Why Am I supposed to Support Open Borders?

Black liberal here

I never understood why I’m supposed to think sending migrants back to their country and not accepting all illegal immigrants is bad.

Legal immigration I support but why am I supposed to clap when illegals come?

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I just want to know how we send you back nigger.

Can’t send me back my family has been here since 1722

Probably longer than yours

Unironically you belong here, then

Not long enough.

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illegal immigration puts upward pressure on housing and downward pressure on labor costs. In this context, illegal immigration is like welfare for the capitalists (landlords and business owners). If you don't support open borders, you are a racist, transphobe misogynist.

I come from slaves brought here from the Ivory Coast. I’m as American as an Anglo and more American than most I’d argue

Post your ancestry .com test results

I get the economic vultures pushing it behind the scenes for cheap labor. I don’t get why I’m supposed to be for it culturally

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>Illegal immigrants are causing fear and tension on that side of the border. Bring them onto our side.

I've always been fascinated by the stupidity of Libtards.

>we must open borders, naaoo!!

But why?

>because their home countries are DANGEROUS!!!

Why is that?

>Because they murder each other!!

Okay, true. But how many immigrants is enough to make you happy then?

>Let them all in, for all I care!! Evil Nazi!

But if you let all the people in from dangerous countries, the dangerous people will follow and turn our country into a dangerous place.


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Bro you’re as dark as a Mexican, you ain’t black.

How else will white liberals realize themselves unless there's open border? Will someone please think of the white people?

Its fucking ridiculous actually because illegal immigrants are parasites.
And there simply isn't enough welfare to go around.

Unironically illegal immigrants harm blacks because there aren't enough welfare dollars to go around.

Don't you want rich people to able to afford cheap slaves? What a fucking black asshole. You think its unfair that your tax money goes to welfare entitlement programs that illegals, who pay no tax, can receive? Wow...

White-Hispanic immigrants are needed to prevent Blacks from taking control of the DNC and actually forcing them to negotiate for your people.

Really? Not that this is real life, but I've only "been in a room" with someone whose family has been here longer than mine (1799) only once before in my 41 years.

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They gloss over the real issues and glaze it with a vanere of welcoming illegals is sticking it to trump, giving poor dirty people a chance in life and for these lefties it's the biggest virtue they can signal.

Because your gibsmasters say so.

Shut up and follow the narrative, nigger. How dare you question the wisdom of your White Democrat Overlords.
Do you want the gibs or not?
That's what I thought. Do as you're told and keep your independent thought focused on Basketball and writing your next rap album.
Never, EVER, question us again.

A White Democrat.

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at this point if your not going to texas to kill beaners you have given up

>the food is so much better than white food!!!

Most liberals don't support open borders, you don't have to either.
You also shouldn't support dehumanizing people, though, regardless of their citizenship status - particularly children, who are technically not capable of culpability in the matter.

It's one thing to deport undocumented immigrants, it's another to deliberately treat them like shit beyond what we consider acceptable for prisoners, even, while you do it. As a deterrent. Or to enact immigration policies that ensure only the wealthy ever have a shot at immigrating or that exclude certain ethnic groups, etc.
You don't need to support one extreme or the other.

you are lucky to even get halfway through this conversation without someone’s head exploding

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>Forced to walk through the desert, 1/3rd actually purchased from their parents.
Ahh yes. That's right. Because 3 hots and a cot, with more amenities than they've ever experienced before is "Dehumanizing."
But little girls found with semen from multiple men who claim to be family is definitely more humane.



We see you, shill.

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do you see?

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Stop being a nigger. If you cant do that stop being a liberal. Just be a nigger then and not a double niggerfaggot

OP, you should not support open borders. Now that we are going to spend military money on protecting the borders, I think it would be a good time to send some sharp shooters down there to keep the cartels at bay.

Get back on the plantation.

>dehumanizing people
They can go be human in their own countries.

OP beginning to wake up.
(((they))) want you to be bound to the same (((racial narrative))) that they created, which leaves you open to the idea that "others" should just come and take.
Breaking the psychological yoke is first step towards the GREAT AWAKENING.

Also, was a bad idea sending your genetic info to the info gatherers. Your blood is more important than you realize.
which side of your family is white, maternal or paternal?

That’s not shit. You don’t even qualify for Sons of the revolution. You need to go back nigro

Even 50 years ago politicians would have been hung for this

It is like this, my liberal friend: The Democrats and the Republicans both want power, and they are both willing to use underhanded means to accomplish this. For Republicans, the tactic of choice is gerrymandering, allowing them to gain more representation when the number of people behind them is less. It's scummy, but technically speaking, anyone can do it (and I'm sure the Democrats do in some districts).

