Just buy a house dude

>just buy a house dude

Attached: 1775-2012 InflationChart.png (1044x732, 68K)

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Fuck you commie. Stay salty. The dollar isn’t going anywhere. Banks aren’t going anywhere. Capitalism is here to stay. If you can’t afford a house don’t buy one. Stop trying to bring people down with your faggot graphs. Nothing will change. Life is not fair and it never will be.

this. i don't know what these people are bitching about. I bought a 4 bedroom house last year and support a wife and 3 kids on one income. i have never stepped foot on a college campus. Perhaps these commie faggots just suck at life.

This. They also blow their cash on weed and avocado toast

>just dont buy it lol

Attached: U.S. Housing Price Index Since 1900.jpg (829x602, 22K)

Yes the system is fucked. Ironic you are bitching about it with that meme flag when it was socialist/communist policies that got us into this mess.

gold standard hallmarks when?

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Nice post comrade

>capitalism favors everyone

Attached: RealGDPperCapita-650x450.png (650x450, 100K)

Look at you. The NPC set on win win win. You just keep on winning faggot. Maybe some day you will expand your mind and see more sides.

"It's not supposed to be fair, just shut up and accept capitalism"
Sorry buddy, but the contradictions between the interests of the working class and owning class are not tenable. Things are going to get worse, the Left is going to grow, and capitalism will look less and less invincible.


it might be going somewhere


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>free exchange of goods and services is to blame
it's the state you fucktard

See, the problem is that then, even if we switch to communism or socialism, the corrupt sociopaths who are gaming the shit out of capitalism right now won't go away. They'll just be your new commissar.

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Nice try, faggot.

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>If you can’t afford a house don’t buy one.
And you wonder why none likes capitalism?
Your whole statement is
>Lol just be homeless bro

>capitalism and the federal reserve money printing are the same thing

You realize you can have capitalism with a gold standard and stable money right?

Fucking retarded boomer

Just be a rent slave

Its the status quo that supports their current life style, they wont be able to maintain it if things change and so they dont want it to, can you blame them?

your graph starts from the 1970's and looks exactly the same as the one I posted

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Perhaps you’re dumber than you think you are.

I do truly believe many are literally mentally ill with a compulsion for resource hording. Might not be mutually exclusive to social behavior, but it seems that way.

Lol, id rather blow my brains out than support a parasitic landlord


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>have staff on hand to do maintenance and clean common areas
>can break lease for nominal fee and leave any time

Many people even have babies purely to show you look i have something you don’t have. That is the saddest one.

There are tons of abandoned houses some in not so good neighborhoods some in poor white areas(equally not as good but you guys are all about ethnostates)

Attached: Vacant-homes.jpg (600x600, 69K)




not REAL capitalism

>he wasn't homeless when he had to pay medical bills
get a load of this shelter boi
it sucks but it's totally ok on the long run, dont act like having a home is a human right or something

Leave and go where? Every apartment is the same price.

Already have one faggot. Plus with all the fucking retards like you moving into this city it’s gone up in value by 300k in the last 10 years.

Rich get richer and you remain a salty communist faggot.

Yes, just buy a house.

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>people who wont give me the resources they earned just because I want them are mentally ill.

Stay mad tranny.

having a home is a human right, fuck you, well being for all

Have you ever read the 10 planks of the communist manifesto? I have news for you; you’re IN a communist country. Which of the 10 planks hasn’t been fully implemented?

You don’t understand. You are not owed shit. You actually have to put in hard work to get ahead. You want freebies, you don’t want to work. I’m not wealthy. But I’m not angry at rich people for making money. Suck it up loser.

>capitalism is great guys! Isn't it great having your entire life dictated by transnational corporations!

Fuck off bootlicker

Explain yourself.

geeee. what else happened in the 30s that every one of you commieniggerfaggots conveniently forget to mention...? hmmmm?
a system where the productive are taxed in order to support the useless is not capitalism. its mixed. there is a direct correlation to social policy programs (vote purchasing) + barrier to entry kleptocratic regulatory/tax codes and the shrinking of the middle class. i can never figure out if you are useful idiots or you think magically you'll end up on top of the pile of ashes even though you're useless in the most secure and prosperous (see also : easiest) time in human history.

