/ssg/ - suppressed science general

Dicyanin They Live glasses can be real Edition

continuation of Names to research:
Walter John Kilner
Karl Reichenbach
Wilhelm Reich
Nikola Tesla
Viktor Schauberger
Stanley Meyer
Thomas Moray
Ed Leedskalin
Royal Rife
John Bedini
Joe Booker
Franz Mesmer
Jesus Christ of Bethlehem

Attached: ssg.jpg (750x600, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Some richanon should buy these and see if it works.


Alternativly maybe contact the seller?

what about kirlen?

oh i just

Attached: dicyan.jpg (2189x1642, 385K)


One book from kliner. We still need the one with the title "Human Aura" that supposedly has an instruction on how to build the glasses.

his name was "Stan Meyer".

Attached: download (30).jpg (480x360, 25K)

>Wilhelm Reich
i used to have a freind really into this
i even used one once

these names tend lean towards quackery then anything valid.


Is someone gonna order that stuff?

>needing special glasses to spot kikes

It isn't for us, it is for the retards who still are blind.

Attached: ITT.jpg (540x526, 44K)

True but it'd be an easy way to redpill friends and even strangers.
>Hey man, try these glasses on. See if they fit

>suppressed science
>Jesus Christ of Bethlehem
The truth about Jesus being a myth should be known, thanks for bringing it up OP:
>CAESAR'S MESSIAH The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus

>Historical Jesus or Jesus Myth: The Jesus Puzzle - The Bible Exposed

>Ten Beautiful Lies About Jesus - Nazareth

Love the supidly long fightscene. Perfectly shows hard it is to redpill ignorant people because they just dont want to see.

Hey what’s up with that before and after coke thing you posted last thread?

Probably BS but I'm interested.

In the book by Kilmer from 1911 he describes dissolving Dicyan A ("spectauranine") in ethanol and squeezing the solution between two glass screens (p. 6). Two screens where made that way, the second with a smaller concentration of dye.

It’s in last thread I was reading it he names that compound in the introduction and I quit reading and came back.

Let me guess, it doesn't work with a camera so no proof can be provided.

Dicyanin resources gathered by sleuth anons in the previous thread


Notes on synthesis

Attached: DICYANINE A.gif (234x176, 3K)

X tier but comfy
I do believe you can see aura though.

I dont know. We need to test it. Cameratech wasnt exactly stellar in 1911.

I think only the original 1900version works. People sell fakes for ez cash.

Literally bullshit, they're just generic sun glasses.

This is no different than "psychics" and "palm readers".

I mean if the ebay glasses work they should be able to take a picture through them and put in on their page.

kek, those look like shit

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Attached: vintage-original-made-hastings_1_8a67c3687340d11ea44207c632f8b184 (1).jpg (1000x750, 193K)

Yeah but some psychics aren’t bullshit otherwise they wouldn’t have spent so much researching with some...

All just speculation but It cant be ruled out. As it looks like it should be possible to recreate this.

>Let me guess, it doesn't work with a camera so no proof can be provided.
Kirlian photography is the term to search.

You can catch yourself up from there on your own, idiots who keep proofstering can die in a fire, be here to learn or contribute or shut the fuck up, we have enough trouble with shills as it is to be answering every useful idiot who thinks they are clever demanding proof.


You were born a slave and you were lied to in physics class.

Learn or remain ignorant, it is your choice.

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Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at 6.30.33 PM.png (1137x873, 405K)

Pretty cool. Makes you look like an astral doppeldecker pilot.

i guess the pic on bottom is what it supposed to look like.

Would probably look like bottom pic and dismissed as fake anyway. Pictures arent really good for proof nowadays anyway. No one believes pictures anymore.

I can't believe I'm actually considering buying one, but I'm very curious


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at 6.34.00 PM.png (1887x613, 413K)

Thats fake as fuck.
We need round glasses glue and some of that dye. maybe modify a binocular they have screw on lenses.

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My experience is anything aether related that is for sale is fake and legitimate commercial enterprises making real things get shut down.
We have to make our own stuff from basic materials.

so what does dyclinin whatever look like? is it a liquid or a powder or a crystal or what? what the hell is it, i've never heard of it.

if it's this simple, we could just order some and make our own basic lenses.

Im pretty sure it wont work.

You shouldn't believe everything you read. This stuff has always been marketed to stupid people. There is no conspiracy to hide any of it because there is nothing to hide. It doesn't work and is pseudo-science. Don't do drugs or you'll end up like the schizos that frequent these threads.

