LSD/ mushrooms advice

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I'm 30 and my life is a pathetic shambles. I am stopped from any progress by an inner zoo of various insecurities, demons and fears.

I think it would be a good idea to go inwards on a spiritual trip and try to find some answers in my subconscious mind, as all my regular efforts fail.
Problem is, only psychedelic I tried was Morning Glory, which basically caused me a 5-hour long guilt trip. My subconscious was laid bare, but I found no insight.

Do you thing with LSD or shrooms it could be different? I don't mind the suffering, but I'm looking for meaningful insights at the other end of the (almost certainly bad) trip.

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Worth a try

If your life is in shambles and you are struggling with an inner zoo of insecurities, demons, and fears, shrooms is a very bad idea, LSD much worse. I am a veteran user of both. If you are not in good shape emotionally and mentally going in you will be destroyed and potentially do something very harmful or dangerous. LSD do NOT do, you will not get anything pure and it is man made. Do srooms if anything. Do it in a safe as fuck environment and there's no guarantee you won't kill yourself since you sound unstable. At the end of the trip you may have some good insight about what you really want to do in your life, happened to me once and it altered me forever, GL

Start with mushrooms. Around 2-3 grams should be a good start. Take it on an empty stomach in your room in darkness. Have fun.

LSD is a hyper-level psychadelic and modern LSD is a mishmash of god knows what, with extremely strong effects if you are anything above a half-brain lobotomite. Retards with no potential or deep-thinking take it and it works like a party drug - if you are introspective and thoughtful it can shatter the fuck out of your mind and drive you to do really, really insane and dangerous things. Been there and done that, and everyone I know who has played with LSD has been there and done that too, many just escaping prison time and massive injuries. Do not do LSD until you have done shrooms 12 times minimum

Try shrooms frist before LSD. LSD can be very overwhelming if you dont have experience and bad set(mood/issues etc) & setting(enviroment/people). It can end pretty badly.

I would recommend to try lowdose shrooms 2-4 g. It still might be a guilt trip or something like that. Psychdelics can show you who you are and give you another perspective but for change you have to work yourself.

dont feel bad leaf same shit is happening to me
> we all struggle

This guy is giving you bad advice. 3 grams is very intense. Do 2 grams maximum, not on an empty stomach you will puke hard and it will give you a bad trip early on (about an hour in), and don't do anything you don't want to do that people tell you to to "enhance the trip" like lock yourself in a room

>quit Jow Forums
>get a job
>have sex

Thank you bros.
I know it will be a very sad and tormented trip, but I need something to profoundly change. I need to reveal a direction.
I hope it won't drive me to stab my eyes out or an hero.
Why do you recommend a dark room?

Trust me, I did and tried many different things before arriving at this impasse. I've lived.

>een there and done that, and everyone I know who has played with LSD has been there and done that too, many just escaping prison time and massive injuries.

Yeah. Got picked up by ambulance wandering the streets barefeet after fleeing my friends who failed at containing me. Spend the night in the hospital. That was a pretty extreme shit.

Fell for the classic it dosent work atfer 60 min just take another mistake + smoked MDMA and some synthetic cannabinoids in the mean time and throughout.

Thanks again.
I'll be doing it solo. It sounds like LSD is a very bad idea, since I have hypertrophied introspection and sensitivity.
Is the "shattering" it delivers accompanied by insight, or just damage?

wow I wouldnt say LSD is as horrifying as those in this thread make it out to be. Take a tab, take half a tab. If you can stomach the corresponding trip then take another tab and see whats up with that.

If you want to explore your psyche each you mentioned will offer that possibility, you may not like what you unearth but sometimes we need our subconscious issues to buttfuck us until we know how to overcome them.

Dont do anything dumb, stay cool, mind of a jedi and yeah sort that shit out homie

>>quit Jow Forums
How do I do this one? I've been here for 14 years.

Do vipassana instead. No drugs, no devices, no talking, learn meditation from scratch by meditating for 10 hours per day for 10 days straight. It's free. You have no excuse not to, faggot.

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Sorry I meant here, you could take half a tab for your first trip, wait a week or so, then try a full tab, or stay on a half, who cares.

Dont listen to these buttplugs. Just dont drop 5 tabs with your bros like this dumbbutt did and go burn down a church or something. By yourself always.

I don't think it can be done that way.

Can one even find actual lsd nowadays?

We life in times where getting drugs is just like ordering at amazon. If you arent retarded of course.

