Shouldn't we be taxing the shit out of suburbs for generating more carbon than urban areas?

Shouldn't we be taxing the shit out of suburbs for generating more carbon than urban areas?

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yes, we should

high city taxes are why people leave in the first place

sure as long as we tax the criminals that are forcing whites to suburbs

shit thread

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They already do, I’m guessing yer 12

Nah, tax them for land
After all its what votes

Maybe whites should stop paying taxes. And watch the whole Ponzi scheme collapse

No, the only tax should be an income tax of 15% if you earn below $500,000 and 36% if you earn as much as above $500,000, and all offshore assets must be included

Crime, pollution, diseconomies of scale and shitty infrastructure are to blame.

If I'm paying taxes, I shouldn't have to be drafted. My tax dollars are already going towards national defense, therefore I should not have to give my life.

Just for the sake of the argument, I mean. I dont think Canadastan even has conscription...

Huh? Place looks comfy.

>B-b-but nobody is sharing walls with niggers that blast music at 3am on a wednesday! Wasteful!!!!!

They have trees and grass. They probably have a lower carbon footprint. Especially since most don’t have a second house in the Hamptons or wherever.

>The absolute state of those gardens

>city people pay more taxes
>suburban niggers demand 10,000 miles of roads, wiring, and piping to run out to their shitshack boomer farm, thus costing taxpayers far more money per capita than someone in the city

they're tax leeches and deserve the rope. turn the suburbs into section ape zones and watch boomer tears stream forth.

imagine being so terrified of brown people you ruin your own life and are forced to spend 5 hours a day sitting in a car just to hide from them. dick-tucker.

How about all the carbon released by gunfire by the nignog oogly boogies?

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>imagine being so terrified of brown people you ruin your own life and are forced to spend 5 hours a day sitting in a car just to hide from them
so i can either spend 40 minutes every morning and evening riding the bus to and from downtown seeing minorities everywhere, or spend 20-40 minutes driving to work on comfy quieter roads and a good environment. city living is not any more convenient

Nope. Actually, you should be minding your own fucking business, and sending the government as much of your own money as you want to fight "man made climate change".

I believe everyone should start "paying their fair share" :^)

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This. Only manly, confident white men raise their kids around niggers where they have to bar their windows and their cars will be hijacked if left open and unattended for less than 5 minutes

citycuck cope is hilarious. "Life in the city isn't that bad! Just don't be stupid! Always lock and bar your windows and don't go out for walks at night and never trust anyone and keep the cops on speed dial! It's fine, you're just scared!!!"

So I know this thread will devolve into shitting on suburbs and shitting on cities, but honestly how do we fix this? Between zoning laws and the criminalization of free association I don't know what a superior solution to both would be

>inb4 move to the country
That is the preferred route. But cities are still hubs of commerce that have more available work and we can't just disappear to the countryside. Cities and urban centers don't have to be intolerable hellholes, there are plenty of historical and modern examples

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>city people vote for more taxes to feed all their fucking niggers
>rural and suburban people don't

You fell for the scam. They brainwashed you into thinking a tax on carbon was a solution.

>suburban niggers demand 10,000 miles of roads, wiring, and piping to run out to their shitshack boomer farm, thus costing taxpayers far more money per capita than someone in the city
All of those things are paid for by local property taxes

suburbs keep people socially isolated, politically fragmented and easily controlled user
they're worth it

Every time some cuntfuck says “carbon” I drive thirty miles and burn a pile of tires.

What is the solution then?

Thats a funny way to spell niggers.

You have no soul.

All the pollution and energy and water that goes into maintaining that perfectly manicured lush green lawn is infinately sorse than bare dirt or asphalt.

How to lower your carbon footprint:
Shut down all volcanoes
Don't use coal, oil, gas... as energy sources
Stop breathing
Force all animals to stop breathing too
Before dying, seed huge amounts of big plants
Then realize it won't change shit in the carbon dioxide concentration and even if it does, it isn't a significant greenhouse gas.

There's too much crime in burger cities. City dwellers should pay their own police.

Why cant we have beautiful cities bros?

Thorium. But you cant make bombs from them so we dont use it.

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No, because industry and businesses locate to the burbs because they are tired of democrat run cities’ shit.
If anything, tax a municipality by the sq footage of concrete and asphalt it contains.

oh shid, I forgot wypipo have no soul. How will I live without peppery street food and bass heavy dance music?

yes we should

Agreed, the inner city need more money for dem programmes

where do you think your taxes goes to?