Redpill me on Geopolitics

I’m sick and tired of CIA propaganda being shoved down my throat. I’m sick and tired of the Military Industrial Complex and Neoconservatives pushing for foreign wars where America doesn’t benefit. AND I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE RETARDED BOOMER TAKES! Tell me everything Jow Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Things were ok until Jews showed up and pit whites against each other. Every geopolitical event is jews trying to manipulate others into doing what they want.

What are some threads or links that provide information like this?

Someday a country will take over the entire world.
When this happens there will be no more wars. Only gang violence, and everything else typical of a restless society.
This may last, it may not. But it will happen.

SG threads are still around just not as often anymore. but if you just mean serious threads that provide detailed explanations of events you just have to dig through the BS threads

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During the cold war, various powerful, private people and interests realized that you could control the world without actually ruling it. Steps were taken, as was power, and an endless struggle against...someone, or something was put in place. Who or what this actually was didn't matter, just that it was assumed to exist. So on went the world with its new controllers, who lived as kings against the growing world of serfs. Eugenics, immortality, black magic, it's all been played with and developed to different degrees. However, something happened that none of these people ever really expected:

They got old, and started dying.

Turns out immortality's a tough nut to crack, and the world is a lot harder to make actually collapse then anyone expected. Suddenly the lords of the shadow world are pushing 90 and realize the game is actually going to end.

These people never expected to lose, so they prepped no heirs, and laid no foundations for the next age. Their posts are being taken over by people who think the endless conflict and march of Change is the actual point of things. These programs are being run by the same brainwashed pawns that were intended to drive them, not control them.

That's why things seem to be speeding up, the old guard is trying to finish things before the end, and the new guard has no idea how to run the machine correctly. It'll get worse in 10-20 years and the last of the old guard is fully dead, but hopefully it'll be better after.

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The American strategic interest is never to let another country float a navy that could challenge the US navy for control of the seas and potentially enable an invasion of the US mainland. But the US military is so overwhelmingly powerful that it doesn't need to focus on defense but rather can attempt to create and maintain conditions where defense is not necessary. For instance, by keeping the oil flowing out of the middle east, we ensure Japan's (and other countries) energy needs are sated and lessen the incentive for them to build an expeditionary naval capacity. The last time they did that, they became the only nation to ever attack the US on our own territory in the modern era. By ensuring the flow of oil through small and relatively inexpensive wars, what I would rather call imperial peacekeeping, we reduce or delay the possibility of a larger, more costly, and more dangerous conflict. We do the same by different means when we build bases in Poland and Romania to keep germany and russia separated. Preventing a war is cheaper than fighting one.

Essentially, what you term "foreign wars where America doesn't benefit" are attempts aimed at preempting potential great power rivals. Yes, the kikes in washington make a lot of money in the process, but there isn't a complete lack of logic in "stabilizing the middle east". And even then, it doesn't have to be stable, just stable enough to not disrupt energy shipping. That's the thinking for the past few decades or so, it's been changing slowly for the past couple years.

Deep. How correct am I in summarizing the Neocons?
>The "Neocons" were a group of jewish Trotskyist intellectuals who joined up with the Republican party out of concern for Israel
>Throughout the 90's they were writing papers about invading every single Middle Eastern country, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Iran.
>Anything that could be a threat to Israel
>These people backed Bush
>Bush put many of them in power within the government
>9 months after Bush takes office, 9/11 happens, giving them the excuse they needed (wow what a fucking coincidence)
>They created an illegal secret department within the Pentagon called "the Office of Special plans" which had a direct line to the President.
>this department is responsible for all the WMD lies, and lies about mobile weapons labs, anthrax....etc.

you said it all.
MIC is completely indiscriminate.
Im so fucking tired of watching conflicts that:
The greed / stupidity / shortsightedness is hell to watch.

But do the SG threads provide everything needed to understand what’s going on in the Middle East?

>When this happens there will be no more wars.
intense delusion
countries will divide into factions and balkanize before your globohomo faggotry ever comes to fruition, and no there will never be a "majority race of rootless brown people" either.

>I’m sick and tired of the Military Industrial Complex and Neoconservatives pushing for foreign wars where America doesn’t benefit

Jeez, first off understand one thing: internatl politics are for plebs, international affaris are the real politics and in diplomacy morality and ethics are currency without a value. Stop caring about children killed in Syria, think if that proxy war will stop the risk of breaking the global supply chain of oil to the US. Economy needs oil to grow, the economy creates jobs and jobs create wealth. All that matter is your own well-being.

>breaking the global supply chain of oil to the US
You're about 20 years late to the party Stanislav

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Accurate enough, at least for a nutshell summation. The thing to remember is Neocon is the same thing as Alt-Right, it's just a title someone added to a group so they could better index them, it doesn't actually mean anything. They generally stand as the forward face for other things...saying they control or do anything is like saying the receptionist at the front desk controls anything. Yes, its slightly true, but it's also very inaccurate.

The thing to know is, jews or not, Israel is a justification, little more. If it didn't exist, or vanished tomarrow, we'd be in an identical situation with slightly different maps and names. It's still bad, but just wiping the place out wouldn't fix the situation, satisfying as it might be.

The focus is power, personal power. Control, direct, and order, that's the thrust, modern day kings trying to collect all the benefits of divine right with none of the obligations. Ideals, like communism, trotskyism or the like, it's all just a means to get what they want, a child apologizing for something to get what they want, without a drop of feeling or remorse. It's the new guard who's actually drank the coolaid and think the means are the end, instead of just window dressing.

Neocons are bad, jews are bad, but the roots of this thing don't really have easily found names or titles, they just are. It is somewhat telling, though, to look at all the forces pushing for the downfall of the west and realize the vast majority also have a vested interest in the death of christianity.

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We're going to war. You'll understand it when you get older than 30 and/or have your own kids to worry about.
It's not something we take lightly, or we'd already have nuked the planet to hell. Stop pretending this era of humans is automatically better and start learning and living to actually be better if it's important to you.
First step, never assume that parroting someone else's position makes you smart.
Second step, never assume that basic categories hold beyond basic. Nuance is important, and what you don't know can hurt you.

I disagree. That is the same view globalists have and they fail to realize that everyone requires an overarching identity to foster social cohesion or people default to arbitrary coalitions based on everything from race to political party. Look at it this way: Do you ever see any minority freaking out over white people dying by a minority? Of course not, you only see the opposite because minority’s look out for each other even if the person is a monster.

neat, thats a surprisingly thoughtful post.

Make America isolationist again! (ignore most articles by Benjamin Fulford) (some articles are weird)

Every war is for Israel's benefit and gets us one step closer to the New World Order where Jews rule over the gentiles in the messianic era.

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Thanks bud. Any must read articles for beginners to get things started?

Watch Dreamscape. Become a wizard.

It's simple, really.
>private banks own central bank of nation
>central bank prints nation's currency via loans at interest
>each unit of currency issued increases debt
>creates endless cycle of debt that can never be repaid
>can manipulate markets on a whim, directs political discourse
>nations or politicians who try to break away from this system are obliterated
If you think it's all about obeying Israel you are mistaken. Israel is a vassal of international private banks. Those who insist on the reverse have been psyop'd.

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If you want the best website on the internet for this kind of stuff, you want this one

It's paid, but you can get a few free articles a week, I believe. I can also recommend any and everything written or spoken by the owner, George Friedman.