Full cap of the archive, before it was killed, of the post that made (((them))) bring down Voat for good.
This Is What Killed Voat
Other urls found in this thread:
doing God's work
i told you fucks to keep an eye for this bitch
how does it feel good to be right
>The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS
checked, but honestly this isn't something to brag about when it comes to being right. It's something you'd want to be wrong about because that would be much nicer than facing global conspiracies but sometimes it be that way.
Fuck, I can’t read the cap. Phonefagging.
Can I get a quick rundown or archiv link?
that's not how the intel world works
the truth needs to come out, and when it does it's always a good thing, doesn't matter if the info within is bad or not