Being blackpilled

I've got to admit. Lately I've gotten completely blackpilled. I don't think Europeans will survive
>Many nationalist parties can barely get above 15% of the voters (Italy is a good exeption)
>Meanwhile many countries are already at 80% non native or even lower
>Eastern Europe is doing better but they're birth rates are also abysmally low
>Policies doing seem to increase birth rate (for instance in Orban's Hungary it's still 1.49)
>Even on Jow Forums people are talking all the time out their gfs/wifes from another country, not to mention the yellow fever, latina fever, jungle fever etc.
I try to have some hope, but I'm afraid there is none.

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There's no hope dude, lol. The situation is so bad. People are so delusional. It's objectively true and yet you can't even say it on a board like this without everyone saying "U FUCKIN JEW DEMORALIZATION POSTER". IDK it is the truth though.

That's probably the worst part. How even here people are just not looking at what's going on. Why don't people just think for a few seconds?

There is hope, but it is an uphill battle.
We must abandon and replace the groups and institutions created to destroy us.
Starve the jewish beast by ignoring them and making our own new community.

If we fight them directly we will loose because they control every avenue.
We must build new roads to where we want to go.

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New schools, new businesses, new farms, new hospitals.
We have everything we need within our grasp, we need to reach out and take it and make something of it.
100 years ago most people were aware of the jewish problem, but they have won that battle especially since WW2. We must start over, the 20th Century was a mistake. We could be living on other planets if greedy jealous selfish kikes had not stolen everything from us.

>reading this absolute demoralization trite as a white european with children on the way.

Most peoples lives and their entire conception of the world starts and stops with themselves, their own ego, and their perception of their own status within their given community. I dunno. They are mostly totally wrapped up in trying to get ahead and get some kind of personally "dominant" position over everyone else that they just don't concern themselves with stuff like this. To most of them politics is just a means to virtue signal and thus increase that community status. That's why you get so many white people, esp in the upper classes who are heavily enmeshed in that way of thinking, saying "hahahahha yes, lets take in MORE immigrants! Let's END WHITE SUPREMACY! Lets give reparations to blacks! Hahahahahaah! yes! We are so bad! We are so racist! Lets make up for it all!" because even though a sane and objectively minded person would recognize they are humiliating themselves and contributing to massive social ills that are going to plague their god damn children when they get older, the other side of the coin is that such people are immediately personally profiting off of such behavior. They're "gaining ground" in this imaginary little race they're running.

This is also part of why city people tend to be more left-wing like this too. City people rely on opinions of others to survive. Their entire world is collectivized. So life becomes a constant and endless struggle for status to them. Politics becomes just another way of increasing their status. Thus the "virtue signalers".

Source: Am psychic empath. You don't have to believe me, you can think I am schizo, I got all their heads mapped tho.

>esp in the upper classes who are heavily enmeshed in that way of thinking
And you know, by this I mean that status-centric and overlysocialized way of thinking.

I can't take it anymore that demographics is just simply not being discussed, it's a topic no one wants to touch
Because """obviously""" it's far less important than what politician X of party A said about politician Y of party B, or how politician Z of party C perhaps committed some tax fraud somewhere

I'm not trying to demoralise anyone, just pointing out the reality as I see it

Name one European country that's 80% non-native and I'll take this faggottery seriously

You're probably a very individualistically minded person living in a very collectivist world, with collectivist minded people. The exasperation and feeling of "OMG HOW CAN THEY BE SO BLIND" that you feel and think is so unreasonable is likely due to the fact that to some degree you project your inner emotional mental state and thoughts on to other people. You project your individualism, your sincerity, your belief in doing the right thing and being fair and just and equitable and having a true value and understanding of those things. But I think the part you miss is that the rotten, toxic, narcissistic sludge in other peoples brains is so awful and alien to you that you're just operating on two totally separate frequencies. I am telling you other people just don't have the priorities and sincerity that you probably do. Other people are completely full of shit. They'd kill their own children like Abraham on the alter for a handful of instagram likes if they knew they could get away with it. This is the sociopathy in the human race and it's either intentionally or unintentionally engineered through the cancerous collectivism that weeds out individuals and actual decent, principled people because such entities become existential threats to the "order and dogma" of the current system. When I was growing up individualistic people were "liberals" and they were easy going and stuff. Today, the way things are in the USA and the issue we are facing, the individualistic people are god damn right-wing nutjobs and far right racists, capitalists and semi-reluctant-but-simultaneously-fully-devoted-trump-supporters.

There is hope.

