How does this make you feel White Boy ?

How does this make you feel White Boy ?

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They make the purfect couple.

damn even the cats are getting blacked now

Warm and fuzzy inside.

I prefer cats with darker fur over white fur. Cause my couch and clothes are dark.

> microsoft flag

Ja вoлим ceљaчкe мaчкe ca yлицe.

Future single mom


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Say NO to feline mixing.

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Keep it white.

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I hate cats... but not as much as I hate niggers.

>Watcha meowing at white boy?

Around black ones do not relax.

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Send them both to meowshwitz.

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>live in an area with lots of stray cats
>they are all black cats
>they piss and shit everywhere and roam around the streets at night
>sometimers hear them fighting and mewing for food
>some white roasties feed them, so they hang around their houses

Meanwhile, my neighbor's fully white cat
>goes outside but never leaves the front yard
>meows hello to me every time he sees me
>literally saw him defend his property from a possum twice
>hisses at the black cats who are scared of him

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Do they fit inside each other like nesting dolls?

Say nope to dope.

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I hope the kittens turn out white lel
cat powah

Ja вишe вoлим Пepcијcкe мaчкe,њихoвa бoјa кpзнa нијe пpoблeм.

(((white))) cat. nice try kike.

Fur color is just a social construct, i feel happy for them

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Black cats are the best. Here are my bad bois.

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How do you do, fellow Border Collies?

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omg they're so cute *_*
I miss my boy, he died a few months ago

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scratch them behind ears for me.

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Is this how black and white cats are made?

scandis have longer noses then jews

That's one badass looking mofo

>Ja вoлим ceљaчкe мaчкe ca yлицe.
>I like celtic cats.

>Ja вишe вoлим Пepcијcкe мaчкe,њихoвa бoјa кpзнa нијe пpoблeм.
>I prefer Pepsiian cats, their color is not too sloppy

Ok just got some weird code-talk spy vibes there for a sec. What are you guys selling?

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Aww, sorry to hear mate.


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you lost, white boi?

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Those two cats are the same species, no problem there. Humans and niggers on the other hand are not the same species.

What an attention whore

a black cat is still white under the coat.

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How fucking stupid can you possibly be?
Let me ask you drool uncontrollably?

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It’s over

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Ha just like your dick

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lol, took me literally one second. That's actually not bad heh.

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Only when i watch the newest marvel movie

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American cat.

Technology makes us care about this. With out tech we wouldn't give a shit. Reverse tech.

>one eye is bloody

this is just the hair you fucking idiot. they are both white

are posting our pussies here? Here are mine.

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Someone recommend me a cat breed. I want something safe the size of a medium dog or bigger.

Are you female?

No, but unlike most of you guys here I have contact with one.

good hips.

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Aren't we special.

I have two black cats rescued from abandonment
A eunuch male and a female with the biggest eyes I've ever seen on a cat

>rescued from abandonment
good job lad.

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Unlike humans black cats are chill and friendly. Bombay cats are awesome.

>rescued from abandonment
good guy. Mine are from a stray that got hit by a car. I still don't understand why people don't neuter their cats. So much suffering.

>Don't talk to me or my son or my son's son ever again

I always thought animal fur colors are a bad metaphore for skin. It's not the same thing. It's basically hair color.

>when you miss a bowl but smoke regularly

>I still don't understand why people don't neuter their cats. So much suffering.
You disgust me you degenerate!!!

He thicc

Except a black cat acts no differently to a white cat. Black cats aren't ugly either



oh shit nigga

Rad as fuck

based and blackcatpilled

but ive never heard of such fur type, is it some kind of unique genetic mutation?


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Seljačka mačka=countryside cat, basically the plainest mutt cat

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Same race, it's not a dog a rat
Truly interesting topic, more since that cat in particular is colored in black and white.

>pol running a cat thread on caturday

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Absolute unit

>Mountain Nigger
>Nigger cat


best thread I've seen in awhile good job anons

at least i'm not a fucking leaf :'(

>tfw playing cat monte

dogs are the niggers of the animal world and cats are 100x more based

>piss and shit conveniently in a box and even cover it up
>they dont usually smell
>they dont do dumb dog shit like jumping up at you and tearing apart anything you leave within their reach
>dont randomly bark loud as fuck all the time
>keep silent most of the time and keep you company
>they dont kill babies like dogs do
>independent and will go outside on their own and dont need muh leash to walk themselves

cats are based af

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Ultra based post.

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Posting in a toxofagmosis thread.

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