How real is Climate Change?

I was born in the 80s,I have environmental activists as family.

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global warming*

lets see, the hottest day EVER in Paris was, what, two days ago ? And Holland, Belgium, Germany. Now, EVER, that means a mighty long time. But no, its all coincidence, you just happen to be alive this week when everything was hot(test). Why, the next records (along shortly) be even hotter, but, co-in-ce-dence. Global Warming, no such thing. Have an ice-cream and chill

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where is the middle ground?

Ever in human history or ever on the planet or what

It’s real but exaggerated how much humans impact it. It’s a cycle the planet go trough every 10.000 years. Were still technically in the ice age, when the rest of the ice from north and south melt we go into another phase. At least this is my take on this whole drama. either way were fucked unless we adapt, and that’s something greater civilizations failed to do so my bet is on total wipe in like 200 years

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>Posting graphs that end "95 years before present"
Are you trying to mislead people on purpose or are you just dumb?

Haha it's even worse.
>present = 1950

Climate faggots keep crying wolf and being wrong, if this shit really does make the world end they have only themselves to blame.

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>You must open the borders and flood the West will an unlimited non-stop wave of 3rd wolrders!!!
>You must pay a carbon tax and submit to global warming agenda or the planet will die!!!

Everything I can do to kill off this nigger infested shithole of a planet will be done

>Ever in human history or ever on the planet or what
'Ever' as in since temperatures started being recorded afaik. Chart user above maybe tell you it was hotter 240,000 years ago or some shit, but, hearsay and all. In any event, 40 degrees + for northern Europe, thats not really within the bands of the previous norms, aint no-one gonna argue with that statement

>Climate Change

I mean, the climate has changed constantly for as long as the earth has been around, are we meant to freeze the climate in it's current state or something? (or is it just a good excuse for more tax)

They have accurate records and precise equipment dating back forever?

fake as fuck, remember the disappearing ozone layer? what happened to that now? kek

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>change land use to remove vegetation and surface water
>add in cellphone towers outputting 100kW each every 10ft
>pave everything
>idle motor vehicles everywhere
>relocate thermometer next to heat pump that is cooling a multi-story building
>why is the thermometer reading record highs?
The problem isn't CO2

yes. I man if climate change deniers can tell you it was hotter 240k years ago, must be, eh ?

So it’s natural.. were just close to a new ice age. Something to freak out about for sure but telling people not to eat meat and using public transportation aint gonna save us from earths cycle .. the elite probably already know this hence the bunkers .. maybe theyre trying to give us hope so a total society collapse won’t happen because they need us sheeple to build safe havens

Follow the money. They want to assess a carbon tax and get more taxpayer $. Search on Michael Mann "hide the decline" emails. Search on NOAA eliminating "problem" data nodes.

It's a fucking hoax. The climate changes. That's what the world fucking does. Its why there were ice ages and warming periods. Climate change bullshit is another arm to try and wrestle control away from soverign nations and into some global government control thing where they take money from rich, developed countries and give it to 3rd world shitholes. These same tards were talking about an upcoming ice age in the 70's. NYC was supposed to be underwater by now. Any of that happen? Believe NOTHING these asshats say

I was born in the 70's and nothing has changed.

It’s reached normal levels just recently, because we banned cfc’s and other ozone depleting chemicals years ago
Why are retarded frogposters and leafs allowed on this board again?

You haven't followed the recent news. Places in China are pumping banned chemicals out. Hurting the ozone layer bad.

Holy shit! An iceberg just flew over my house!

We're fucked.

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based gook

>>add in cellphone towers outputting 100kW each every 10ft
The 5G meme has nothing to do with your unrealistic understanding of how EMF works.

>pump 100kW into cellphone tower 24/7
>the energy just magically disappears and there is no waste heat nor is EMF absorbed by the very buildings and terrain that block the signal
no u

both fake and gay.

are you self aware at all?

Most phones need less than -50dBm of power to connect to a tower.
0dBm is 1mW
100kW is 80dBm. That's a 10,000,000,000,000x difference in power.

If you have the ask that question you'll probably be disappointed at the answer :(

you may actually be retarded

>10,000,000,000,000x difference in power.
That's 10,000 TRILLION btw.
Your phone needs 0.00000001W of power to connect. That's 100,000,000 phones emitting less power combined to power an LED. Less power than is required to turn on ONE christmas light. By a factor of seven.

