Ladies and gentlemen; we got him

>Here we see President Trump making the "white power" hand signal while uttering AOC's name during his speech at Young Conservatives DC summit. It's the same hand signal that Australian white supremacist Brenton Tarrant flashed in the courtroom after he'd been arrested for murdering 50 people in New Zealand mosques.

This will surely be the end of his presidency thanks is no small part to this hard hitting investigative journalism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Not to suck trump’s dick but he’s actually pretty smart

>said stupid shit during presidential campaign to get the media to focus on him and once they did started saying reasonable shit, basically free promotion
>tricks the media into making themselves look stupid
>tricks dems into supporting ridiculous ideologies making them look stupid

There’s a reason he won

Just sayin’


>they’re still trying to connect the ok sign to white supremacy
I thought they gave up on that months ago
Did Muellers report break them that much?

he made the AOK hand signal


Impeach russian deepfakes artist!

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>Did Muellers report break them that much?
NPCs man. Finite state machines. The mueller variable got set to 0 and now they've defaulted to their previous state. Until they receive new instructions.

You know why.

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Us "Libtards" dont buy into this fake and gay shit, every conspiracy theory out there is targeted to schizophrenics who naturally gravitate toward this shit. Its bipartisan

Hes earning my second vote everyday.
Trump 2020

This article was made solely to talk about literally anything other than that Mueller testimony. They are officially out of ideas.

no link, sage

hold on let me check our secret chart

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Don’t forget all the woman who claimed Trump “raped” them who mysteriously disappeared after the election
Expect that to get brought back up again in the media

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It was rolling stone. The Link wouldnt work in so i said fuck it. I assure you there is no context needed other than what I summarized vía greentext.

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i believe in personal pride. if youre really jewish enough to say i cant be proud of my own heritage, you have a lot of hard thinking to do.

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imagine still supporting this kike puppet after all the bullshit he's done
>We're going to shut down the border! In one year!
>We're going to build that wall! Some day!
>We're going to deport millions, I mean thousands, I mean hundreds! Oops it was only 35, and they were just arrested and let go!
>Hey white Americans, don't pay any attention to the multiple stories of gangs of niggers attacking white people, let's try to free that violent nigger rapper that hates white people in Sweden because Kim Kardashian and Kanye West told me to! Oops I failed at that too!

>they’re still trying to connect the ok sign to white supremacy
It was this board that did that, you dumbass.
Then Trumpers picked it up to "ironically" signal support for white supremacy to "trigger the libs".
Then it became common knowledge that the ok sign is used as a white supremacist symbol.
And it's been connected to white supremacy ever since.

Point to the candidate that will handle a single one of those issues better. No matter how bad you fags demonize Trump he's the easy choice compared to any of the dem. Candidates.

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>It was this board that did that, you dumbass.
I was here for that. It’s not our fault leftists are stupid enough to fall for it, considering it’s been a universal sign for “ok” for decades

their dumbshit hypocrisy is endless

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you Trumpniggers literally have no defense of Trump except
>b-b-but who would I vote for!!!
Imagine still believing voting will change anything.

Yeah, this isn’t news to the rest of us. He plays everyone like a fucking fiddle. He controls the narrative, every single day.

I mean, what did you expect? Once Trumpers started flashing it en masse, people were bound to start pointing out exactly what it was that they were doing.
Liberals didn't "fall for it", they acknowledged that the sign has recently been adopted to "ironically" signal support for white supremacy.
It wasn't exactly "stupid" of them to take note of that fact.

So whatever Jow Forums dictates becomes your immutable reality. Intradesting.

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>Here we see President Trump making the "white power" hand signal
Only thing I see is Mark Fraunfelder's M E N T A L I L L N E S S



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I didn't vote for Trump. I don't particularly like him. The democratic candidates however make me concerned for the future. I will happily vote for a bombastic orange racist over a economically illiterate socialists whom will tank the economy. His words offend my concious but the dems will affect my livlihood.

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>it wasn’t stupid to take notice
No but it’s incredibly stupid to fall for the bait that it means “white supremacy” so everybody not even remotely involved with this new meme flashing the ok sign is a white supremacist
Case in point. Is AOC a white supremacist now?

Man, once an idea gets into their empty heads it just rolls around in there forever. Are they really this easy to mind fuck?

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>"Drumpf didn't secure the border well! This should mean that I should vote for another party that that supports giving amnesty and healthcare to illegals."
How does it feel to have room temperature IQ on a centigrade scale?

yes and thats what this is all about.
They have an ideology which believes that reality is a reflection of our expectations. Therefore you can change reality by believing reality is how you want it to be. They have trained themselves to easily induce delusions, predicated on the belief that once they convince themselves it's real then it actually is.
They're very secretive and defensive about this belief of theirs. All at once they act like everyone believes what they believe, but acknowledge it's not tactful to boast about it. Jow Forums pranks reveal this notion about their beliefs to the masses in a practical way. Little by little we chip away at their support as every blunder reveals their intellectual weakness to a new fraction of people.