You are so fucking stupid. We don't have a Laissez-Faire capitalist system to start with, and having regulations that make basic consumer products unattainable for the majority of the nation is bullshit. You don't have to be an anti-consumer plutocratic bootlicker to support capitalism.

Do you support the monopolization of communication companies in America increasing prices while goving third-world service? Such freedom, much competition.

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How could it be communist, we get to vote! Psh. Look again.

>every apartment is the same price.
rent in urban core area I'm close to. 1800ish and up
rent less than 20 miles away. 800


It favors intelligent, driven people. Not lazy, stupid and lackadaisical niggers like yourself.

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Laissez-Faire can't exist because it is a vacuum of power.

We don’t have rights, we have owners.

capitalism with a big welfare state is still capitalism retard

All I know is I have the deed to my home, I have money in my bank account which I purchase goods and services with freely, I have weapons to defend myself and my property and I have a lawyer on speed dial in case the government tries to fuck with me too hard. Doesnt feel like stalinism to me yet. Obviously the entire welfare system and all international aid should be gutted. But I wouldn’t be opposed if that money was used to fund universal healthcare. But thats the only social wellfare I would ever support.

>having a home is a human right
where does this come from, atheist? you're welcome to build a mud hut in africa any time you like

reminder that immigration directly causes housing costs to rise.

Disingenuous. Transportation costs money.

america is a mixed economy moron. in ever increasing measure since the early 1900s

>not angry at rich people

Oh you mean the people who are bankrolling mass invasion of western countries to boost GDP and lower wages? You mean the guys who bankroll all the degeneracy in popular media in order to turn a profit and create and isolated consumer society shriven from anything other than their own desires? You mean the people who have benefited massively from the mass entry of women into the labor force, effectively double the pool of labor and stamping down wages even further?

Those rich people? Fuck them and fuck you MAGA tard.

which directly raises the cost of everything else
good system I would say

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Fuck you, boomer scum. End the fed.


sometimes I wish right wing propaganda was true

So instead of 1800 you spend 800 plus 120$ on an autoloan and 75 on insurance maybe 150 on gas and you can drive.... total cost still less than 1200. Or be a nigger and buy a buss pass and you could cut that down to like 75$ a month. Less if you’re “low income”

boofuckinghoo. if you can't have job, food, shelter and transport security in america you're literally a retard or a lazy sack of shit.

Fuck these retards. Capitalism is not a right wing concept. It is fundamentally anti-conservative as Marx identified.

I'm unironically looking for a cargo van to buy and live out of

Bought mine in 2009 :) they were just giving houses away. Next time there’s a bubble pop people should try to make a move.

>I have the deed to my home
So did lots of others who had their homes foreclosed upon by mistake, only to lose their homes once the judge signs the order.

You don’t decide how much everything’s going to cost, including the maintenance, the market does. That’s just more strawman bullshit.

>Stop trying to bring people down with your faggot graphs.

You failed Econ 101, didn't you?

did you read the part about the lawyer. Also I owe less than 90k and have more than that in savings. They can’t do shit.

Which directly devalues the dollar and in turn makes anyone with a fixed income take a pay cut essentially

By fixed income i mean people in careers with salaries or retirees with pensions for examples

>for homeless people to shit on the floor then leave that home

-What do we want!
-What is healthcare?
-yeah but what do you consider healthcare?
Fuckin healthcare!
-okay here’s some (healthcare)
Thank you. Hey btw, what’s a deductible?

But the right is also beginning to reject capitalism. We simply don't accept the class based struggle you frame it in. It's the older generations that have learned "muh capitalism and democracy" as a religion that will continue to fight for the corporate overlords.

Another macho bootstraps idiot. Unless you’re running a business and absolutely everything you own is paid for you’re as vulnerable as a homeless drug addict. You sell your labor, not a product. You’re only doing okay because someone’s buying. Suppose they stop.

I wonder what could have happened between 1947 and 1979 that would have started depressing the value of labor so much?