Attached: frequency and vibration.jpg (1054x879, 286K)

I think its some kind of blue powder in a glass vail. 1g is around 50 euro.

>Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle
>Planck Length Zero
>Virtual Particles
>Dimensional Foam
If you cannot find what you are looking for, force it to appear. It's already there; go get it.


>Excellent product for helping people to see their Auras much easier! I tested this product thoroughly and it does indeed do as advertised! What it does is the lens blocks out all light except the ultra violet spectrum thus allowing You to see the light or energetic body around people, animals and even objects. The glasses work and I am happy to recommend this product to others.

Looks like this shit just blocks everything but ultraviolet and dosent really have the original dye.

>You shouldn't believe everything you read. This stuff has always been marketed to stupid people. There is no conspiracy to hide any of it because there is nothing to hide.
Fuck off faggot.


Attached: you.jpg (477x724, 553K)

Scientists kissing to retro synth soundtrack to demonstrate aura tech.
This is the most 1970s shit I've ever seen.
Where did we go wrong, bros.

mp 300 °C, it is crystalline

>picture of a weak little faggot
>masculine blue aura is escaping and being overtaken by a feminine pink aura
checks out

I'm too jewish with my money, I don't think I can make myself do it

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ya the junk on amazon is most likely fake.

but if they already have Enchroma glasses that legit let colorblind people see color, using that same kind of applied tech to this dicyan shit might just actually work.

what i don't understand is; the way the colorblind glasses work, it filters out certin bands of light. is it being implied that an aura can be viewed on a visible wavelength on the light spectrum? and this one specific dye can filter this somehow? i have so many questions.

Attached: enchroma-glasses-1024x512.jpg (1024x512, 362K)

Im to poor to buy all that shit if someone does dont poison yourself.
Making a lens shoudnt be that hard.
Howmuch dye whould it take ?

here's a video of what it looks like (I doubt it's using the original dye, it seems pretty hard to find and you'd have to mass-produce for it to be profitable)

This looks shit. We need to make it ourselves. Anyone have a good link to buy the stuff or do i need to make a request at chemos.de ?

I think auras are visible for everyone just hard to see.
Those glasses train your eyes somehow.

2 month and you get eye cancer

has anyone here ever used these?

Last bread anons mentioned the tv static shit but a glow of a colorless / all colors layer surrounding living things is the way I have heard it described before. Any anons ever get the kaleidoscope color streams out of nowhere in your vision that point only at living things? Asking for a friend.

>is it being implied that an aura can be viewed on a visible wavelength on the light spectrum?
Not quite, but it filters out most of the spectrum allowing one to focus their pineal gland's vision sites.

Attached: flow.gif (500x500, 3.06M)

Those used Kliner 100 year ago. Read somewhere the originals dont work anymore because the dye has degraded.

i see it user

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We just need one or two anons to make and test it.

Don't answer this.

Anyone who is a strong sensitive on their own without training is a prime target for the glowniggers.

Attached: 3 6 9.gif (452x442, 2.66M)

hmmm.... this pic actually provides very good info as to what is happening, and its from an original the importantan part is:

>makes the eye sensitive to the extreme ends of the light spectrum...

the bad news is that I bet its just a filter that intensifies the red and infrared spectrum so what you are seeing is the "heat disturbance in the air" emanating from a person and not an "aura" notice who it says that:

> the "aura" will appear as a greyish mist two to three inches thick sorrounding the body

basically something similar to the shlieren photography technique


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unironically they probably increase the risk of eye cancer or at least damage

The glasses will shade your eyes and cause your pupils to dilate and since they are not UV protected more ultraviolet light will be fucking up your eyes - definitely don't wear them on a sunny day and for a long time


Pretty good shit with full instruction. I fear i might be too retarded and do something wrong.

Sadly only companys can request at chemos.de ;(

They will promote smoking DMT like they did with Salvia, which is wrong.

Salvia must be chewed as a quid
Ayahuasca must be taken orally...especially when it comes to Ayahuasca only because the purge part of the process is complicit in avoiding the fake pitfalls associated with short cutting an experience so instrumental in some individuals that it would certainly stimulate a renaissance in a small yet potent population;

Attached: saci.png (1149x876, 73K)

Try to get it from China will take long though.

yes and why we need to see these "auras" or frecuencies if we can just check it by other means, infrared, x rays, ultrasound

It's a known problem that the dye will quickly deteriorate in the wrong conditions


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I think you need to keep it below 4 celcius .