10 Trillion US, 10,000 Trillion German.

That's just the radio signal, you're ignoring conversion losses and all the equipment, computers, climate control and the whole rest of the system. Plus each tower is servicing over a thousand phones and keeping track of what numbers are in its service area. Even on the cellphone end itself you have phones get physically hot from extended use.

Hyperbole anyways with the 100kW every 10ft, when in cities you have the smaller cell towers every few blocks. The point is that there's a lot going on that adds up.

It is changing. It's always been changing and will always be changing. Human activity has a negligible impact on the climate. That said, we should still be good stewards of the earth, minimize pollution, protect fragile habitats and endangered species, nuke the shit of China, India and Nigeria, etc.

Most of the interconnecting shit is passive, or DC low voltage. Your car battery has more power than most of it.
All of the baseband side is digital now, and all of it is tracked and logged. Been that way for a while now.

Its BS. The Earth is fine. So are we. We should be careful but for the most part the Earth and it's tempurature has always..and will always.. Fluctuate.

Even if climate change is real I don't think we have much to worry about.
within a 100 years we will be building bases on the moon, and within 200 years we will have man made habitation cylinders and habitat bases on most celestial bodies in the solar system.
These space colonies will be climate controlled in such a way that it will be effectively impossible to pollute them.
Even if we destroy earths ecosystem it wont matter because roughly 2000 years from now we will probably be at the point were we will be considering mining the planet out of existence so that we can build a huge armada of space ships so that we can colonize the stars.
In the extreme future more people will live on habitation cylinders than on planets or moons.
Planets aren't really that important in the long run.

Retard look at the numbers. Holy fuck u nigger leafs are the worst. Wtf are you morons drinkijg up there?

It’s real. Besides recent meteorological and geological evidence, some of the most persuasive stuff I’ve seen comes from ice core samples. It’s like tree rings; each year, a bunch of air bubbles and particulates get trapped and compacted in Arctic ice, which we can drill out and examine to reconstruct Earth’s climate history.

The evidence is clear that CO2 correlates tightly with atmospheric heating. We also know how this works in principle (greenhouse effect). It’s not that complicated. Unfortunately, subhuman morons who don’t read books will believe whatever is most personally convenient. This includes Senators and Presidents.

By the way, the US Department of Defense takes climate change seriously, despite being overwhelmingly conservative as an organization. That should tell you something. In my view, change-driven mass migration from Central and South America is the biggest upcoming threat to US national security. You think we need a wall now? Just wait.

Don't you mean "in the last 200 years"

I bet the library of Alexandria recorded hotter days.

Bullshit. Thqts just what everyone was told so hippies wouldnt mass suicide for being so hilariously wrong.

Wow thanks for gracing us with your wise intuition and deep knowledge of history, black fella.

Are you fucking retarded? Honest question.

To address the cell tower schizo:

Cell towers consume (rounding way up) 12 kW of energy per square mile.
Meanwhile the Sun dumps 2,589,988 kW of energy on us per square mile.

Cell towers are a god damn rounding error.

This dude is correct

I can't remember the exact number but iirc the coasts changed by a matter of meters over the course of the middle ages

Your descendants, if you have any, will curse your willful ignorance.


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but what the fuck do they actually expect to do with it? Is selling carbon credits going to alter the phase of the moon or something?


that's our word you have to pronounce it with an R at the end, cunt.

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How about this: a tax on carbon at the source. So things like oil and coal production. The tax money (all of it) gets distributed evenly back to every citizen of the country.

It's simple. The climate is always changing. Right now it's getting hotter. There is zero evidence that humans have any impact on it or that the current trend will persist far into the future.

>12kW space heater every sq mi has no effect

It's bull shit
QM bs

Electricity Eric Dollard

Gravity & Black Holes

Gubbermint spends more on hypothetical space biology than mushrooms

TRUMP knew Truth on 911



Psychiatric Drugs: Create Violence & Suicide -

Money system


Very real but not anthropogenic

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I am no scientist so I cannot speak authoritatively on this subject, but I have noticed more extreme fluctuations in weather patterns, both at home and in the news. Maybe media coverage has increased, but I don't remember the southeast getting regularly sodomized by hurricanes as hard as they have been.
Also, unless we're going to play hardball with Asia/Africa, any attempt at halting/reversing global damage done will be negligible. Not saying we shouldn't take care of the environment, but local changes can only do so much without others on board.

not when the sun is dumping 500,000 times more heat on us

You’re gay, it’s incurable, OP

>tax oil
>oil producers increase its price to offput the taxes and sustain profit
>goyim have to pay more for virtually everything, since everything depends on oil

How does that solve Global Warming?

