>Calls himself a nationalist
>Doesn't want to nationalize the economy because that's "communism"
Calls himself a nationalist
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not a socialist either and I am very pro American? We just can't have socialism for corporations.
>we can't regulate the corporations goy otherwise we wont be able to take advantage of workers!
it worked for germany in the 30's
The nation-state is for retards. Trans-national imperialism is where it’s at.
>Trans-national imperialism is where it’s at.
Fuck off kike.
thats why nazbol is the real redpill
What makes you retards have faith that ANY of these retards in government can run businesses?
I ask this all the time, I never get an answer.
Throughout our ENTIRE history, EVERY time the government has intervened...things went to shit.
Milton Friedman once said, "If our government was in charge of the Sahara Desert, we'd have a sand shortage in 5 years"...or some shit like that.
You don't need GOVERNMENT. You need to GROW some balls and MAKE YOURSELF.
I'm a racist not a nationalist
>the alternative to corporate free reign of the economy is bureaucratic free reign
One group wants to make me gay and the other one wants to starve me to death, I really don't see the benefit to either.
Most retarded thread today.. op is not a shill