#PEDOPRIDE in the Netherlands

So some degenerate pedophile from a pedoclub (I shit you not) started flyering today at the Pridewalk, the flyer contained the message that pedophiles should be accepted into the Pridewalk. People got angry and the police took his flyers.

At this point I don't even know what to say, I wish Russia would nuke Amsterdam.

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>the slippery slope is a fallacy

Apparently not.

Imagine having a pedoclub in your country and it being perfectly legal.

We do. It's called NAMBLA.


Oh for fucks sake...

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Apparently all the proponents of it were jewish, and there are also other pedophile organizations that are pushing for this shit.


>Apparently all the proponents of it were jewish
Wow, how unexpected. Imagine doing this in Russia or something. People would literally pick up arms and storm them. God I hate my cucked country.

Why didn't people beat them up?

>At this point I don't even know what to say, I wish Russia would nuke Amsterdam
Russia is where all the child porn comes from so is prefer it was the one being nuked.

Please bomb this city. WW3 can not happen soon enough. I'm so glad I moved down to the south near Belgium from Amsterdam. Fuck that kike city.

might aswell wall some pedos old style

This isn't eastern Europe son, Dutch males are ultra beta cucks.That guy is lucky Moroccans/Turks don't visit the degenerate Pridewalk. They would have beaten the shit out of them. Imagine doing this in Serbia.

dont think we have forgotten about the panda incident yet

unironically non-lifting Dutch guys are faggots. i'm siberian but i'm with you guys

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>the slippery slope is a fallacy
tell that to 1950's americans. the only reason it isn't seen as a fallacy now is because we accept the slips as "positive changes".

>That guy is lucky Moroccans/Turks don't visit the degenerate Pridewalk

Hate to break it to you, Abdul, but Mudslimes are pedos themselves. Prophet Muhammad raped kids. Force marriage with kids is also a thing.

>the only reason it isn't seen as a fallacy
I mean is seen as a fallacy. Our perception is completely different because we grew up in the changes.


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Toothpaste fags are cucked

I feel better about us killing sadpanda now.

>bla bla bla
Every year some drag queen faggot gets bashed in the face by a group of them.

What is your problem, you don't have rope and tree?
Just take a photo of everyone who participated and catch one by one.

I thought this was about pedos? Who the fuck cares about drags? Cmon Abdul, make sense ffs.

I prefer the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes.

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It happened at the Pridewalk

The comments are based tho

You see what i am saying? Why are Abduls only targeting drags but not the pedos? Because they are pedos themselves.


You forget that the the west punishes men for being men.

If you dumbshits want the white race to survive, white females are going to have to start having children before 30.

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Jesus fuck. Stop buying into this bullshit. It never was a “fallacy”. At worst, it’s sometimes a lousy rhetorical device. It has never been, isnt’t, and never vill be a “logical fallacy”. The only dickshits who say that it is wouldn’t know a formal system if it crawed up their urethra and chewed it’s way out.

See this is what I mean. That would be a socially acceptable solution everywhere outside of the KEKED WEST.

pedos (or at least pederasty) were part of the of the original LBGT movement. It literally began as a Jewish Pedo Marxist movement.

A lot of the Jews who prided themselves on fucking underaged boys were pissed off for years that the rest of the LGBT Marxists dropped them b/c of optics.

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America and Europe are located right next to third world breeding colonies. Virtue signaling moralfag feminists will be the death of the white man.

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Anyone trying to bring pedos into the LGBT community is a right wing provocateur.

They push the boylover angle so it turns them into damaged fags so they wont reproduce.

This, checked and


In the comments on their twitter a large segment are trying to bait them into doxxing themselves. Media=/=Real life, the false consensus the talking heads provide doesn't match actual sentiment. This has been a huge whitepill.

That is good news.

This is their twitter banner. They arn't sending their best.

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Actually, they already found the guy.

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White Northern Europeans are pathologically averse to inter-personal conflict, so much so you could take a shit on them and they’d stand there and do nothing. The future of European Civilisation lies with Southern and Eastern Europe those with “hot-blood” and not the “cold-blooded” reptilians of North and North-Western Europe.

I know it's not. The whole concept of fallacies is pretty stupid. It's like philosophical bowling bumpers


Good luck with that, the average Western female is a total roastie.