Holy God

OP, find an E.M.D.R. specialist, and see them a few times a week. Drugs will only make your shit worse.

What about ayahuasca? Like going to south america and doing it properly with a shaman?

Terrible idea. Go to church and make friends with strangers. Meditate. Get out in nature. Sweat.
You have to figure out what success means to you before you’ll ever find it.
Do not attempt hallucinogens unless your mind is clear. Trust me.

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Enjoy the machine elves...

Smoke some DMT first before paying lot of money for shaman bullcrap ayahuasca. I heard lots of anecdotes that the shamans are frauds and the other people there trumphating liberal hippy faggots. Wouldnt want to trip there.

Dunno man, i say ego death can be very helpful. If OP does decide to do shrooms or lsd he should do a fuckton, the come up is scary but once ego death happens you realize there is nothing to worry about.

If you can find Grateful Dead LSD that is much different than regular street LSD. I did a lot of LSD 1992-1993. I gave people one quarters of one hit of these white blotters and those people told me that was the best acid they ever had. Yet it couldn't touch the potency and purity of the acid I got at a Grateful Dead concert in Wasaga Beach.
The Grateful Dead acid made all those bullshit sayings about acid completely true. It was the only acid where my hallucinations were true hallucinations and not just distortions.
Just keep in mind if you aren't in a good place (like by yourself where you won't be bothered) you can have a hellish experience. If your doing LSD have at least some beer on stand-by.

Not for the first time though. I also prefer heroic shroom doses usualy but its better if you at least have an idea what will happen.

>Terrible idea. Go to church and make friends with strangers. Meditate. Get out in nature. Sweat.
>You have to figure out what success means to you before you’ll ever find it.
>Do not attempt hallucinogens unless your mind is clear. Trust me.
Meditate, get out in nature, figure out what success means are all things you should do/happens when you take lsd just start by microdosing by cutting tabs in half and you will be fine
Get comfy and just melt away op, lsd isn't a drug it is an experience

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Can this stuff actually bring about permanent inner change?

>It was the only acid where my hallucinations were true hallucinations and not just distortions.

Its a suggestion thing. You can literally make people see things. Once while tripping on LSD we convinced the guy in whose home we were there is a dead whore in his bedroom. He goes into the bedroom and screams " ohh shit, ohhh shit" then flees the scene to not be seen again for 2 days.

In a way but not really. I started with psychedelics at 16 and would be definitly a very different person now if i didnt. It dosent really help immidatly though. You might feel enlightenent for a few days/weeks after an awesome trip but the everyday grind will get you back where you are pretty quickly.

Here in England its easy and still pure. In London you call in what you want and generally can be delivered within 30 mins. I bought a cheap test kit and have tested both of these (the black ones Ive had before) and they are good to go, no nasty nbome etc.

Don't listen to the shills, open your mind.

Alternatively travel a fuck tonne, build strong relationships built on honesty, love and trust. Find hobbies that nurture your soul, scuba diving, snowboarding, cycling etc. Read books like '12 rules for life' and 'a new earth'. Try to be funny, learn to be responsible in moments where you are generally reckless. Through that too you can find meaning. oh and work hard doing something skilled you enjoy, that might be becoming a self contracted plumber or electrician etc, who knows

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Lsd changed my way of thinking for the better, even after a bad trip you can still learn from it

>im 30
>i want to trip balls

Well son if you want to get your shit together you should probably not do psychedelics.

If you're down about pissing away your 20s, pissing away your 30s isnt going to do fuck all but make things worse.

Go buy a dirtbike or a snowmobile or something and go for a rip, it takes your mind off things and puts a smile on your face.

Drugs won't solve your problems

produce positive energy for others
don't let others define you
don't get pulled under

yes. It puts your mind in a different state, whilst being in this state you think very differently. When you come out of this state you take unknown knowledge about yourself out good and bad.

So you can actually bring the knowledge back with you?

You will have a "bad" trip.
This is what the bad trips people experience are.
They have some sort of issue in their life they don't know how to come to terms with that they have been burying emotionally, and when they are forced to confront it because of psychedelics they freak the fuck out.

Some of the best trips I've ever had started out as bad trips. It wasn't until I worked through whatever issue were troubling me with a friend that I was able to enjoy the drug. It was quite a weird experience really. The moment I came to clarity about my issue the gut wrenching feelings of anxiety immediately left, and I started laughing uncontrollably for a few minutes. Like child belly laughs. Real, pure laughter I hadn't experience since a child. It was actual joy is what I was experiencing.