Same reason why sin taxes on cigarettes and alcohol work, as a product gets more expensive people will use less of it.

cigarretes and alcohol arent a basic need, its a pleasure product

Oil is needed for producing plastic, like the phones, pcs and clothes you use.
Oil is needed to produce electricity.
Oil is needed to transport shit from one place to another.

Increase oil prices > transport prices increase > prices of everything increase in response to mantain profit.

Climate change and pole shift theory are grim realities.

And as a result they will be used less and alternatives that aren't taxed will become more popular.

Oh great so they can buy more petroleum products.

What kind of question is that? Just the way you phrased the question indicates your ignorance. Where I am sitting used to be thousands and thousands of kilometers of ice, it was an ice sheet. Where did it go? How did it go? There were not enough humans to impact the climate and there was zero industry. So again, where did the ice sheet go and how did it happen? Answer those questions and you will understand two things
A) the climate always changes, always has, always will...
2) climate change alarmists are brainwashed charlatans whose perceptions have been managed...

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>And as a result they will be used less

No, they wouldnt.
They would be used the same, except the average joe would have to pay more for everything, reducing the purchasing power of people.

>alternatives that aren't taxed will become more popular.

Its not about popularity, its about viability.

Replacing oil and coal energy production with solar and wind power its simply not viable.

Youd have to plague the earth with nuclear plants, wich in turn is as dangerous or more dangeous than oil and coal (see fukushima and chernobyl).

There isnt a way to produce energy that could replace oil on a large scale nowadays. Thats why even if you tax the shit out of it people would still have to use it but pay a shit ton more for literally every single thing in their lives.

And how much money and freedom is required to be surrendered to change the global climate by one degree? Huh? Asshole?

>hottest day EVER
Arizona also had the coldest winter on (((record))) for quite some time. Remember this when they shitpost on heat and ignore cold.

The magnet pole is moving at unprecedented rates in recorded history, a phenomenon with absolutely zero plausible manmade cause. Russia, one of the world's most industrialized nations by pure capability (not per capita, it's a poor icy shithole kek), benefits both economically and strategically from global warming - imagine my shock[.jpg].

If global warming really was "the biggest threat we face" blah blah blah, as the global left is currently screaming, why haven't we invaded and occupied the greatest contributors - China and India? Russia is another major contributor but the First World is a drop in the bucket. If the "left" (or whatever you want to call them) really cared about the environment, we'd send our militaries to China and to India and impose non-meme ecofascism both Stateside and abroad.

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Yeah I'm sure there is infrastructure in place for this oil alternative. Also the real kicker is that poor people will complain as its a regressive tax scheme and the left will either give them money or lower the taxes which end up with a policy with no teeth.

At the national level nuclear is the safest form of energy on Earth.

Yes, but its used in small quantities.

If you remove oil and coal energy production entierly, how many more nuclear plants do you have to make 50x what we have now? 100x?

We had 2 nuclear plant disasters in the past 40 years, one that put half of europe at risk and the other put half the pacific ocean at risk.

imagine if you multiplied the ammount of power plants by 100, shit will happen eventually.

Are thermometers real? I've never seen one.

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You should check the numbers. They break it down by trillion mw produced to level the playing field. Nuclear is the 2nd safest power source after solar. Only 31 people died at Chernobyl (3 from explosion 28 from radiation) and 2 at Fukushima. More people die when an oil rig blows up And it happens often.

Also it wouldn't take much to replace coal with nuclear. A typical coal plant is 500 MW. A typical nuclear plant is 1000MW per reactor. Biggest I've been to was a 5 reactor.

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the highest registered air temperature on Earth was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) in Furnace Creek Ranch, California, located in the Death Valley desert in the United States, on July 10, 1913.
Global warming needs to step up its game

clearly we aren't exactly helping the environment much. burning through the world's entire stock of fossil fuels in one go is a terrible idea and is not only damaging the planet, but its going to fuck us over when we reach the point of diminishing returns. Once its no longer profitable to mine these resources, we are heading back to another dark age.

However, the people claiming we are the only real problem are retarded. China and India are way bigger polluters than we are.

Lets see, the coldest day EVER in Texas (for July) was, what, two days ago? And Sibiria, more parts of the US. Now, EVER, that means a mighty long time. (since 1800 actually, which isn't long in climate terms)

Read about the polar vortex, if it gets weak, as it is right now, there will be record temperature on both the high and the low end.

It's all about the weakening sun.