SJW Communism and National Socialism are the same gay political ideology...

SJW Communism and National Socialism are the same gay political ideology. Why do brainlets pretend they are opposites or that one is less retarded than the other?

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Hitler was not Socialist. That's like saying the DPRK is democratic because it's in the name.

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That is is like saying Antifa is anti fascist cause its in the name

If you back Lambright, I promise to fulfill Hitlers dreams. Or my name is not Wayne Arthur Lambright III.

Communism killed my family. I want revenge.

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hitler was a socialist by his own admission not a jewish marxist socialist

>Hitler was not Socialist
What exactly do you think National Socialism means, if not socialism?

Stalin wasn't really internationalist, he just wanted to expand the Russian Empire but with a new flag and color scheme.

The Soviets that came after him were all fags that supported nigger rebellions against whites tho.

>muh centrism

More like fascists and communists are the only ones with a spine.

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>t. dinesh d'souza
weak psyop

Welcome to the gun store!

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>Implying that capitalism is centrist

This. Brainlets see the word "socialist' and think it's the same as Marxist socialism. Hitler was pretty vocal about Marx's idea of socialism and rejected it outright. As far socialist ideologies go, National Socialism actually works.

I'm no supporter of commies or other such faggots but didn't stalin advocate for "Socialism in one Country".
Awfully a lot like hitler's idea really.

What kind of stupid faggot doesn’t know that National Socialists hated, purged, and killed en masse Marxists? Here’s a hint you slack-jawed marshmallow stuffer: just because they both have the word “socialism” in them doesn’t mean they’re the same ideology. Which you know if you knew shit about shit. Let’s blow what’s left of your dumbass mind: Sino-Soviet Split. Look it up yourself dickshit.

>pro cultural homogeniety, and nationlized bannks.
>cultural subterfuge and usury.

Seriously, 234.5 today. I have lost 58 lbs since xmass.

I have to work on losing my man tits.

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You’re as retarded as the OP. NSDAP socialism wasn’t Marxist, but it was abso-fucking-lutely socialist. What the fuck do think was the idea behind “make a car that every German worker can afford”?

Those are bold words coming from a tree hugger. Nazis and communists are both anti-captialist collectivists.

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You need to carry concealed.

Your options are to command the economy by total and unquestioned force, have a "free" market that gets hijacked by a cabal of bankers, or eliminate economy.

You are in the middle. You are a spineless, centrist cuck.

>muh horseshoe theory

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And why is having national unity bad again? Surely it's better than the bullshit we live where democracy has us divided over trivial garbage, where nothing gets done while people pandering from one side to other make promises they don't keep and make careers out of it, all while genuinely not caring about you or me, because there's no actual unity or higher means of living but for financial gain in a culturally devoid degenerate clown nation.

>his policies weren't actually socialist
oh really what the fuck do you think this shit is. It's socialism to a tee

>What were those economic policies? He suspended the gold standard, embarked on huge public-works programs like autobahns, protected industry from foreign competition, expanded credit, instituted jobs programs, bullied the private sector on prices and production decisions, vastly expanded the military, enforced capital controls, instituted family planning, penalized smoking, brought about national healthcare and unemployment insurance, imposed education standards, and eventually ran huge deficits.
>The Nazi interventionist program was essential to the regime's rejection of the market economy and its embrace of socialism in one country.

if you don't understand how that is socialism your than your retarded.

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>antifa are the real fascists
BOTTOM TEXT, brother, BOTTOM TEXT indeed.

national socialism is a pyramid with the strong on top.

Communism is an inverted pyramid with the weakest on top.

Now let that sink in.

private property rights

ah, the eternal sickness of the west: the individual before the species.

Irony is clearly lost on your retarded ass.
>anticapitalist collectivists
And? First of all, one’s Marxist, one isn’t. Second, Even the Marxists can’t agree on what the fuck their ideology is about. Between the Bolsheviks, Menscheviks, Leninists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, the Khmer Rouge, Titoism, and fuck knows what else there’re enough clowns in that circus to keep everybody arguing just about two Sunday’s before forever. Then you’ve got the NSDAP, Evola-ists, Italian Fascism (which is effectively socialist), and a few other flavors of non-Marxist socialists. Calling these ideologies the same mean you don’t know shit about any of them you cheese faced penis fish.

>national socialism is a pyramid with the strong on top.
No, you're thinking of capitalism. Nazis were weak people who needed government handouts to get on top.

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>You need to carry concealed.

I live in kommifornia. I hear that is impossible.

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oh ya source btw

>not an argument
Btw socialism and communism are both leftism

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>You need to carry concealed.

I forgot to say, that is damn funny. Thank you.

>needed government handouts to get on top
Yeah not like the entire country just went through twelve years of poverty prior. Fucking rebuilding n shiet.

>shabbos goy falling for the capitalism vs communism meme
When will you drop the jewish supremacist ideologies and fight for your own people?

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Fuck it, that is one way to respond to a burn and come out on top. Move to Texas, vote red.

he also hated capitalists so wtf was he?

Ayn Rand was a rootless kike who lived off government gibs

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This has been discussed before. There are many kike factions infighting. Bolshevs versus zionists, and all the golems in between.

