The Wall is 100% confirmed. Absolutely happening. We are getting it.
Post the breakdowns.
Also, the media is trying to suppress this news as hard as they fucking can. Even if you think Trump is a Zionist shill, spreading news that the wall is happening will further demoralize the democrat voter base.
Seethe harder. It literally is. Supreme Court voted 5-4 in favor. It literally CANNOT be stopped. I know you're trolling but god I'm so smug right now I just want to keep posting about how absolutely happening it is.
Xavier Wilson
There's nothing wrong with a wall I want a wall at Roxham road in Quebec Pic related those are the niggers coming from the US of A
>The Supreme Court cleared the way for the Trump administration to tap billions of dollars in Pentagon funds to build sections of a border wall with Mexico.
>The justices’ decision to lift the freeze on the money allows President Donald Trump to make progress on a major 2016 campaign promise heading into his race for a second term. Trump tweeted after the announcement: “Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!”
Wyatt Parker
Holy shit! Is it really happening? Why did he wait so long to do this, though?
The wall gives great visibility to see what's happening. Instead of a hundred or so running across the border and spreading out, you only have to pay attention to the guy with the ladder headed towards the wall. That's the guy you shoot.
Carter Harris
Have you not been caught up with the news? He's been going at it for at least 2 years now. Every time he did something liberal judge activists blocked it. Watch as they try to block it again, but this time, they can't
Isaiah Richardson
Nathaniel Baker
Checking now...
Bentley Gray
>That's the guy you shoot. This. When the border patrol said they wanted to see what's going on on the other side, they really just meant they can shoot people through the wall.
Jeremiah Ross
>no one will notice a 30 foot ladder on a border fence
Nathan Perry
Well fuck, will Ann Coulter get her wish?
Julian Garcia
>a 5 sided geometric shape clearing the way for a vertical Wall Guys, I did the math and shes right. Something isn't adding up here. Unless...No it can't be...
She should fuck off back to low-budget, soft-core, lesbian vampire movies.
Aaron Bell
Is America the only country that celebrates shit before it happens? I'll believe it when I see it used to be the norm. Not he said he'll do it. Just keeping cheering for something that hasn't been built yet retards.
Hunter Gomez
Should have built the same design that israel uses, I mean I hate the kikes but they have a very nice wall which works.
Alas you are getting a few upgrades in certain areas to a rusty fence, lmao miga cucks
Ian Price
Every time my hopes are extinguished, he pulls out something to raise them high again, only to re-extinguish them few days latter. Please, don't cuck on us this time
Joseph Peterson
>that flag seethe harder Pablo
Andrew Murphy
There's a whole legislative process and he received opposition to it. Presidents don't always get what they want, it's why America is a free country.
Landon Garcia
>will Ann Coulter get her wish What's that? Getting gangbanged by 9 Nigerians?
Owen Lewis
Has anything of value ever been achieved in Mexico?
A ladder large enough to get over the proposed fence/wall, is heavy, awkward, obvious, slow, and tedious to climb. Once at the top ,it would be a hell of a feat to pull it up and slide it over the other side to go down, so two would be needed and transferring from one ladder to another while carrying shit would be an obvious clusterfuck to surveillance drones or a helicopter.
Robert Rogers
Hard work ahead. Head down, shoulder to the wheel.
This is our land. We will decide who comes here and how.
Our resources are finite. If we had a properly functioning barrier on our border then Israel would not and their security is Trumps top priority. MIGA.
Jace Cook
Great, the utterly worthless vanity public works project he ran on will actually happen. There will be an unguarded fence across empty desert that will deter absolutely no illegal immigrants from entering the country.
Yeah, because I was wondering there for a while...
Landon Williams
Why does this even matter? You're less than 50% European/white now anyway . The brown goycattle majority will vote to tear it down and "stop the hate" Berlin wall style and then the final wave of African " climate refugees" will wash over you.
Send them home. They cant stay in The United States.
Gavin Brooks
And the Aztecs were also batshit insane. Remember that time a chief of one of their vassal tribes was asked to give his daughter to them for what he thought was marriage, and the next time he visited their city he found a shaman dancing around in his daughter's flayed skin?
Carson Gonzalez
thats actually how Trump fooled them the first time why not the 33rd
Aiden Peterson
Built it...and I will cum.
Jonathan Butler
Stone toss it into the the garbage, no reddit comics on this board plsthx
Luis Russell
Fucking ok then
Andrew Nelson
Already underway. Trump in Texas on a Tuesday with large logistics team and army Corp of engineers.
Sebastian Miller
Leo Ortiz
Top jej. I think you’re supposed to leave the stencil on the pan.
Strange that it came shortly after Epstein was arrested.
Isaac King
Works fantastically in Tijuana San Diego. Has for years.Virtually no crossing outside port of entry for commerce and tourism.
Austin Wright
LOL, that's actually how Cortes conquered the empire with 200 men. Nobody was willing to defend it
Anthony Jackson
>We're going to bring in more immigrants than ever before!! and they're going to be coming LEGALLY!! That means 3 bulls per wife! Based and MIGA pilled
Mexico is a large increasingly prosperous country with vast resources, cities, oceans. they've benefited enormously from proximity to The United States. We are encouraging many to return home with 5he skills they've learned here and use the money to 8mprove their homeland.
Andrew Taylor
It is easier to protect a wall than it is an open area. It's like you disingenuous fucks forget that we can man a wall
Robert Wilson
Speaking of wall. Milano has to use a characature of herself as her avatar?
Camden Walker
Tbqh I'm not exactly thrilled at the idea of a bunch of gun grabbing leftists cucks coming in from Europe either.