>I mean, what did you expect?
That it would be harder and they would stop once they realized thed been had.

Retard. No one got "tricked" into letting someone on TV. It is all scripted and has been since before you were even born.

>the guy who was voted into office on the campaign promise of deporting all the illegals and building a wall to keep them out didn't do any of that, but you should vote for him anyway!

I'm just waiting for them to really fucking push this narrative, and then have him go full 14/88. And watch the fucking approval go through the goddamn roof. Imagine the red and white hats with sonnenrads. Now they're MAWA hats. Obama gets prosecuted. No need to hide, or shrink away when someone calls you a racist, which is already starting without him admitting to it. Imagine if a real figurehead like Trump owned up to their true beliefs.

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Guess you didnt watch the news yesterday.

No faggot it's a White Power symbol.

He did it 3 times....666....showing that they're devils

This (((user))) is right. Theres no Wall so we might as well just hand all our money to illegals so they can have free healthcare, college, and unlimited abortions for trans women of color.

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Fuck off CNN your mental illness is showing

It's idiots like that the reason why Trump destroyed Hillary

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>Trump gives money to Israel like the last 10 presidents have and cucked on the border wall
>This means I should vote for somebody who will take away my guns and supports economic policies that will bring about the destruction of the middle class as we know it

Imagine thinking like this.

>people being this fucking retarded

nope. instead, to them, there is no funcitonal difference between a "fake" hate symbol and a "real" one. The first is a symbol sincerely designed to hurt the feelings of minorities. The second is a symbol sincerely designed to hurt the feelings of minorities but with an ironic air.

what if the answer is something other than voting?

It's a pretty blatant shill tactic to supress Trumps voter turn out. Their "manipulate Jow Forums into supporting yang" scheme crashed and burned in spectacular fashion so realizing they cant promote their candidates here they are hoping to make anons stay home on election day. Ot might have worked if not for the absolute clusterfuck of a shitshow that the democratic field is today. Im not voting for Trump, im voting against his opponents.

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didn't someone get kick out of a sports game for doing the AOK?

I havent been following mueller drqma for like 2 years
Whats the quick run down on the testimony?

1 guy got banned from Wrigleys Stadium, some asían kid was banned from a Blizzard vidya thing and a few coast gaurd/police were subject to disciplinary actions over it. All in all one of the more succussful trolls to ever originate on Jow Forums. Surpassed /b/'s old "free bleeding" troll on feminist in my opinion.

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All the nazis hate trump. How long have you been here for. Trump is for pragmatists who believe in realpolitik and progress for decent people and love seeing lefties lose day in day out. Stop conflating 63m people with some guys yelling about jews. Jews love anti semetism because it brings them support and galvanizes them. Telling them how great they are while pushing a righteous agenda is the way to go. It weakens the left wing faction of jews and makes them go psycho and self destructive. That is becoming so clear thanks to Trump. What legitimately right wing jews there are cool as far as i am concerned. Israel is always going to be better than the palestinians because they have better weapons and can crush them easily. Who cares. Fuck the arabs

This is why Trump was elected, and why he will be re-elected. People (mostly) didn't vote FOR Trump, they voted AGAINST Clinton and the Dems. They still haven't realised this. They think they are on the right aide of history, that any sensible person would support them, but that people were deceived or lured by the false promises of Trump, but this time, THIS time, they'll make sure people REALLY know how woke they are and how much they want to help non-Americans, and this time they'll beat crusty old Drumpf for sure. They don't realise that they are their own worst enemy.


It's ironic but He's been making that gesture since before the Internet even existed. It's probably one of the few parts of his speeches done purely out of habit rather than to antagonize SJWs.

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he dodged almost all the questions by either saying he wouldnt answer questions outside the report or referring the questionner to the report for their answer.
He slips up a lot of times by refusing to answer a question for some legal reason, the senator will reveal the answer to the question is either written in the report or public knowledge, and then mueller (as if suddenly remembering) perks up and answers the question more clearly. It seemed like he just didnt know what was in the report.

He affirmed "the only reason he did not indict trump was because he's president" but then clarified he does NOT agree with that characterization to the same questioner before their time is up. Nuking the beleif that trump ought to be charged but is just protected, and might get charged after he leaves office.

DC shorts has good excerpts.

Tarrant did the hand cirle game gesture, but media are such idiotis faggots that are unable to understand anything other than their lies.

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i agree in principle but we have been embroiled in the affairs of the middle east for far too long and I don't want it for my descendants.

Frauenfelder. No, really, how did the paternal ancestor of his come by that family name?

Why does his last name mean Woman Fields?

>It's the same hand signal that Australian white supremacist Brenton Tarrant flashed in the courtroom after he'd been arrested for murdering 50 people in New Zealand mosques.
lmao no

>It is all scripted and has been since before you were even born.
What a convenient way to dismiss reality.


ThAt'S iT!!!


He MaDe A bAd GeStUrE - wE GoT hIm NoW!!!


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>most obvious of shops
the hand is just floating there, ya dumb cunts