How DO you dumb down a population

What are the methods used?

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Hit them in the head a bunch

introduce religion

Restricting physical activity in children causes reduced brain growth. Most studies indicate that children require at least 8 hours of outdoor physical activity every single day to grow maximum mass of brain tissue.

force them to browse Jow Forums daily

Provide them with electronic gadgets that are so full of possibilities and so easy to use they never get the ambition to learn anything.

eh hem


Attached: terry.png (600x900, 840K)

provide virtually limitless and inexpensive distractions (the Internet) so they get ADHD and can't read a book for longer than five minutes at a time

Lack of education

This is actively pursued, make kids read boring lame shit. Underpay teachers, hire teachers dumber then kids. Give the teachers low standards. I could go on and on. Education in this country is fucked and we are breeding generations of welfare dependent retards as a result.

School system that teaches them not to think differently and to believe authority without question. Control of news media is also helpful, but influencing the youth is their primary goal; there are democrats advocating for 16 year olds to vote now.