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Absolute madman. The savagery won’t cease.

Honk honk

This guy is so cool.

Most badass man of all time

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Dude I remember my heart rate being like 140 all through election night. I was in like a white sweat. IDK that sounds messed up. It's true. All I could of was "I don't want to live under President Hillary Clinton, I am sick of this Democrat bullshit" and I thought for sure she was going to win, but then boom, the miracle happened. The impossible became possible. It really does feel like some kind of total metaphysical timeline switch. IDK dude, thank god he won and is President. No matter what issues or differences I have with him, thank god he won and is our President.

People think he's referring to the Dems, he's referring to the Deep State

>illegal democratic witch hunt
The way that was worded is majestic. We know he means uncalled for, but you know deep down he means illegal non citizen democrats being gullible cunts on top of it

Aka Israel

aka fuckoff back to your discord you tranny virgin