What’s Noam Chomskys deal?

What’s Noam Chomskys deal?

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>Hurricane in the South
Blame the US
>Earthquake in Japan
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>Brazilian guy stubs his toe on the door
Blames the US
>Polish town has a temporary blackout
Blames the US

Blaming the US for every single political problem, only considering socialism legitimate if every worker magically votes on everything, and making interesting contributions to linguistics

An overrated blowhard dickshit whose bullshit linguistic theories went nowhere so he pivoted to even more bullshit leftist fuckery. That way he could con generations of undergraduate jizz bags into not shutting the fuck up about him so he can pretend he’s still relevant to anything.


He's a jew

He's a senile old man

The most cited intellectual of our age.
>What an idiot, like he don't know economics supply and demand

Overt supporter and apologist of Pol Pot. Pretty much says everything you need to know about him. Brilliant in his narrow field but a complete dunce in relation to politics.

You should read Ray Peats ramblings instead, those are way more fun and interesting.

>us spends a century with a rouge CIA going into every country they can to enact regime change, forcing petrodollar exchange, destroy nations who want to nationalize oil instead of giving the profit margin to international jews, generally fuck up the world with "humanitarian" interventionism

God, this guy, just stop blaming us already :( We stand for like, democracy, and freedom, and stuff. It's these dang other "nations"' fault for having democratically elected leadership that doesn't want to bend over for mommy shlomo.

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still smarter and better political analysis than sargoy

He's right on many things has produced lots of valuable work. Manufacturing Consent exposed how the MSM is pure propaganda way before the internet. What he wasn't able to see was that the propaganda isn't purely right-wing, but rather globalist and pushes leftist narrative when it suits them. He also had to jump on the Trump hate train even though (candidate) Trump basically was what he's wanted from the democrats since forever: an outsider not beholden to wall street with an anti war message. I think it made him bitter.

weather underground operative

Why would he go for a career con artist with no credibility? Trump stood on the campaign podium telling people he was lying to them. Trump bent the knee to the GOP in the middle of the campaign when the GOP went from hating him to supporting him.

he supported sanders, who passed a bill to stop the US support of the yemen war. That was vetoed by trump. Who do you think in the end was the candidate most like what anyone who is anti-war would want?`The guy who swindles tax payers dozens of millions by playing golf at his own resorts, or the guy who spent 40 years in politics as an independent with the same anti-war message? come the fuck on.

I wouldn't expect him to support Trump over Sanders. However he did lump Trump together with the rest of the GOP except worse because right-wing bad. Not admiting that Trump's support came from a popular insurrection against the very things he has always been fighting against.

based antisyndicalist post

he still bitter than he couldn't use his superior verbal intellegnice to put a f4gg0t in his place, he's been rubbing his sore bumhole ver since (Gif related)

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He's a Jew who puts the interests of his people first

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I actually don’t know much other than his linguistics work but it’s extremely fascinating and builds on some really prominent figures like Lev Vygotsky

What does MSM mean?

Mainstream Media

Underage; should be banned

Was he wrong? Trump turned out just like people expected. Filled his cabinet with wall street people, like former OneWest Bank CEO Steven Mnuchin, secretary of the treasury. That's how you show you're not beholden to wall street. All the GOP leadership is right there by his side. Not only that, everyone knew trump was massively unqualified for office, and has ended up doing irreparable damage do US soft power and credibility. People like Jeb Bush say straight out in interviews trump is the perfect candidate, if only he didn't speak. He's a fucking moron, and pretending like he's a better choice than some square like jeb bush is hilarious. The only thing trump did was give people a chance to say fuck mexicans, and that's a fucking low bar accomplishment. Trying to lower immigration numbers has become even harder, because now the dichotomy is virtue signalling pricks like julian castro wanting to give healthcare coverage to illegals and let everyone who can reach the border in VS trump's murder camps(that obama installed) and dead babies in the water. Trump has been an absolute disaster for american politics, regardless of what you want.

If he really was an anti-establishment, anti-interventionist libertarian, his existence would be entirely different. That said, he would have never made it to the white house. The GOP has been even more dilligent, more successful at stamping out anyone who strays from the GOP chicken pen. The fact that he won should be telling you right away, he's compromised. Comparatively, on the dem side, you've got someone like warren who is the same type of compromised candidate, and bernie is still being openly discriminated and fought against by the DNC and MSM.

>Was he wrong?
Not really. I'm talking about the movement behind Trump not Trump himself.

I have a masters in History and I studied some of his works (surprise surprise, further education is full of leftism) as part of the modern history aspect. While I detested most of his works, he produced a piece of work that basically illustrated evidence that the BBC framed the serbs in the Yugoslavian conflict during the Balkans war as blair/Bush wanted to purportrate them as basically doing another holocaust. He introduced me to the premise that the colonialism is not dead, you simply stick in American and British contractors after 'liberating' war torn shitholes. Following the conflict in Iraq, the contracts sold to rebuild the country after we bombed the shit out of them was limited ONLY to British and American companies. The replaced government would only be pro West, and would sell only western contracts to rebuild the areas we destroyed. It was very profitable.

The difference between mine and his thinking is that he actually thinks this is a bad thing. Power is less about territorial boundaries, and more about what you can influence.

So yes, he's right about mainstream propaganda, he's right about Western aggression, he certainly isn't stupid. His politics is just down right detestable

I don't know what to think about him. On the one hand you have things like pic related. On the other you have things like this Vietnam debate with William F. Buckley Jr.


Right off the bat it seems like some kind of staged Hegelian dialectic discussion. Buckley is known to glow in the dark and I think Chomsky might too. Muh Auschwitz etc.

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Maybe you were thinking it. You implied he should have supported trump because of his campain, and i don't know how you seperate trump from the sentiment.

It's been known for a long while americans want to be the sleeping giant that it was. I'ts known americans want to fight the establishment, and it's corruption.

What i'm trying to get to is, you can't support those voters by pretending trump is a good candidate because right wing people finally get someone with those promises. You have to support a genuine candidate. If there ever was one for republicans, it was ron paul, and people didn't like it, because he didn't let them say fuck mexicans.,

>The most cited intellectual in an age of idiocy and decline

another "do as I say not as I do" liberal

>advocates anarchist living
>moves to kibbutz
>leaves kibbutz