20 minuites in
>oh those poor Jews
>They rebelled you see and thats why your god doesnt exist.
>sabbozh goy.


it's not the fantasy you're looking for.

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I remember around the turn of the century people in Australia were driving around with those pvc pipe canisters on their cars making browns gas.

Yeah looks like shit. I want the original stuff.

i posted the light spectrums (or whatever it's called) in the previous thread, i meanwhile got some pictures

Attached: Bild-7.jpg (415x638, 61K)

>I remember around the turn of the century people in Australia were driving around with those pvc pipe canisters on their cars making browns gas.

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i wear contact lenses that block all the UV

The 400-500nm should be ultraviolet just like the amazon aura glasses.

600-700nm is usualy invisible right?

Thats what is filtered out right? Yellow and red?

Dont know enough about optics to tell if the original would make a difference to the amazon aura glasses. Anyone smarter here?

was thinking the same thing
this stuff doesn't do shit, you'll need something that actually "scrubs" non violet light

All nice and shit but pure lies from the beginning as the stuff isnt illegal at all and available as it looks like.
Glasses not availible because inventor vanished while there are tutorials how to do it out there. Huh?

ok, how about this, i think it's more detailed:

>PranaView Aura Goggles are designed to emulate the essential characteristics of the famous Kilnescrene Aura Goggles made by Harry Boddington. In particular, that consists of a sharp symmetric blue transition centered around 400nm, and a step form red transition very near to 700nm.

>PranaView uses a commercial welding goggle as a base for construction. A polycarbonate / CR39 impact shield and UV filter is used as the innermost element of the Pranaview stack. This filter is considered opaque to UV below 385 nm, and is an important safety feature of the PranaView goggle.

>The operating principles of efficient auric lenses

>An auric lenses should exclude most visible light, leaving the near ultra-violet and near infra-red for the eye to process. The more efficiently it does this, the better it will perform.

>An auric lenses should put the eye into the mesopic vision or possibly the scotopic vision regime. In practice this means an aura filter must be pretty dark.

>wavelengths of light around 498 nm (green-blue) and are insensitive to wavelengths longer than about 640 nm (red). Scotopic vision occurs at luminance levels of 10-2 to 10-6 cd/m2. In other species, such as the Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor), advanced color discrimination is displayed. [2] Night-vision goggles and similar devices take advantage of the fact that human eyesight is most sensitive to light with a wavelength of 540 nm (slightly lime green).

>Mesopic vision occurs in intermediate lighting conditions (luminance level 10-2 to 1 cd/m2) and is effectively a combination of scotopic and photopic vision. This however gives inaccurate visual acuity and colour discrimination

>The human eye uses pure scotopic vision in the range below 0.034 cd/m2, and pure photopic vision in the range above 3.4 cd/m2.

>In particular, that consists of a sharp symmetric blue transition centered around 400nm, and a step form red transition very near to 700nm.

Seems the same. I think we are running after some rather tame bullcrap. Training with this shit too see some barely visible lines that could be just heat? How do you supposed to see if someone is an psychopath or reptilian with this?

>used one
you what?

Attached: bonr.jpg (600x820, 52K)


>Training with this shit too see some barely visible lines that could be just heat?

heres a visible light spectrum to use with this othe picand even this review says that the person had better luck looking at the heat signature using a combination of things

Attached: Electromagnetic_Wave-20[1].png (1600x856, 131K)

I found an easier way to sysnethis the stuff

you just need sodium hydroxide and 2,4-dimethylquinoline methiodide

2,4-dimethylquinoline is fairly cheap (~$80 a gram, which is not bad when you see the price of the other chemicals required for different synthesis methods)

and you can get sodium hydroxide almost anywhere

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at 7.52.11 PM.png (494x249, 58K)

>and even this review says that the person had better luck looking at the heat signature using a combination of things

Yeah fingertrick. Placing your hand on a white paper sheet and defocusing your eyes.
total breakthrough. -.-

Why synthesize if you can buy it in china. Its not illegal or toxic like some new age sites claim.

The effect should be the same as anyway.

Dont think this is particulary impressive.

>we memed nightmare goggles into reality

You can see a persons aura just by staring past them for a while.

/x/ go back

wait, so girls have actually been checking out my aura this whole time?

Maybe the feminine is more in tune than the masculine.

Never saw colors though when i tried that. Only LSD like morphs that could resemble a colorless shine but could be from strained eyes.

Guises do you think Eric Dollard is the real deal or not?

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