What do you all have to say for yourselves! Shame on you!!
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Words matter!!!!:'(

Are black men even men anymore?


Baltimore is a shithole and nigs should be forcibly sent back to Africa

imagine crying over someone insulting your city. i hope he was faking it, for his sake

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Words matter you bigots!

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MUH fee fees

You heartless bastards!

Fuck you Drumpfkins, its gonna be a brown wave in 2020!

>"president" of the US dehumanizes majority black US congressional district/city and thus US citizens
Great "president" you got there

niggers = humans very fake news. .

man i should pay attention to trumps twitter more.

isn't everything he mentioned a shithole?

>black fragility

So what he cried you fuck! Why do you think men can't cry? Are you some kind of toxic masculinity patriarchal fascist? Fuck off nazi scum.

people only get upset when an insult is true. rich people wouldn't get mad if someone said they were poor, because they know it's not true. this nigger hates himself and all other black people, which is why he's crying.

>fights with lies and tears
No now they're just women, and nobody likes black women.

I know, Baltimore is a shining example of civility and culture. They let a few bad apples ruin their view of the hole.
I strongly encourage all anons here to consider moving to the City of Baltimore with your families to support justice!


Keep Cryin, Bitch nigga...

Black women are mothers and teachers user. Don't fall for this racist shit board.

You will be crying in 2020 drumpftard.

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>how dare you criticize my city abloo blooo
>pepo live there abloo bloo bloo
>I can't get past my own emotional reaction to see the logic in the statements abloo bloo bloo
>abloo bloo bloo bloo

He made him cry tho user. Made.Him.Cry!
Look at this face, can't you see he is a human bean!

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Yes, they're mothers until the fight starts.

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No one cares

you gonna cry black boi? lmao what a pussy.

holy fuck. his eyes are as dark as the sins he's commited.
so dark and cloudy. I wouldn't trust those eyes around kids.

>fighting with a baby in your arms
>fighting someone holding a baby
I don’t know who the bigger retard is

I actually agree with him
There is a pattern

I care user. So you are wrong. He's a good kid and he didn't do nothin to nobody.

he's gay. faggots are the same as women.

I wonder if he weeps over the murder rate?

I agree. Trump and his white supremacists have been systematically murdering black men in the inner cities. The statistics show that white supremacists are the biggest threat of terror this year.

I blame systemic racism in the government

If America did more to support black families and to compensate for 1000s of years of slavery this wouldn't happen.

At the very least learn how to crop screenshot images from Google retard.

Can you show statistics?

Oh look, another boomer racist homophobe. So cringe.

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Trump tweets "rat infested city"
Black dude on CNN " infested is usually reserved for somewhere infested with rats" obviously spinning it into race bait.
Are CNN watchers really this dumb not to notice this frens?

Nigger fragility is real and Trump said nothing wrong

Wake up white people!

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They hate anything that is too white, but steal ALL the traditional white roles in movies, fuck white people, dress like white people, bleach their skin, straighten their hair, dye their hair blonde, wear extensions to look like they have white hair, kill black people, abandon black babies, etc., etc., etc.

No. They don't hate white culture. They ENVY it. They want to BE white.

They even want to have white babies. That's why they abandon their own babies before birth. Not even black people want black people around.

They want to BE white. Why?

...because not a single damn one of them is wanted in Africa. Why? ...because they aren't full blooded Africans. Theyre all bleached. All African-Americans are over 50 percent Caucasian because of their slave owning ancestors. Because black slaves were cucked and fucked by whites.

Blacks from America are too pale and white for Africa, so they want to steal everything in America and create the false dream of Wakanda. BALTIMORE is the TRUE WAKANDA. A black infested, black run shithole.

Just like Detroit, Chicago, L.A., Atlanta, and every other city blacks have taken over in America.

Blacks are jealous of whites. They envy what whites have EARNED. Sorry negros. Slavery was over a hundred years ago. EVERYONE involved died decades ago.

You were NEVER slaves. Stop making excuses for your bullshit and stop blaming others for YOUR EVIL CHOICES.

IN SHORT...FUCK OFF. Thank you.

Thats right. Clearly most murders in the US are white men, Russians like yourself are also part of the problem. You need to free Chechnya

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most domestic people are hwyte, most domestic terrorism should be from them
most of the welfare recipients are white for the same reason, so are most of the murder victims, most of the child molesters, because they're most of the people
next they're going to tell me most shootings happen in places with guns and most drownings happen in places with pools
miss me with that gay shit

Shut up nigger

>We take domestic terrorism or hate crime — regardless of ideology — extremely seriously

A white person killing a black person for any reason is considered domestic terror

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Was snopes website down?

The Constitution is a white supremacist document, there is no reason for us to respect it. Prove me wrong.

Like 2016

Perfect example of why top-tier educated blacks are a big part of the problem.
They are addicted to feeling victimized and side with the feral niggers 100%
Fuck all niggers

Nonsense. Whites are the most terrorist.



Words fucking matter you fascists.

Fragile nigger

I bet you watch Fox.

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There’s no reason to respect your opinion. Prove me wrong


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He cried because he hates Trump and knows what Trump said is true and cannot refute it.

Make leftists openly say that the American flag is no different from the Confederate flag. I want every dem candidate in the debates next week to admit that because deep down they agree with that sentiment. And I want every single American to hear that

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Someone needs to chop up this video and juxtapose it with footage from Baltimore.

Black fragility is real

Hes fucking baiting u mong. Stop feeding his (You) habit.

Boomer drumpftard detected.
That man should not be anywhere near the nuclear codes. We will correct that error come 2020. Blue wave 2.0!

I thought Trump was restrained and polite...
He might have said Aids infested nigger shithole...
The truth hurts huh jigs?
Fucking pussy cry baby!

Not a reply

>You need to free Chechnya

But they don't want lol

Its going to be great when so many white saviors KILL THEMSELVES because black and tan support for Drumpf DOUBLES over 2016

Itll be a landslide against the Dims

Exactly. So keep your old crusty white bullshit document out of ny face bitch!

Who the fuck visits Baltimore?

>I don’t know who the bigger retard is

It was a draw.

For all his faults, at least Trump provides me entertainment like this.

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Weak ass nigger

Yes, it was.
The man is indeed a nigger and he is indeed fragile

Thomas Jefferson was a racist slave owning rapist. Fuck your flag.


>i always blame others


Russian Orthodox murdered Chechens abd you can sell your RT oropaganda somewhere else. Get iff stolen land.

Dems for 50+ years
>No human being should be forced to live in filthy crime ridden inner cities, the government should gib black and brown people free houses in safe white areas.
>No human would want to live in a filthy crime ridden inner city.
Dems now
>Inner cities are great places for living and raising families. Drumpf is a racist!

im getting really tired of niggers

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Yes it would

>Racists built the only functional nations
>Retarded brown people still want to move there


Trump is fully racially aware.
About black people he said "I want them to do good, but they can't" Implying some defect on the genetic level.

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Kill all nigger lover

Whats that?

The same fbi being investigated for a coup against Drumpf?

Don’t like it? Fuckin fix Baltimore and prove Trump wrong.

It is white mans fault. Its true.

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Niggers are worse than rodents and insects. I seen rodents and insects today, didn't harm me at all. Cure mouse is cute. Niggers aren't cute.

Thays not statistics you twat
Thats a puff piece of fake news

>i bet you watch fox

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