Oil is a renewable resource, ww3 postponed for a several decades to build up fuel.
Fracking is evil destroying this possibility.

>but co2
There are bacteria that eat co2 and oil itself.
Swis Climeworks AG facility is also taking the co2 from the air.

Attached: oil '''spills'''.jpg (1900x1448, 307K)

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Are you trying to continue the thread that just got archived? It was a good one.

I read Thomas Gold's book on the subject years ago. It was interesting but I wish I could read the actual Russian geologists who came up with the theory.

>Oil is a renewable resource
i think its great how the tards have finally become dumbed down enough to be prepared for receiving this modification to their belief system. You guys are truly an inspiring testament to how engineered into supporting the global banking hegemony that the human mind can become.

Attached: 1499220960795.png (438x413, 270K)

KYS kike, this is being suppressed or they would have implemented it already.
The plants will grow more with this co2 and that is bad you, more food and drop in prices to your wallets.

Attached: PlantGrowth.jpg (552x415, 156K)

>Fracking is evil destroying this possibility.

How is it destroying it if it's renewable?

lets see if the tard has enough brain cells to realize the connection

the russian oil industry has never considered oil to be a 'fossil fuel', rather there is another process in play that creates it continuously rather than muh dead trees and insects bullshit.

It destabilizes and collapses the area preventing it from renewing itself.