>colonizes half of africa and enforces french to become the native language among most black people
>lol why is france full of niggers? xD
Colonizes half of africa and enforces french to become the native language among most black people
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now explain Sweden
Paris is literally infested with nogs and algerians, it's fucking disgusting. When I visited a year ago you couldn't walk five paces without tripping over some subhuman begging or running some obvious con game. All their shitlet kids are fucking thieves as well. DOTR needs to come to france soon.
French aren't white themselves
its like their greed to become a world power at that time only ended up costing them today..
what comes around goes around you snail eating fucks
Ok shlomo
Love France and French Africans
Sorry to clear things up for you, but only a few European nations are known for aryan looks
France is mostly celts, which are direct descendents of Indo-Europeans. Now gtfo
Seethe some more, memeflaggot
That was the genius idea of the republican left
Fuck the left
>Supports imperialism
>Blames the right wing 200 years later for the legacy of Colonialism
French leftists are a special kind of insufferable
she looks more north african aka berber rather than french
what about UK pakis?
Does this butthurt German generally like shilling? I thought it was mainly anti-Brit threads because of how seething he is over Brexit but I suppose his inferiority complex expands beyond that
One on the left got some bong genes
Shut up Levi
Former colony M8, if it makes you feel better we colonised half of West Africa, as well as pretty much all of East and South Africa, although despite that we mainly just get Nigerians, Ghanaians, and Sierra Leonians
I met a French lady at work yesterday and she had red hair, didn’t know they possessed the trait
French leftism is the root of all evil. See the French Theory
Northern France is more Germanic, so there you go
>French are insufferable
Lol, Checked the digits don't lie
I had a professor who was french with red hair. She was a bitch and had mood swings, unlike my economics professor who looked like a classy old gentleman.
pol can't debunk this
whites were ready to take over the world yet you have empathy.
The jews then took over the world yet failed to learn that they are doomed to fail thanks to greed and avarice
Their cut cock kin (cut on the 8th day after birth) will ultimately lead to betrayal
Are there any books on the Judaeo-Masonic origins of the revolution?
At least we had colonies. Germany never been more than a continental power. Spain, Portugal, England, France, this big four used to rule the world. And yeah, fuck the left from the XIXth century.
A lot. It's a mainstream subject in right wings movements, I bet it's even on Wikipedia.
It's so mainstream that I never bothered reading one, so I couldn't suggest you one
It had a few colonies in Africa but we both stole them in 1918
Around 5% of the population in France has red hair. So 7% of the ethnic french have this type of hair. google.com
We are continental celts after all
>At least we had colonies
*Destroys your Reich*
I'll have to look in French since anything Anglophone that talks about Masonry being politically involved is considered /x/ tier.
the one on the left looks british
Damn Algeria, we should have nuke it after leave it. Funny thing, Algeria always been a colony until 1962. Their race is to be ruled by foreigners.
>When I visited a year ago you couldn't walk five paces without tripping over some subhuman begging or running some obvious con game. All their shitlet kids are fucking thieves as well.
Those are Romanian gypsies though, not Algerians or niggers.
American masonry is mainly about business, European masonry is mainly about politics. So maybe that's why.
For exemple, although they lost most of their power after WW2, almost every high ranking police officers and military officials are masons
I tried to tell normies about the affaire des fiches and they basically said I was a liar.
How did you word it? Should've told them to fuck off and do the research.
>affaire des fiches
Nice, do you have French origins or something?
It was basically to weed the catholics out of the army. To this day, they still are present in big numbers
Normies are normies for a reason, but given that this is official history, even on Wikipedia, I don't know how they can deny it
I eventually did, it just boiled down to, "Masons are just old people who do charity work. You're a schizo for saying otherwise."
Yes, they came from Thiers.
That's Shriners for one. Shriners are cut from the same cloth but are nevertheless different. My opinion, many English Rite Freemasons are good, the real baddies are the ones from the Grand Orient.
Yeah there's definitely a difference between Continental Masonry and Anglo masonry. Although I know a lot of Anti-Masonic literature also likes to blame Scottish Rite as well for some reason.
free money
The only real French left are in Quebec, the only province standing up to the PC multiculturalism kike bullshit.
Based commie killer
That's l'île saying niggers from Sierra Leon are better than niggers from Liberia
Scottish Rite is basically premium membership for British Masonry and are more in the know. Watch out for the Grand Orient ones because they have direct ties to the Jacobins and basically want to abolish everything for "enlightenment" and likely were the executors maybe even writers of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
English Freemasons have a more liberal rather than dogmatic approach to what should be.
Sorry but after what masons did to my country, everything related to them is a no-no
Do Commies still vandalize his grave? I know that Hollande made some kind of apology over the Communards again meanwhile the Vendée massacres still aren't recognized.
I absolutely agree, I don't trust them, never will. But you have to find the trail of cake crumbs and where it leads you.
>Do Commies still vandalize his grave?
I don't think they even know who he is. That's how dumb they are now
>Hollande made some kind of apology over the Communards again meanwhile the Vendée massacres still aren't recognized
We live in clown Republic, so we shouldn't be affected by what the system says
Whites did take over the world, then they destroyed themselves. Almost took the whole world with them.
That 5% also includes red-blond. Just Fischer Scale I-III is like 1.6%, just below Germany. Including only ethnic French.