What do white nationalists and black nationalists plan to do with mixed people?

For example my dad supports a black ethnostate even though his kids are all half-white. I assume you guys are mostly white ethnostate-ers, what's your plan for people like me, for hapas, for half-mexicans, half-jews, etc.?

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It doesn't matter what the plan is because there will never be an ethno state.

if you're 50%+ mixed, you get to choose where to be.

I don't think the entire world will be an ethnostate, so there will still be some multiethnic areas left after the creation of the ethnostate.

Send them to Israel. Jews are a race mixed people. Alternatively, if they have admixture below 5% they can be admitted to one of the ethnostates. There will have to be a muttiatan for all the misfits to go. Maybe the DR.

No. You go to the non white areas.
Obama was considered black despite being 50% white
If you have a black grand father your still considered black.
White is 90%+ preferably 100%

It really should be whites only if your parents and grand parents were white

Mixed are the same as black. Niggers are niggers. Obama is mixed but he was black enough for niggers to go crazy.

Hahahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahshajhahahahhahahahha shut up ill knock you out

Fags and mutts get the rope same as niggers

Nobody wants to hear it but it will break down like it usually does through out history. Isolated pure communities will still be black and white. Mixed people will group with the color they most closely resemble with a few exceptions that have been accepted into the communities. For a small example of how powerful outward appearance is consider this: I'm vacationing up in DC. I got to visit the Senate, walk around the capital mall, visit pentagon city. Randoms touristy stuff like that. One day while waiting for a metro train, I am nicely dressed in a leather trench coat while a bunch of wild poorer black people are at the station. There are other people of various colors also wearing leather attire and without a single word said, we all just gravitate toward each other and form a group of about 20 people in a crowd of about 150 poorer black people. That's it. The train came and everybody went on their way. Outward appearance signaled that we were part of something larger and we formed a group. If you really want to learn about how the world works you need to study the history of slavery across all cultures, from ancient history to modern day.

Send them to Israel.

Idk what honkies would do, but us niggas finna kill da men, keep the women and repeat till everything darker

Fuck off abdul, we are full

Depends on a lot of context.

But in short, the idea is that Half breeds will get wiped out in a few Generations.
7 Generations and Mixed Mutts will be gone, in any EthnoState.

Americans might be stuck as MUTT land for a while, purely based on the lack of location to toss the mixed mutts and that actually sending American Niggers to Africa will just get them killed. (Though I still support Wakonda, send the black man back)

If we do not stop the mixing, it will become to late.

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After enough Generations, Mutt Spots Like America will eventually become its own Race. Might take more than 7 Generations after the Genetic mess they made.

It might take professional Genetic Scientist, a dead profession, to solve the long term issue with absolute shit holes.

Germany can still be a Pure German Germany within 7 Generations.

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Mixes generally go to the minority half of their genetic makeup, much like how they already do in non-ethnostates.

The sad Ameri Mutt, has no real race to claim. So he clings tight to his pale mutt skin.

It's ok, be proud of who you are. Grow and learn. Become more than your disadvantages. Don't fall into Ghettos like the nigger, breed with good mates and do your best to make something of yourself.

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We could make a mutt specific land. One of the States in America?

Will get the mutts and mixed niggers out of the way, and the problem will go away after X Generations.

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It's ninth inning you need to worry about.

No because then we have to put all the spics there. Just throw mixes out and have them be the upper classes in their ethno-states.

That's a fair point actually. A good idea.

But what? Shouldn't Spics be sent to Mexico?
Keep Mexico Spic.

After Balkanization is complete some places will be ethnostates and others will not. Mixed people would have to pick whichever fragment of what used to be the US is best suited to them.

I'm not an ethno-stater but I support people having one if that's what they want (voluntary association). My guess is that the US will balkanize down and at that point you would be able to pick whichever new country is best suited to your demographic composition and politics. Obviously not every place would be an ethnostate, and turning the whole US into an ethnostate isn't pragmatic or probably even possible. The easiest thing is for different groups to go their own way.

Mexico and also California (which is already pretty much Mexico). White leftists can also go there and join the castizo ruling class, or just be absorbed by them. Doesn't really matter to me so long as they're gone, but since they love those people so much they should go with them.

if they are an asset to society then sterilization. if they are a detriment to society then exile

You can live with the other mutts. Or die if you try to deny our right to existence and fight us over it.

Where would you like to live if ethnoststes did form?

Let the mixed people be the Jews of the black ethnostate.