Daddy you're hurting my hand!

Daddy you're hurting my hand!

Attached: trump ivank white hand squeeze.jpg (500x1139, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Daddy I don’t like when your pickle and uncle Jeffrey’s vomits on me. It taste icky

Attached: 1559276375231.jpg (932x470, 37K)

Attached: 1563586493147.jpg (715x539, 43K)

Holding tight so that no creepy, oily jew will snatch her like dime off the subway floor.

gas yourselves shills
>in all fields

Alright thats a kek from me.

Why did you guys only start posting these after Epstein was arrested? Why was there years during the Obama administration where people here posted about Epstein and his connection to the Clintons but there wasn't a peep from anyone on the left? Really makes me think.

who tf dresses their daughter like that?

Attached: 1460783771965.jpg (951x840, 90K)

>been in relationships with some of the most beautiful women in the world.
>banned epstein from his courses
>shilling for the clintons this hard