It really confuses me...
Why do Bulgarians hate Turkish people, when their country was named after a Turkish tribe?
what is the point youre trying to make, burger?
I hate Bulgarians so much. Emperor Basil II should’ve genocided every single one of them
thats not a very nice thing to say...
sad map...
fuck you, i like that map
slavery? wtf learn history you low iq animal
wtf you talkin about?
use words
whats there to like about skin cancer?
nigger slavs are the white slaves, 500 years of ottoman occupation selling bulgarian women and man all over middle east, bulgarians are still butt hurt about it and they want revenge
Skin cancer is funny because it afflicts the supposedly superior "master race" more. That makes me lol
But they themselves have Turkic ancestirs
omg speaking to (((americans))) is like speaking to down syndrome child... the part who have turkish ancestors are in Plovdiv and Ruse and there was 2 small communities not full bulgaria....
No they don't, Bulgarians have no Asian admixture, the only thing they have from bolghars is the name
yes they do just like you and have of the word.... did you hear speaking about that gentleman Genghis Khan ....
>It really confuses me.
You were born confused, you fucking subhuman roach.
Looks like you're wrong about that...
>1% Asian is meaningful