It's a rookie mistake to based your dollar on any commodity that can be speculated into artificial shortages. Then the country has no money in circulation, hello Venezuela The Kremlin would love for us to do that, but it ain't gonna happen.

public schools
partial public health care system
public transit
public utilities
public r&d pools
public military
public emergency services
etc etc etc
and i'm not going to go down your faggoty rabbit hole about "DO YOU WHAT PRIVATE MILITARIES!?!?! SJKDGOJ SDFGOHJS DFGHJGSADOFGE" because that's not the point. the point is the US is an increasingly mixed economy where every sector the government begins to intrude on starts to suffer massive price bloat and inefficiency + drop in quality. also buying the votes of niggers and whores with productive people's money is not compatible with market economics.

I have an excel sheet on the computer where I have done much apartment shopping.
Here, they are all the same price.

Pro tip: taxes ensure you’ll never own anything.


Based. An economic policy should not drive politics. The purpose of a nation isn't to increase its GDP. People don't exist to labor for companies.


if you think public transit is communism than you're a fucking retard, case closed

>Be me
>own a mid 2000s automobile purchased with a loan.
>payment on a 9,000 loan was been 129$ a month but I have good credit.
>drive to work 25 miles away daily, chart gas costs obsessively.
>single male insurance am in the second highest bracket I pay 62$ because I dont drive like a fucking chimp.
>used to ride transit like a minority until I really started to pile up savings 2 years ago. Cost me 79$ a month in an extremely blue state that charges full payers extra so they can charge retards less.

You should spend less time bitching and making excuses and spend more time making positive life choices. Opening a market rate savings account and putting 15% of every check into it and then investing that at the end of the year would be a good start.

Collective endeavors != socialism/communism

I plan to. I'll be looking at 8 houses tomorrow.

Have fun staying poor ^.^

Prices started increasing after forced desegregation.

Another neoliberal who still thinks communism and capitalism are anything more than jewish movements to establish centralized control over labor, capital, and production. It's honestly hilarious that people still believe conflicts are rooted in ideology

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>be me
>the world works exactly the way I think it does
Don’t you have some sheep you should be coaxing into your rubber boots?

I was just point out the simple-minded mentality of the person I posted to. "Trickle-Down Economics" are a load of absolute garbage, and giving overwhelming financial breaks to the most wealthy financiers and "captains of industry" rather than consumers is directly against the interest of the American people. There is always going to be some sort of government involvement, our nation simply favors dirty money over class mobility and free competition (which often requires regulation to attain else it turns into a racket/monopoly which is terrible for everyone)

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There are differences between people who live in nice houses and globalist elites

This is my situation and I am banning kikients left and right since they keep pulling bullshit. Soon i will have to eject like an electron and fuck off to Idaho.

Imagine recommending financial investments in jew-led Clown World. Gambling should not be done for investment purposes. Tangible goods and services are appreciably wiser uses of capital.

Then no one will own anything. That's going to go very poorly for you. I will continue to be industrious in a place where it is rewarded. You can have your weed and food rations. I'm sure it will be very fulfilling

ahem...Western economies are dominated by rent seekers, nothing of value is produced anymore as all industry has been offshored to China and other third world countries. This allows the rent seekers to extract the increased profit through dividends. With zero interest on most savings accounts around the Western world, the shrinking middle class is forced to participate in the real estate and investment casino just so their savings aren’t inflated away...honk honk.


Look, we should have some sort of safety net for all citizens who are forced out of work by an unpreventable medical emergency. Citizens only, paid for yearly by gutting the following

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ($21 billion), Supplemental Security Income ($43.7 billion), food stamps ($75 billion), and housing vouchers ($18 billion) Title 1 grants ($14 billion) and Head Start ($7.1 billion) Adoption assistance ($2.5 billion) and low income taxpayer clinics ($9.9 million), all foreign aid (50 billion) which gives us about 250 billion. Spend half of it to expand medicare for specific cases. Extended stays, things like cancer, stroke heart attacks etc. let the existing insurance structure stand but if you’re coverage ends due to extended unexpected need the government can step in to stop middle class families from going totally broke. You still get a net budget reduction of 125 billion. People can spend less on their insurance plans without having to worry about what if that 10000 to one chance of cancer.

>House prices were more expensive in 2006 than in 2017

Nice try faggot

if the population drop by 90% we can all afford a house

Don’t you have an appointment at the wellfare office you need to get to you degenerate faggot?