LOL Pick a side libtards!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Faggots and muslims are both jewish tools

Backup cuz you know twitter's gonna delete that tweet for some bullshit reason.

maybe Apollyon was right that the lack of war weakens us all

Also do muslims believe in Adam and Eve? She says "god created adam and eve not adam and steve" which is a christfag saying here in america.

this muslim woman is a firecracker, you can't tell me it's not kinda hot the passion she has for hating gays.

>implying either one should be allowed in our countries

They won't. They're cowards and people pleasing sheep.

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Based Boomer

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Yeah I was confused by that too, undercover Christian?

Lol the retard who posted the vid is supporting the faggots.


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The sad part is she sounds like a white British person.

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The tweet is from this 'sticks and stones' guy

>Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

cringe Boomer term

I’ve never seen a woman in a burka even speak before
You might be right. This smells

You really this dumb? Islam uses the same old testament.

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Out of Muslim vs gays

I would support gays.

i'll take the muslims as long as they're the full burka, women can't vote/work/drive type. Not the pussy-assed liberalized muslims that let their women go to college and work.

Where do you think Muslims got the idea from in the first place? It's all thora and old testament in the beginning but another messiah.
The story about the jew that cheated on his wife and got a muslim child and a christian child. Ismael and some other dude.

>That's what the fascists and racists say about you!
>*SHAME ON YOU!!! intensifies*
>fags walk away


>"that's exactly what the racists and fascists say!"
lmao these virtue signaling liberal retards are hilarious

such a lame thing to screech

Jow Forumstards btfo

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> shame on you!
> shame on you!
> "thats what the racists and fascists say about you!"
> SHAAAAAAME on ALL of you!

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But we can just easily support both, not even close to being mutually exclusive

How does the "LGTBQ" community even stick together, when the "B" (bisexual) implies there are only two established genders, and "T" (transgender) implies gender does matter (as does the L and G), but then the "Q" (queer) is for all of the people who believe in no gender/gender fluidity/multiple genders?

>zoomer religious education
Mohammad was (according to Muslims) another prophet of the Abrahamic God. They believe everything that happened in the Torah and New Testament. But they believe Mohammad was the final prophet, after Moses and Jesus

Read a book, you damn Zoomers

They’re all losers.

t. steve

Who knows. They are all insane.

I actually side with the Muslims against them. At least Muslims know this shit should be kept away from children.

Pick Muslims, Inshallah!

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The Quran is basically a modified version of Christianity and a bunch of old Arab myths (That's where the flying white horse shit comes from)
Mohammad also added more violence and anti Semitism into his religion so he could BTFO the Jews and have a mandate to conquer the world.

This. D&C as far as the eye can see

Anyone got bianca devins corpse pic?


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arent gays liberals? and muslim are liberals too in western countries, they convert to ti

>Is this a deleted scene from Life Of Brian?

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>Also do muslims believe in Adam and Eve?
>Also do muslims believe in Adam and Eve?
Yes, large swathes of the quran are co opted from the abrahamic books, with abraham or ibrahim as you might also recognise him, being one of their prophets directly descended from Adam, as was Jesus. Their problem stems from the fact that mohamed or however the fuck you spell it, claims to have been given the final and unalterable word of god so, who is a mere mortal to suggest that parts of gods own words to the child fucker should be reformed? Hence no reformation of the muslim faith will be forthcoming. Both Judaism and Islam make this claim with non believers being either filthy goyim, or disgusting infedels. This also allows them to be deceitful when they proclaim to respect all 'people' (with non believers being subhumans and therefore not people, allowing them to slaughter and carry out attrocities against non believers) whilst demonstrating in group preference. Hence why all the instability in the middle east, a bunch of arrogant goat fuckers thinking they have the unalterable word of god on their side trying to genocide each other to reclaim the holy land.

Muslims, they just have to go back to where they came from

Of course they believe in Adam and Eve...

This. We should ship them all to Israel together and let them and their true masters all sort it out.

Flying horse isn't in the Qur'an you dumb abo

>Adam and Eve are the Bible's first man and first woman.[7][8] Adam's name appears first in Genesis 1 with a collective sense, as "mankind"; subsequently in Genesis 2–3 it carries the definite article ha, equivalent to English "the", indicating that this is "the man".[7] In these chapters God fashions "the man" (ha adam) from earth (adamah), breathes life into his nostrils, and makes him a caretaker over creation.[7] God next creates for the man an ezer kenegdo, a "helper corresponding to him", from his side or rib.[8] The word "rib" is a pun in Sumerian, as the word "ti" means both "rib" and "life".[9] She is called ishsha, "woman", because, the text says, she is formed from ish, "man".[8] The man receives her with joy, and the reader is told that from this moment a man will leave his parents to "cling" to a woman, the two becoming one flesh.[8]

>Meanwhile christcucks are still believing shit that was retconned more than fucking starwars

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What's your point you obnoxious time-wasting faggot?

day of the rope for you degenerate scum

You gave it more thought than anyone who is or supports that group.

the ones that pick the faggots will be killed by the muslims
the ones that pick the muslims will also be killed by the muslkms, just after all the gays are dead
allahu akhbar


I can see diversity is Britain's strength.