we should go to war right fucking now and destroy everything and everyone on earth so the cycle of life can begin anew and things will finally be restored to their natural order without mankind to bend it out of shape.
the grave is the cure goyim, not world peace. fuck you.
then only to come home and have masturbation and marijuana and video games in my shitty apartment for my personal enjoyment.
you should come over some time and blow my head off faggots, seriously, i'd invite you in so you could end it right here right now, so i dont have to do it myself.
seriously, heres my phone number: 405-niggersarethespawnofsatan-006
idfk just do it already, just get someone in US office who's like jeffery dahmer or some shit and label him godsend. cause thats what he'd really be a blessing in disguise. i wish i was hot white girl with fat butt and medium sized tits pretty face and slim body so i can just throw myself at nearest chad and get easy sex and relationships. and feel good about myself and accepted by society for doing just that.
Camden Davis
not even depressed just sick of this shit. life has a way of shitting on your soul.
i was going for but i guess i fucked it up. like a deeply intelligent cynical nihlistic hard working lonely man, with serious tone and slightly humorous. but i failed i suppose. fuck you im not even angry just looking for conversation to stimulate my sense before i get wasted and play dantes inferno.
Ian Myers
yeah you sound like me actually. have fun user
Logan Myers
you know some days i go to work, im an electrician. and i hate getting up in mornings, and when i walk in and work with my journey, and i think about this a lot btw, is what if there were like glass cases all around these jobsites. and there was just like one loaded revolver with one bullet in it, and it says *break encase life sucks dick*. i feel like that would be really beneficial to the work force, cause some days i wake up and i go through deep suffering and i just suck it up because i feel like more of a man, but sometimes my inner child is just like *end it please* and i feel like i wouldve done it when im at work.
Adam Smith
Levi Moore
or like futurama suicide booth.
Evan Mitchell
or like, break for salvation, whatever you shills are shit at conversations and only good at memes and autism.
Jaxon Jackson
i am sorry we let you down user it's just not all of us are operating at as high a level as you. try to simplify these elaborate ideas so we can better understand
Levi Carter
fuck you i just want people to talk to who are interested in anime culture and like being dicks about race, politics, and life as much as i. which is why i come to Jow Forums.