>He suspended the gold standard
Good, the elite owns most of the gold on Earth. Hitler did not want them controlling his country.
>embarked on huge public-works programs like autobahns
Also a good thing, no corporation will amass enough capital to make a highway in a free market. This leaves this task to the government.
>protected industry from foreign competition
Yet another good thing, when foreign nations
are literally enslaving people, you are forced to do the same thing in order to compete.
>expanded credit
>instituted jobs programs
Both of these are good, they mean greater opportunity for everyone.
>bullied the private sector on prices and production decisions
What does this even mean?
>vastly expanded the military
Ok?... I don't see how that is a bad thing either.
>enforced capital controls
Also good, otherwise the elite could collapse the country with ease.
>instituted family planning
>penalized smoking
Arguing against these outs you as a shill.
>brought about national healthcare and unemployment insurance
What's the problem with this?
>imposed education standards
>and eventually ran huge deficits
Yes, as a result of the war.

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>banning guns

You are a troll or retarded.. Nothing you said makes sense, and the picture you showed me does not affirm anything of what you have said. My original claim stands.

What’s the axe guy with a banner?

He was also pro-eugenics (duh) which was the most progressive, lefty shit at the time.


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A National Socialist. Believe it or not you can hate Capitalism for being culturally destructive and materialistic, and hate Communism for it's internationalism, and jewish subversion at the same time.

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>>and eventually ran huge deficits
>Yes, as a result of the war.
Wrong, stop transposing cause and effect like you people always do. The war came because of the huge deficits; he needed to loot the rest of Europe in order to pay them off and/or abrogate them. Just like Napoleon, btw: revolutionary France was in the hole for billions so their solution was to loot the neighbors, just like any common criminal. Dictators are just gang bangers writ large.

Hitler was the ultimate Socialist Justice Warrior

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>The war came because of the huge deficits
Proof? Source? Literally anything that supports this argument?

Yes, I also remember the countless billionaires that sided with the Soviet Union. Very famously they had massive support during the Cold War.

Please go back, boomer.

>listening jewish woman

Op is a fucking faggot stalin was the communism in one country guy and trotski the international revolution one

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Germany's economy was highly dependent on the availability of labor, as a labor currency model, which was converted into soldiers for periods of wartime, as well as bilateral trade with international trading partners, hence why the jewish boycott of Germany in 1933 was considered "an act of war" by most Germans. International conflict hurt German trade, not the other way around. This is evident as the GDP dropped at the beginning of the war in 1939, and dissipated for the rest of the war. GDP growth slowed until it finally recovered in 1940. Never matching with the pre-war rate of growth prior to 1938. So that's objectively false.

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I forgive your mistake on the basis that knowledge of Nazi Germany's economic policies is hard to come by. Nazism isn't even close to Marxism. Nazism believes in a low (ideally 0) percent income tax, paid for by a self-sufficient state. Nazism seeks to uphold the value of its currency and, ideally, find a way to attach that value to its labor output. Nazism believes in private business and has no intent to redistribute wealth. These are policies that were being realized in practice in Nazi Germany.

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I love the part in socialism where they privatise public services.

The Nazis rise to power was helped by large business interests in Germany.

Easy, It's part of the divide and conquer strategy. Peasants and slaves infight each other. Need to create social boogeymen.

>paid for by a self-sufficient state

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Nazism is individualist, democracy is collectivist. In Nazism the strongest will is elected Fuhrer. In democracy the policies are decided by counting pieces of paper. Democracy reduces members of the public down to anonymous checked boxes. Nazism does not.

It's literally fucking called the German national SOCIALIST WORKER'S party

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You're such a huge faggot, I can hear the gears of cognative dissonance grinding to a halt from here.

Anarcho-primitivism though

>Stalin: nationalist, anti degeneracy, socialist
>Trotski: globalist, progressive, socialist
>Zionist protocols: globalist, proggresive, capitalist (but just for the goym)
It's important to define and identify the enemies instead of trying to put them all in the same nuanced sack.

>semantics are an argument

This is a much better graphical representation of political thought than the Political Compass™ Square, I wish it would catch on.

Yes. You take the country out of debt by abolishing usury, then raise the prosperity of your people and ensure the value of your currency. You allow the government monopolies over a few profit-making industries, and refrain from deficit spending. A much better idea than the current model, which is to take out interest-based loans and raise taxes to pay them back after spending them on niggers.

It's always a fucking usafag...

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>nazism is individualist
no, it isn't you absolute brainlet. Individualism is cancer and individualism is the cornerstone of democracy.

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You got a loicense for this non-argument?

>give power to the government
>government gives power to a global government
no thank you

You fucking retard, you can have your nation or a grey blob without ethnicity, identity, tradition, history and pride, which one you chose?

Something that hangs on the wall of US Congress

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You need to read more into both so you don’t sound like a fucking sixth grade educated fucking retard...your statement is the biggest leap of cognitive dissonance ever

Not here to give you sources, just here to tell you how much of a massive cock slobbering faggot you are.

Nice. More user friendly

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>I'm not here to defend my claims
Then you shouldn't have fucking posted, cunt.

Oh, so you were just thirsty for attention?
Got it.

I didn't make any claims

t. jew rat

You called him a faggot and said that he was experiencing cognitive dissonance. If you're going to say that it was idle insult without meaning, then you're admitting that you shouldn't have posted it in the first place.

The German national SOCIALIST party. It's in the name, there's a ton of info here already. How can you believe Hitler wasn't a socialist and you just Reem off his ideals as good? He was a Jewish puppet, didn't gas anyone and shoulda stayed in art school. Ffs

>hurr durr I’m a retard that doesn’t know anything

Good for you faggot

>implying that if I'm not a Nazi that I must necessarily be pro-immigration
>not an argument
It's ok, little buddy, you tried

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Clever guesswork.

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>semantics are an argument.

No you’re literally a retard

>muh collectivism was bad

And now her ideas are being overtaken by collectivists in all sides

>I’m literally retarded
