Quite the epitome of masculinity there.

Typical woman

And he rejects her cause "she's in the mood" and complains cause now she wants it, and he doesn't.

do i need to say it......"the irony"

She's dumb, even had typo's.

Why not just cheat why get a doll?

Roastie status: toastie

> You are obsolete

The market for sex bot apps will be huge

> Her: "I'm not fucking cleaning!"
> Him: App store, cleaning, search, install
> Sexbot: Gets up and starts vacuuming

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Yes and no. Isolate her from her roastie friends, introduce her to trad women slowly.

they had an entire show last more than 10 seasons with that entire premise "friends" which i can proudly say i have never watched one episode.

mans man here.

You saw what she said, they are rich which is why the sex doll pissed her off, it was a really fucking good sex doll.
When you're rich you fuck exotic women from other countries faggot

It is every man's duty to gaslight his wife, make her helpless and subservient. Isolate her from outside influences. Complete manipulation and rotal obedience through advanced psychological warfare.

Physically hurt her with bare hands and high voltage to the clitoral hood. Sneak drugs into her food.

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You're not rich - you don't fuck anyone.
And this dude may be rich, but he's as much of a beta as you are. And just as repulsive to women.
Guess that's why everyone's a faggot to you - it's your only potential dating pool.

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Innovation rarely comes from nice people, historically the main driver has been war.

Just put "sex doll" in the search field, it comes up in the 1st place. Kek.

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It's why western societies are getting stomped by third worlders - a lot of us have been conditioned to be nice at all costs.
Which is not what the rest of the world has been taught - as such, they're fucking us over, and we're still trying to be nice.
War will fix that...but it's a hard fucking lesson for people to learn.

based leaf

I like how you resort to personal attacks at the very beginning of your post thus proving you're a subhuman low iq faggot.
Fucking leafs man, draining the world of intelligent thought one post at a time

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You two shill faggots should get a room to suck each other off

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You don't get it.
If he fucks another woman, she has grounds to divorce him.
If he fucks a doll, she has no case and can at most plead with him to agree to a no-fault divorce.

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That's a smart leaf, you get raked last.

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The leaf has ruined the thread, I'm really in this thread now to troll that faggot

pedos get the rope too, scumbag

The best part is that all the stupid poo roastie would have had to do in order to keep her wonderful husband happy - the ONE THING that would have kept her home sex doll free forever - is to

lol did you not get a hug today?

I've known way too many guys with immigrant wife from all over who this could be.

Does his semen taste like maple you semen sucking faggot fuck?

But this guy should just make her suck dick to stay in the country. Maybe that’s her fetish and she can’t find another way of saying it.


Pay attention here. The true nature of the woman is exposed here.

She was probably never into him, just viewed him as a easy green card, and figured she can pull the usual female crap to get what she wants without giving him what he wants.

We all want sex from our woman, it's why we are with them. Kids would be the other.

Women will lie and cheat and falsely accuse you of crime without any issue, because they never take responsibility for their actions. In their minds they are always justified because whatever you did was somehow heinous

The man here did the right thing. Put out or get out.

It's why non-performance was always a reason to have a divorce - If a man wasn't happy with how his wife performed in bed, then he could break the marriage.

No woman who is truly into her man will ever say no to sex. They are programmed to spread their legs for their man. When they feel you are in control, they are often wet and ready to go.

If you have to negotiate or hassle for sex, switch up your game to take more control, and if that doesn't work, drop her like a stone and get a new woman.

Lessons I learned by being married for 10 years and having a similar story. Never again..

Now I can work construction outdoors and get all sweaty and dirty for hours, scroll through my phone and find one of the girls I'm seeing to drop what they are doing to come over and suck my dick while I wait on my lunch break. They love it. Of course I fuck them like property when I have the time, and stay distant because I don't think I can love again.

It's wrong to just fuck and tie up women from other men, but I'm just looking for the one that I can stand enough to knock up and have around the house with me. I'll have some fun for another year and then take one of them off the market.

Husband's name is Adam Yim.

Wife is Amulya.


100% The guy is fucking ugly
the "wife" is some imported chink spy.

The perfect match, two sub-human pieces of shit. They deserve fleshlights and rage. Congrats.

Whew. Sometimes I think maybe it's time to start looking for a gf again, then I read threads like this. Women are shit.