The Democrats, however, are far more sinister. They don't have the ability to easily breed more members, because their most ardent supporters don't like to have children. Instead, they try to be as inclusive as possible by having no moral message and extending a hand to every illegal immigrant, even though they can't possibly vote for them. Their ultimate goal is to get those illegal immigrants voting, but for now, the presence of those illegal immigrants still grants them an advantage. They increase the population of Democratic states, thus giving them more representatives (even if they aren't voting for said representatives), and they also have children, who are US citizens, and almost guaranteed to vote Democrat.

Because you are black and liberals think they own you. They say you should be for it, you're supposed to say "yessir, mastah, sirrr. I heps dose illegals real goods, massah!" and grin while you get run out of your job by pajeets and illegals.

I'm a son of the American Revolution!


Anyone who isn't descended from Native Americans needs to leave immediately

my money's on paternal. explain the blood thing?

blacks think the whole muh dik and muh skin was made for their benefit, when in fact it is a psychological yoke to bind you to a specific (((narrative))) that tears you away from America and turning you into a little (((globalist))) pawn which will welcome a foreign invasion thinking they are "brothers in a fight".
In reality, as mexican invasion have shown, world is a far more "racist" place than anyone realizes.
You can either be bound to (((their))) plantation and head straight over the cliff, or wake up from the yoke of mental slavery and begin to think freely.

Enemy is external, not internal.

Because it's the only way to ensure Democrats get and keep power!

You're unironically American. Now help your countrymen fix this mess and end the NWO before the entire planet turns into the Yugoslav Wars.

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You need to confess your newness

I'm not the same person you replied to.
My family has been here since the mid 1500s.
We still have the land to prove it.

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the whole cheap labor thing is just an excuse, structural trap designed to make it so that businesses either have no choice but to do so in order to compete, or simply work as a cover for (((corporations))) to enslave cheap docile (at least for their purposes) foreign labor vs potentially demanding domestic work force.

>I don’t get why I’m supposed to be for it culturally
see my posts above.
social engineering.
racial replacement.
their target is YOU, in reality.

>1 post by this Aryan hating kike
Try harder dumbass

>Aryan hating kike
Get an old black person to talk about Jews.

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>undocumented migrants
You mean illegal aliens?
>dehumanize them
You are correct, they should be sent right back to their country of origin

who knows? ask your retarded liberal friends?

stick around here for a while, i guarentee you won't call yourself a liberal within 2 months. i used to be a liberal

Le 56% meme was true all along, dios mio

Because somewhere in the world a brown child is crying

Black people are American, user. Their roots are as deep as us whites. There is some, I stress some, level of unified culture. More so than from all the Juans, Changs, and Patels moving in constantly.

Because illegal immigrants provide cheap labor for the elites. You’re supposed to clap for whatever is good for them.

Immigrants help boost GDP and create a new class of consumers

Juans have been here for quite a while in some cases. Conquistadors who bred the native population, for example.

I see you, kike.

Too bad.
White Americans won’t care when the day comes
All the “good” nonwhites got fucked by the vast majority of their kin that are absolutely useless

Before this post, you also only had 1 post, what is your point?

Your ancestors should have been returned to africa. Our country would be 10,000x better if that were the case, of course you probably wouldnt exist because your ancestors wouldve genocided eachother as your people tend to do

Immigration is the first (and sometimes only) red pill that traditional liberals take. Unfortunately, the liberal party in the US belongs to progressives, and progressives hate borders and walls and things. You can either capitulate to your new masters, or you can keep taking red pills until you are one of us.

>free speech protects views of majority
imagine being dumb enough to believe this

>Legal immigration I support
Why even support that? We have enough people in America. The United States should only exist for whites and the descendants of black slaves like you. Fuck all immigrants who take opportunity away from real Americans.

>again, 1 post by this newfag kike

Okay, but is you a cute ass nigga that got some caucasiod facial structure, but with that big chocolate dick, my nigga? Wuz good, Blood? We can all keep it "On The Down Low" and shit. We can "Soooo Woooo" anytime, muthafucka.

My family has been here since the 1640's. Came from England. Helped settle the country and owned a farm in Virginia with 7 slaves. Therefore I trump your claim and you have to go back.

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Direct descendant of the first guy in the senate to be impeached, kek ask me anything.

you are a bigot they do all the jobs americans dont want to do

This. They're like chatbots/hedonistic windup toys.

>I never understood why I’m supposed to think sending migrants back to their country and not accepting all illegal immigrants is bad.
Because illegal immigrants will make whitey a minority and take all the low skilled jobs from your fellow blacks making blacks more dependent on welfare handouts and affirmative action schemes.
>Legal immigration I support but why am I supposed to clap when illegals come?
Because they vote for democrats who fuel the first cycle.

You are supposed to like suffering and you are supposed to be a leftist. You are just a pawn in a battle against middle class whites.