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>impeach Hillary


Thank you for trying.

> impeach hillary
who ever wrote this was a retard that wished clinton was president.

Attached: merchant-hillary.jpg (567x546, 56K)

trump is zog.... (((america))) is lost, just se you demografics, white people just drop below 50%

>Impeach Hillary

You tried.

You forgot to include the making anti-boycott laws for Israeli products.

>impeach hillary
the discord trannies aren't sending their best

Attached: 1532808685872.jpg (625x625, 38K)

>break up largest banks
>impeach hillary

Is the B team shilling again?

>Impeach Hillary
saged and reported

Attached: 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg (640x628, 40K)