So Styx just landed in Amesterdam and he's already causing trouble, eh

Pedos already are the LGBT community. They're your supplier and we are not stupid. Anyone older than 40 knows full well how your kind target children, it's why you're all
>Youth music directors
>Youth theatre directors
>Youth choreographers
>Youth mentors
>Boy and Girl Scout leaders and organizers
>Girls soccer coaches
>Girls PE coaches

Anywhere "young smooth boys" are your adult males go, anyplace sporty athletic young girls go adult lesbians appear.

Sssh we're trying to keep our queen exclusive, styxx is fucking this up for us.

>retards here never watched south park

Delusional rambling.

Truth. Those societies with high AOC will be replaced (outbred) by those societies with low/no AOC.

You're running out of time. :)

I have enough money to marry a bunch of13 year old girls, give them a good life and have many children but NOOOOOO

cristcucks have ruined that for everyone
good job

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Please commit to a rope neck crescendo

Based South Park reference

Excuse me, Dutch faggot, can you explain to me why these """people""" aren't being killed?

>the police took his flyers.
I don't suppose they will investigate this kike.

Because we're cucked beyond belief. Imagine how fast he would be lynched in Serbia, even the cops would help out.

Of course not.

Individualization and the loss of local interdependant communities. This on the backdrop of an exit from high trust society. It used to be that these fringes would be an act of shame, instead of hyper individualisme, and activly supressed or corrected forcefully by the group. The role of judge and executioner than transitioned to the state, which functioned for the generations who still upheld the oldways. The local policeman was welcome, usefull and a good corrective force. Because the behaviour wasn't extreme. In time the old ways where forgotten, mocked and activly shed for modernity. Local communitie functions where replaced by national institutes. Leading to a lack of identification, and social cohesion. Fast forward. Someone can spend their youth from streamlined institute to institute and dropped off in the marketplace to go find a job. The entire process can be handled alone within the confines of the system. What would it take for such a man to break? He only has himself, killing another man would be his decision not the will of the group. The act would cost him his own life through the judical system. The man can only hope everyone sees what he sees, but he cant confirm. Individualization brought isolation, diversity brought animosity. The man is already fighting but nobody will chronicle his strife. For he alone experiences it.

the South Park episode was great

>rapes 4 yo
>"that's about all!"
>fucks off back to Vermont

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Here's the catch. The internet is a buffer, a thin veil of (often false) anonimity. A departure from the constrictions of society, here he can express paradoxically his own true desires. On the twitter handle used by this scum the general sentiment in the comments is a complete disregard for agreeable behaviour. And a desire for violence and disgust at his existence is dominant. The perpetrator has lost his anonimity, for his image and name is now made public. This is the true nature of men, the actual consensus. Sadly, european whites being forward thinkers they won't act on impulse, doing the right thing eould ruin them. But when pushed far enough, all these silent men could do the unthinkable. Things will need to get worse before they get better.

how is dancing naked in front of children not already a pedo parade?

How does muhamed's cock in your ass feel?

Toothpastebro, I went to A'dam in the early 00's and realized it's lost forever. Just come home Dacian man.

>early 00's
If you think it was bad then...

Strange they ban loli art, but not this?
Good, serves you white knight fags right.
If we can't fap to loli, we'll just fuck real kids.

Effortposting in a dead thread, when I should be sleeping. God i'm pathetic. I hope the sea reclaimes us and we all need to learn to swim. I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow.

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>that flag
>sides with burger
well, to say I'm disappointed would be underselling it

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>White Northern Europeans are pathologically averse to inter-personal conflict,
No. Northern Europeans are stoic until they decide to kill you. Then you and your whole nation is fucked.

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Better to effortpost in a dead thread than effortpost in no thread

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Have a nice map in exchange.

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People support trannies here so the majority supporting a pedopride isn't that far off.

Christians have been marrying off 13 year old girls throughout most of our history. You seem to have us confused with feminists.

Marrying is very different than sexually using and tossing into the discard pile.

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Wait, this fucking bullshit is allowed but we can't have our naughty dijon and mangoes on exhentai?
Fucking Dutch.

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You know what you should do a d I dont even have to say it