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I can obviously point to the Baltic states
But let's take England. It was 79.9% white British in 2011. Many migrants in the last years, and that's already assuming you can count as native Scots, Welsh and all other whites who consider themselves as "white British"

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This only shows that it's merely the extreme conservatives who have above replacement levels kids. Plus "extremely conservative" itself can be quite vague. I've seen a lot of people on Jow Forums who could be described as such but then mention for instance "muh honorary aryan jap gf"

Thanks for the redpill user. Lots to think about

So that's 80% native not 80% non native

>When I was growing up individualistic people were "liberals" and they were easy going and stuff. Today, the way things are in the USA and the issue we are facing, the individualistic people are god damn right-wing nutjobs and far right racists, capitalists and semi-reluctant-but-simultaneously-fully-devoted-trump-supporters.
I mean it's the same people is what's hard for a lot to understand. It's the exact same people. In the 90s all of the smart, intelligent, decent and principled people ended up as easy-going liberals. And all of the god damn faggy, pissed off, emotionally incontinent homos became social conservatives and yelled "AIDS IS A PUNISHMENT FROM GOD TO QUEERS" and then went off behind the scenes and sucked some dick.
Today homos dont stay in the closet like did in the 80s and 90s, so they don't become virulent social conservatives. Today they become virulent authoritarian progressives. And the normal, sensible, responsible and reasonable individualistic people who had a visceral negative response to that kind fo social conservatism in the 80s and 90s are now having that same visceral negative response to progressivism and far-leftism.

So you'd think maybe the normal sensible people would win the culture war again like did in the 90s, except no. Cuz behind the scenes there are have always been these absolutely satanic Jews driving a lot of this and making things harder and harder and harder through the entertainment industry, and government, and banks and all of this other BS. They've got us right where they want us now. And they've opened the borders and played everyone like a fiddle, even the smart and sensible and normal people (although realistically IDK that they are to blame because they were the ones acting sensibly and decently the whole time).

IDK. Sorry this is convoluted. This is really how it is though.

spot-on analysis.

I want to read you, but why must you be a memeflaggot

That's what kali yuga is all about. The end of my race. We are going to evolve. The shitskins will stay in this hell forsaked plane.

Jow Forums isn't a reflection of reality dumbass. Europeans are experiencing a bottle neck event not seen since WW2, and will come out more tribal then ever.

Ah I've seem to have misread.
Even then, question of time. South Africa is gone, whites a minority in America in just a few decades
Even if the native population was 100% redpilled (unrealistic but let's assume) when you are less than 50% in a democracy you're fucked

>Jow Forums isn't a reflection of reality dumbass
These anons are real. As for your bottle neck theory I will believe it when I see it

>Today homos dont stay in the closet like did in the 80s and 90s, so they don't become virulent social conservatives. Today they become virulent authoritarian progressives. And the normal, sensible, responsible and reasonable individualistic people who had a visceral negative response to that kind fo social conservatism in the 80s and 90s are now having that same visceral negative response to progressivism and far-leftism.
Oh and one more thing about this, of course the very same sociopathic gays and monsters that were closeted social conservatives back then are now turning around and blaming "bigoted straight men" for oppressing them. But simultaneously they say "anti-gay people are secretly gay!" so it's like they even know on some level that the stuff I'm saying is true, but they'll never accept or recognize that it's always been gays who have held other gays down, been anti-gay, and been at the center of passing all of the most vicious and authoritarian and backwards laws ever to exist, cuz gays are just inherently vehement authoritarians.

That's how narcissistic sociopaths roll, man. They will fuck stuff up then blame you for it. They will always turn around and blame you for whatever bad things they did. And they'll do it without any shame or any hint that they know what they're doing but they do know, because it's all coldly calculated in ways that are so dark it would make your head spin.

% doesn't matter
there is no democratic solution

the strong minorities forged in the fire of this hell world will rise up and bring law and justice

a new 1% will become the elite. Among them are the people who seeded this place with honest and true information.

I see it like this: since the early XXc, we always knew a purge was coming. Humanity cannot and should not be 8 billion. What we didn't suspect is that the purge would start with 90% white people disappearing, betrayed by their own and by not reproducing (shitting out a mulatto counts negative points). The purge is longer and more brutal than we could have imagined. I believe Europe will be white because golems cannot exist without whites and their misguided altruism. When whites reach a critically low proportion, when the brainwashing doesn't work anymore, the European man will simply take what's his. Sadly I might not be alive to see it, but as user said, I'm not the center of the world.

History is full of surprises.

there could be 10 whites in a cave in Appalachia, and we'll still come back.

If you're genuine, mexicans don't have kids when they're born in america. Only their immigrant parents pop out mutts according to stats. replacement rate is low for everyone in degenerate jew controlled america.

A mexican baby boom is 3-4 kids when they come to america. A white baby boom is 12+ kids because we're capable.

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The gangpill is the antidote to the blackpill.

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most of our countries won't survive the long term. some might chug along for a bit but they'll get worse and worse. third world conditions will creep up everywhere until we hit a new dark age. Our only hope is to start a new white christian country somewhere while not relying on fossil fuels. I think its worth trading in many of our modern day luxuries for a purpose in life.

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We can rise out of the ashes of old America like a phoenix. I agree we cannot use fuels, and I would go as far as to say no entertainment.