I had an issue so big in my life it was preventing me from feeling actual joy, and I was completely overwhelmed the moment I was able to feel it again.
Beautiful experience. I'm glad I was on 5 grams of shrooms when it happened. It would have taken me decades to work through that shit on my own. A couple hours with one of my best friends, some fungus, and glaring honesty did the job though.

I personally agree with this user. LSD is very benign at doses before you go off the deep end with it. At 50ug or so you'll get some nice feelings of the brink of psychedelia in your chest and a bit of a sense of wonder with some stimulation. There's no reason you can't ease into things by upping the dosage of previous trips if you have a high anxiety about being immersed in a jarring experience.

I'd recommend doing just this. Also would suggest getting a benzodiazepine on hand. Benzos kill trips pretty effectively. You almost certainly wouldn't need it at 50ug, but just having it on your person is enough to ease your mind and that's more important.

Shrooms for me have always been more visually immersive, but they're harder to dose because they're naturally grown and contain different doses of psilocybin. In addition, I feel like while a high dose LSD trip is harder to manage than a high dose shroom trip, a low dose LSD trip is as easy to manage and more effective for what you're seeking. If you want a strong, breakthrough experience, then I'd recommend shrooms.

As far as procurement, use the darkweb. Not sure which markets are still operating, but it's worth the time to seek it out through these sites. If Dread is still around (a site for DNM discussion), that would be a good starting point. Using crypto, PGP, and tor are all very simple. No real worries about getting tabs sent through the mail so long as they're not sent from overseas. Even from overseas it's not very high risk.

Just find a vendor with a lot of feedback advertising something like 100-120ug tabs. The tabs are easy to cut in half, don't worry. Make sure you have a scale if you buy shrooms, vendors have often sent me a higher weight than I ordered.

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I always wanted to try shrooms but I wouldnt know where to get them.

Would you have gotten that breakthrough from doing it alone? Do you think the friend's presence was crucial?

Thank you for the advice

they force your mind into a different perspective. Some trips make you realize what you've always known but never really thought about.

I prefer to drink while on LSD.
You can't really get drunk, but it will help with any anxiety,
It's a GABAergic the same as benzos, and they work the same way. They even have cross tolerances.

>I always wanted to try shrooms but I wouldnt know where to get them.

Best way here is to grow them yourselfs. Get some legal growkits from NL and you get shittons of shrooms for almost nothing.

I usualy made around 150€+ per growkit cause it was way more then i could ever take myself.

I know the friends presence was crucial for me being able to work through it faster.

You can do it alone, but I don't recommend it. Especially if you don't have any experience with psychedelics. There's been more than once I was freaking out about something benign, and all I needed was a friend to say "Hey dude it's fine", and what do you know everything is fine I was just way too high.

Other people help bring you back to reality periodically.
By all means though after you get a little experience don't be afraid to trip alone. You learn a lot about yourself from those. Those are the trips where you learn what you're salt is actually worth.

Not politics. Get a new job that you don't know anything at all about and dedicate yourself to doing good work for a few years. You'll fix yourself without even trying.

Lol, going to SA to have some bongo whacking tree nigger convince you the key to enlightenment is anal sex with him and frequent monetary donations for life while you are deep under the influence of hallucinogens.


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Sometimes destruction is what a man needs to rebuild.

LSD is inherently uplifting I find.
Gives you the giggles.
Just don't take too much and you shouldn't have any problems.
100 mics should be good.

>What about ayahuasca?
Great experience
DMT is insanely eye opening. Especially when you are under its influences for hours instead of 10-15 minutes (smoked)

>Like going to south america and doing it properly with a shaman?
If you can find a good one go for it. Most of the people willing to do this, and share their tribal customs for a monetary sum are not very good people to begin with. It's a sham 90% of the time.
That's not to say there aren't those 10% out there. Just takes doing a lot of research.

On the flip side you can just order the ingredients on the internet. They are legal in most places, and do the ritual yourself. Become the shaman.

you're a faggot looking for an easy answer to a hard question. Making small positive changes is like compounding interest. You must continuing investing in healthy choices until you break through the period of latent potential.

Just take a regular dose and don't worry about being alone.
Make sure you have a movie or music to distract you in case you start to feel uneasy.

those growkits arent legal anymore I looked it up some time ago.

Yeah that hasn't been working out for me

NOT lsd, OK MAYBE shrooms

But if you are in a bad place to start with, you are more likely to have a bad experience

Yeah, whatever you got wasn't real LSD... but I suspect there isn't actually much real LSD out there anymore because of how much cheaper and easier people seem to get all the "similar" research chemicals. Real LSD is intense, but mellow.