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Jesus Christ, Oliver, that's some radioactive shitposting

i can tell thats your fantasy by how much you want to imply i would fornicate with a leaf, all i said was he was based to one of his messages why dont you just tell him how you really feel since you clearly wish to be his boyfriend

>my friends tell me this is a good idea
I don't need any more of these blackpills. My soul is already hardened. STOP IT

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Haha. Women do not like sex dolls, not because it offends them or even because it competes with them, but because it forces them to confront the only real value they have in life. Sadly, they're convinced that it's the dolls that are the problem.

Burgers, heed the advice in pic related.

> i'm gonna report you for rape
> and i'm gonna report you for immigration fraud

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>stopped having sex

classic nonwhite game, they ensnare you with their pussies and then withhold sex, chores, and any affection. absolute bug people.

honour is a masculine concept
so is morality
and ironically violent crime
men are a mixed bag
anyways women are shit and any woman saying this wouldnt surprise me at all

imagine basing your relationships entirely on sex and expecting it to last. what an idiot. use some fucking self control, idiots.

without making children and raising them, that is literally the only thing a woman like her is good for.

dont argue with it, dont reason with it, just DOMINATE it

Fucking women, everything is social status for them

I think you're communicating with a roastie, only a roastie would have a thought like that

>But don't worry, once everyone figures that out, feminists will change the laws so that even living together is "marriage".
>I know in some places it's already happened.
in cucknada its callled common law marriage

We have it in the US too, he's just too stupid to know it

Fuck this is great, you will never be in a situation where you can tell your kids that you deported a thot.

Then why the fuck there so many of them

Imagine your entire life's purpose being the maintenance of the warm wet hole between your legs, that's literally your entire value, and realizing this because your husband bought an inanimate piece of plastic and it makes him happier than you do.

Keeping a wife without kids is like keeping any other farm animal, but this one doesn't provide eggs or milk, it just provides a warm thing to nut in every so often. Man that's gotta sting when women realize what they truly are, no wonder "cunt" gets under their skin so much.

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Never. There's too many young men out there who don't understand.

Someone wisely said that it takes a while to learn the true nature of women, because we are all programmed with false info as kids. By the time we figure it out, we're usually divorced and broke.

When we had men at the head of families and strongly in charge of society, the lesson of the dangers of women was always taught.. passed on from Father to Son.

Now most of you don't even know your fathers, and the lesson is being lost.

Always keep this thread alive.

>Is it best to isloate women from "friends"?
Yes, 100%.

Every single divorce story I have heard involved malicious friends whispering in the ears of the wife.

Let me just drop a quick insanity pill for you lads.

Rape and the threat of murder, but if she's the kind that would report you (you don't have her loyalty) then you need to be subtle with it until you regain it or just drop the whore. She says no to sex? Rape her, but do it slowly, warm her up, press all the buttons, it's a dance. If she resists you go rougher and move faster, if she accepts then you can take it slower, foreplay, enjoy it.Whisper in her ear how you're the one in control (not those exact words, be creative)
Believe me, by the time you feel her pussy she'll be soaked.
Next is the threat of violence, make sure she knows if she cheats or tries to leave you will kill her. You don't have to really mean it, but she has to believe you mean it. If she really wants out she'll dissappear without trace, but women aren't good at that type of thing.
There you go lads, this is how you keep them crazy for you, no need to project a false alpha confidence or any of that. Though real confidence is and always will be king, with the "insanity" (is it really so crazy?) you always have an underlying layer of control.

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>You can leave.

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Not everyone is a degenerate nigger

Typical whore uses her problems as a reason to be a cold-hearted bitch. Then attacks the man for confronting her emotional distance and tries making him out to be the one at fault. emotional manipulation to continue being a bitch. Fuck her.

Sex is a man's right. We have the desire to procreate, and need an outlet.

Before birth control, you'd eventually knock her up and then contribute to the human race.

Now you have to make a mental leap and unprotect her womb .. that messes with things because it's an extra step

I don't understand why women don't "like" sex, especially this bitch whose entire existence depends on it.
Suck him off, let him pound your ass for five minutes and get on with your life. Is that really SO hard?

Yuck. He deserves everything. Poke the poo, get the flu.

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You have to live together a certain number of years.

Women are children