Using AI to Detect Homosexuality (Physical markers and machine learning)

Is it just me, or is the composite gay person more physically attractive?

A girl I showed this to without context said that the ones on the left look like hics (older, yeehaw).

Is the one on the right simply more evolved?


Attached: better-faster-stronger.png (2692x1946, 1.55M)

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The male on the right looks like soi.

phrenology is real?

Yes, it has always been very real. I have always known that it was a reality personally since people of certain bone structures and appearances always had certain levels and types of intelligence and behavioural characteristics and I could always trust my gut instincs to intuitively know if someone was desirable and trustworthy or not.

Attached: 009888.png (608x336, 143K)

Why is the gay woman more attractive?

Why does it look like the gays about 30 pounds less overweight?

Gay women don’t exist

It's interesting that the straight male face has smaller eyes angling downwards, and so does the lesbian. Whereas, the gay man and the straight woman both have big round eyes.

Because ur gay

youre a retard if you believe any of this shit

You can instinctively tell that the composite male straight face is more masculine than the composite male gay face and the composite female gay face is more masculine than its straight counterpart. Prenatal hormones are what causes this.

Do I look trustworthy?

Attached: DSCN_4412.jpg (2025x2699, 2.23M)

Fag boys look more feminine, go figure

This is bullshit, for the same fact that this same shit can be correlated for neoteny. Big eyes are neotenous, same with smooth facial skin, plus fags are skewed younger because most of the old ones are dead of disease. Shit needs to be reworked imo

The gay guy's facial outline is more universally attractive as well. Lifetime of white collar lifestyle and xenoestrogens ruin the face.
"Gay people" is a code word for urbanites. Urbanites look less rural than rural people. More news at eleven.

Also both composite hetero faces have inverted proportions, the width and prominence of the lower half of the face is clownish, they have "egg" heads, oblong spheres. Compare to Nordic types:

They aren’t fatasses that’s why. Apparently you can’t mind your weight and be straight anymore.

You look like a semen slurping faggot Nazi

>gay people are thinner

Attached: 13.jpg (445x791, 101K)

Because she's not a fatty who looks like miss piggy

Thats like really rude

This is false.
The reason why the homosexual face looks different is because of the way they pose in pictures.

Straight men lift their chin upwards when they are having a photo of them taken.

Gay men open their eyes larger and point their chin downwards to get the "babyface" look, in a similar fashion to how woman pose their faces for photos.

Pic related, the left is how "straight men" usually pose in photos, while gay men pose like in the right.

Attached: 1_H6An-Stf8U48LuuojHqRyQ.jpg (1400x935, 224K)

That s why malets always boast about their well defined jaw.

bold of you to post your picture on Jow Forums OP

well. sad they wont be able to pass these features to future generations

They're usually more obsessed with how they look, especially since most fear being judged poorly more than anything in the world, and as a result waste a lot of time on trying to look better. Also because of huge drug consumption and STDs they're less likely to be overweight (or even a normal weight), and thus don't look fat. Lower life expectancy would also mean the average looks younger.

From what I've seen though, younger ones have an incredibly disturbed look in their eyes to any degree, while older ones have a look of self-loathing/disgust. These aren't faces they intentionally put on, they seem etched into their normal resting faces.

Weight loss from diseases and drug abuse.

Those lips look good for a suckin, egghead

What about the heterosexual woman?

furthermore that I know the high forehead is a masculine trait, or those who take the photos from the top down is to enhance a small forehead


I want to grind my bick black cock on your bald juicy white boi head and come all over it.

There is absolutely no evidence of homosexual women actually existing. It's either a short phase they do for male attention or they're with the most manly looking female possible and using a fake dick for sex.

The entire project is pretty gay if you ask me!

Hetero male looks better, lesbian female looks better.


Hell yeah brother make day little white boi ya bitch n shit

Man on the left is hotter, woman on the right is hotter. She looks younger, I suspect that your likelihood of declaring yourself a homo is higher when younger, this is going to skew the attractiveness towards the homo female.

Not at all