Go away, jannie's pet.

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>DMT is insanely eye opening. Especially when you are under its influences for hours instead of 10-15 minutes (smoked)

Ive smoked and broken through a lot and because of that i really dont feel compelled to spend 6h at a time up there. The great thing is exactly that you can piss off after 15 min. Just the thought of potentialy being trapped with some asshole entitys for 6h gives me shivers.

do it outdoors, somewhat secluded and bring a companion, human or dog. You'll have thoughts you want to verbalize outwardly and when the giggles hit, you 'll want someone with you to share it with. Make a day of it. Plan an exercise for the end of the day, like a bike ride or a run. The comedown is very relaxing and the feeling of sweating is revitalizing.

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lose the acid get some dmt...

Have fun taking a massive dose of scopolamine in that brew

It has, you're just too impatient to see it. How long have you gone without porn? How long have you gone without television? How long have you exercised dailey? How many books have you read this year? How many days have you gone in public alone and enjoyed it? How many hobbies have you taken up that aren't degenerate? How many days have you made sure you ate three solid meals? How much beef and pork are you eating, compared to fish and chicken and greens? How many days have you made sure you're drinking 2/3 your body weight in oz of water? Self improvement is not about reaching a goal, it's about retraining what is satisfying.

>lose the acid get some dmt...

Big nope to that. OP wants an introspective trip to better deal with his problems. DMT cant really do that.

Do DMT only if you want to look behind the veil. Its not for fun and not for healing.

Me too bro, the only satisfaction I get Is from my skill trades job. I tripped on mushrooms and it basically made me hate myself the whole trip.

The morning after was strange though, my depression subsided for a few days.

I think your biggest problem is that you believe in demons

Take an ounce and smoke 5g of weed and call it a day.

You learn to deal with them.
But yes there's a reason why they call DMT "the business mans trip"
You can smoke it on your lunch break, and be pretty level headed by the time you have to go back to work.

dude i just bought some mhrb..i thought it was good for that

>You learn to deal with them.
Dosent mean i want to for 6 h. They get really annoying after you lose interesst in their stupid illusions and emtpy lessons.

I would have to prepare beforehand and get some friendly entitys to pick me up. Worked a few times so far but still. 6h.

what is a demon?

>In 1967 when I first came to India, I brought with me a supply ofLSD, hoping to find someone who might understand more about these substances than we did in the West.

When I had met Maharajji (Neem Karoli Baba), after some days the thought had crossed my mind that he would be a perfect person to ask. The next day after having that thought, I was called to him and he asked me immediately, “Do you have a question?”

Of course, being before him was such a powerful experience that I had completely forgotten the question I had had in my mind the night before. So I looked stupid and said, “No, Maharajji, I have no question.”He appeared irritated and said, “Where is the medicine?”

I was confused butBhagavan Dasssuggested, ” Maybe he means the LSD.” I asked and Maharajji nodded. The bottle of LSD was in the car and I was sent to fetch it. When I returned I emptied the vial of pills into my hand. In addition to the LSD there were a number of other pills for this and that–diarrhea, fever, a sleeping pill, and so forth. He asked about each of these.

>He asked if they gave powers. I didn’t understand at the time and thought that by “powers” perhaps he meant physical strength. I said, “No.” Later, of course, I came to understand that the word he had used, “siddhis,” means psychic powers. Then he held out his hand for the LSD. I put one pill on his palm. Each of these pills was about three hundred micrograms of very pure LSD–a solid dose for an adult. He beckoned for more, so I put a second pill in his hand–six hundred micrograms. Again he beckoned and I added yet another, making the total dosage nine hundred micrograms–certainly not a dose for beginners. Then he threw all the pills into his mouth. My reaction was one of shock mixed with fascination of a social scientist eager to see what would happen.

He allowed me to stay for an hour– and nothing happened. Nothing whatsoever.

He just laughed at me.

The whole thing had happened very fast and unexpectedly. When I returned to the United States in 1968 I told many people about this acid feat. But there had remained in me a gnawing doubt that perhaps he had been putting me on and had thrown the pills over his shoulder or palmed them, because I hadn’t actually seen them go into his mouth.

Three years later, when I was back in India, he asked me one day, “Did you give me medicine when you were in India last time?”


“Did I take it?” he asked. (Ah, there was my doubt made manifest!)

“I think you did.”

“What happened?


“Oh! Jao!” and he sent me off for the evening.

