What phenotype is this?

Attached: Actual Beauty.jpg (630x1200, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:



She looks italian


moorish french


there are only humans, niggers, and jews; everything else is semantics

You are obviously neither a taxonomist nor a biologist. IOW, you're not an expert. So STFU

Attached: anomalo.png (259x194, 69K)


>offers no opinion
thanks dad

american jewess mongrel. made for dicks.

Attached: smoldered.gif (245x300, 1.47M)

med bvll

space alien

>You see this majestic woman for the first time
>You start associating blonde hair with prostitutes

Anyone else taken the brunette pill?

Attached: blonde whores BTFO.jpg (1050x550, 69K)

Attached: WJk8I0Q.gif (400x222, 1.93M)

Poopy butt

Lol jews don't produce women that good looking, for them that's extremely rare. She is Swedish I think

Human phenotype. Falsify what I typed, maggat

the muh dick phenotype


The generic leftover type.

Attached: oops.jpg (1500x1120, 91K)

the dick rider pheno

She does look Italian but her name is German.

Getting aggressive only proves he is closer to the truth than you.Try this:

Give me the basic run-down on the three types, and effective ways to tell the difference. For example I know jews are jewish because they say "I am jewish" 4 seconds after meeting them, and I know blacks are black because my guide dog growls.

Best emma is not a kike

Jews are fucking ugly especialy the Khazars. That is not a Jew.

she looks like she had some plastic surgery, but probably was the "hawk" pheno

If she grew up on the east coast then she, like everyone else here, is half italian and half german/dutch or english.

>Jews are fucking ugly especialy the Khazars. That is not a Jew.
>Lol jews don't produce women that good looking, for them that's extremely rare. She is Swedish I think
hence why i said american + MONGREL jew.

looks like my ex from about 3 years ago, we fucked 5 times a day then
shit was so cash

She's human, fucker. I don't need your approval to make a simple observation.


Attached: 2525523.jpg (238x212, 7K)


Euro Mutt

My mother has black hair, white skin and blue eyes. My mother is a Celtic-Scandi-some Greek/Roman.

sounds lovely. post pics

Kyrsten Ritter is from rural pennsylvania and of german, scottish, and english descent.

She's German, English, and Scottish


Attached: manbaby.jpg (480x415, 72K)

Michael Jackson?

Attached: nige.jpg (620x310, 36K)

Why does the media always push women with chimp like prognathism?

Jew with a nosejob

Why do hog-people use words they don't understand?

Attached: gumpig.jpg (480x639, 19K)

Attached: 1552183987998.gif (400x225, 1.99M)


Iranian hapa

Is that real?

>Is that real?



what is up with her nostrils? This isn't a "2/10 would not bang" comment (IWB), but they look like they've been cut into somehow. I guess that answers my question.

God I wish that were me

>what is up with her nostrils? This isn't a "2/10 would not bang" comment (IWB), but they look like they've been cut into somehow. I guess that answers my question.

jew nose job + cocaine


Attached: 1564008244897.gif (250x209, 1.82M)


Apparently she's English, Scottish, and German--just like me! Maybe that's why I have such a weakness for goth girls.

Attached: 12298909_1512020169126061_1552052093_n.jpg (1080x1350, 109K)

3rd wave feminist

Good lord she would be hideous without makeup.

The I'm pretending to be white while I go on Blacked.com phenotype.

French and ... something

I fucking love skinny goth girls and I can't lie. Ritter is a perfect specimen of such.

>Anyone else taken the brunette pill?

I like this one.


ritter is german or anglo apparently

It wouldn't be Jow Forums without this.