The next morning I was called over to the porch in front of his room, where he sat in the mornings on a tucket. He asked, “Have you got any more of that medicine?”

It just so happened that I was carrying a small supply of LSD for “just in case,” and this was obviously it. “Yes.”

“Get it,” he said.

If you expect to get your issues solved you run risk getting fucked with even more imo.

DMT-Hyperspace is the realm of archonic tricksters and hypersexual fairys. No one there really cares about your feelings and if you interpret some of the assholes as part of you inner voice you will get even more confused.

>So I did. In the bottle were five pills of three hundred micrograms each. One of the pills was broken. I placed them on my palm and held them out to him. He took the four unbroken pills. Then, one by one, very obviously and very deliberately, he placed each one in his mouth and swallowed it– another unspoken thought of mine now answered.

As soon as he had swallowed the last one, he asked, “Can I take water?”


“Hot or cold?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

He started yelling for water and drank a cup when it was brought.

Then he asked, “How long will it take to act?”

“Anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour.”

He called for an older man, a long -time devotee who had a watch, and Maharajji held the man’s wrist, often pulling it up to him to peer at the watch.

Then he asked,” Will it make me crazy?”

That seemed so bizarre to me that I could only go along with what seemed to be a gag.

So I said, “Probably.”

And then we waited. After some time he pulled the blanket over his face, and when he came out after a moment his eyes were rolling and his mouth was ajar and he looked totally mad. I got upset. What was happening? Had I misjudged his powers? After all, he was an old man (though how old I had no idea), and I had let him take twelve hundred micrograms. Maybe last time he had thrown them away and then he read my mind and was trying to prove to me he could do it, not realizing how strong the “medicine” really was. Guilt and anxiety poured through me. But when I looked at him again he was perfectly normal and looking at the watch.

At the end of an hour it was obvious nothing had happened. His reactions had been a total put-on. And then he asked, “Have you got anything stronger?” I didn’t. Then he said, “These medicines were used inKullu Valleylong ago. Butyogishave lost that knowledge. They were used with fasting. Nobody knows now. To take them with no effect,your mind must be firmly fixedon God. Others would be afraid to take. Many saints would not take this.” And he left it at that.

When I asked him if I should take LSD again, he said, “It should not be taken in a hot climate. If you are in a place that is cool and peaceful, andyou are alone and your mind is turned toward God, then you may take the yogi medicine.”

you can do it.

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i believe in you

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What does it feel like to have do LSD while having sex with a black man?

reach your potential user

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a little everyday

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When I was 30 I emigrated from England to the U.S. Probably saved my life desu. Now I'm a citizen - seriously, you're only options are drugs?!

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i intend to do a breakthrough dose at the first time so i dont fight..ill see what happens

me too. we need to kill each other at the same time

you choose your destiny.

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Dont do it. You’re too old, your mind is crystallized at this point and you will probably shatter it. Especially if you already have tons of insecurities and psychological shit going on.


Seeking an outside influence as a substitute for inner strength, your not going to make it.


What are you on about

Cool story whether it's true or not. I agree with the sentiment. Hallucinogenic drugs can be dangerous and harmful to people who are filled with worldly desire but for those who are in God's light they can bring you a glimpse of heaven.

You always intend a breakthrough dose anyway. Sub-breakthrough is pure waste. Just do it if you have it there. Just dont expect it heal you or some hippy shit. Expect to look behind the curtains of the physical universe and encounter strange entitys. As long you stay cool and dont subscribe any contracts everything will be fine.

Just say you want to watch some stuff when a trickster or fairy arrive. They understand and will show you great kino.

>I'm 30 and my life is a pathetic shambles. I am stopped from any progress by an inner zoo of various insecurities, demons and fears.
Mushrooms. They are Jesus, and will help break the conditioned fears which have created a cycle of learned helplessness. Seek forgiveness

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>Just say you want to watch some stuff when a trickster or fairy arrive. They understand and will show you great kino.
You mean molecules, right? Thats all it is man, molecules manipulating your neurons

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Your bot is malfunctioning again schlomo

will cannabis oil pipe work? what way did you vaporise that stuff?

I dont want a hurr durr its just chemicals in your brain disussion right now. Its too tiresome. I mean external sentient entitys that live in the external DMT-Hyperspace you can visit with DMT. If its too crazy for you just leave it.

Sandwichmethod with bong. Layer some tobaco/weed mix under and over the DMT. The flame should not touch the DMT directly cause it gets destoryed if too hot.