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No one cares



What the heck is going on?

Guys, South Korea is training Peruvian pilots, giving them the capability to create their own style of jets and building up its ports.

What should Peru give them in return besides money?

the shrimpdicks are upset

Whores and booze

Someone post the south korea - japan bantz image

Why do Asians have an obsession with peruvians

Comfort women were voluntary prostitutes.

If you hate Japan so much, why do so many of you move to Japan and adopt fake Japanese names and commit crime?

lol they're still mad

I remember living in Japan for a year when I was 7. I miss it

We get it you didn’t like the occupation jeez

>Muh comfort women!
Who would willingly have sex with a Korean girl? They didn't even have plastic surgery like they do now

Peruvians and Bolivians are pretty much tanned asians.

Korean women in their 60's and 70's prostitute them selves today even.


Seems like they like to do it

Adorable thank you cards from Perus elementary school children.

How will Japan recover?

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Interesting take

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Jow Forums disarms anti-japanese chink from r/hapas

japan dindu nuffin

Singapore was also ocuppied and raped by the Japanese. Hey guess what we got over it. Stop being so salty. You are an embrassment.

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right? been seeing them chimp out all night with no context.

They're Gooks, the over-emotional psychos of East Asia

kek. thats why you SEA inbreed are fucking cuck bunch.

and I didnt even ask Singaporean monkeys opinion

>What should Peru give them in return besides money?
Guinea Pigs?

Is Korea as boring as it looks? is that why you care so much about the Japs. You feel inferior?

You are the Israel of Asia you slant eyed fudge packing pedos
You only exist thanks to massive military aid from the US
Fuck your rotten country and fuck whoever is in charge over there, no one actually knows their name because you're fucking irreverant

I'm curious OP. What would it take for Korea to get over it's massive anal pain with japan? Best estimate. Dollars. Apologies, whatever.

asian are so cringe

what did the other shrimpdicks do to upset them?

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Absolutely based.

i still think japan is one of our greatest allies when it comes to tradition.
never give up japanbros.
what once was, can be again.

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I guess so. Apparently Russia and China stirred the pot by allegedly flying into airspace disputed by south korea and japan that theyve both basically forgotten about. When south korea scrambled to intercept the russian bomber and intel plane, they ran into japanese who scrambled to do the same. Now they're both yelling FUCKA UUU at each other from their islands.

Koreans are a slave people with an inferiority complex. Their history is that of being subjugated by foreign empire after foreign empire. They wish that they could have a proud history like the Japanese.

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Thinking, all these wapanese faggots storming down this thread with their 'keyboard katana'

pic related is pol meetup btw.

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While you and Japan argue over your Island. China has moved war ships into the area.

Yeah good luck getting your shit back from China you both lost.

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sounds bout right

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why are Jow Forums meetups more diverse than any leftist gatherings?

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You're posting on Jow Forums too you faggot.

What's your problem? That's pure testosterone, noodle cock.

Well at least they look male, you people are androgynous as fuck

What about Ecuadorians? I hear they're the Jews of south america

Di it again Japan,and this time dont appologize.


because Jow Forums itself and its people are all gathered for their original inferiority complex. wanting to compensate themselves on fact that they're white or either that they're white supporter.

All they have to offer is potatoes and Guinea pigs

The gooks are like Jews, every other year they start crying about war crimes and “comfort women” (even though Japan has given South Korea billions in aid since the war).
Two years ago Abe said “we’ll pay you a couple millions if you promise to shut up from now on”.
The greedy gooks took the money of course but then started bitching and demanding more money this year.
They really have zero shame.

Koreans ALMOST succeeded in creating the 'Koreaboo' but they failed miserably because they have absolutely no soul when compared to Nips

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Who cares about Ecuador?
Aren't they just off-shot colombians?

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God willing Japan amends its constitution to allow itself to build a proper military. Without the threat of force, China and Korea will continue their brazen attacks.

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>advocating them
>at least they look like males


I rather wished you to say "no they're not real pol people"
but this aussie autist admitting it and saying "at... at least they look like male...!"


>blah blal blah blah blah blah blahhhhh
Meanwhile, our smallest dick white boys have 3 inches on you.
How does it feel to take a piss from your belly button?

two bombs not enough

kek, absolutely rekt with no chance of recovery

you need two moar bombs rice now

i always knew that koreans are faggots.

Son, shut the fuck up.
Listen to your older brother Japan, he knows what the fuck he talks about.

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are you best Korea

Can confirm Korea is really boring. The only exciting things about it are that Korean chicks are hot, your airports are S tier and nuke parties are a pretty dope spin on a hurricane party. All of those are based off of American things!!!

this post reeks of projection m8

I'll also add Korea is Christian but they picked the retarded heretic version or are lame fedoras.

I know who I'd be backing in a fight

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what's the dealio with the gooks hating the slants?

>create their own style of jets
Will never happen

Nobody can have a single feeling that they're inferior when they see Jow Forums meetup pics user.
and simultaneously any other races soon understand why Jow Forums wanted to emphasize their race identity so much.

literally because they had non achievement in their life at all and they had to project themselves only based on their race.

You shouldve just given them the middle finger instead,by giving gooks shit you showed japanese are weak and easily extorted.

Now youre going to have to fix it by raping more gook comfort women.

Based chingu, bring death to the Japanese dogs and liberate yourself from the Amerimutt anchor on your soil.

Frankly what I don't get, is why the Koreans are still bitching. I looked into this years ago, Japan apologized over and over again already. At this point I feel like the Koreans are just acting like nigger babies.


this is all your fault for colonizing the fukken planet

this whole debacle could be fixed in a quick 1v1 in starcraft

You wear a headband at your puter, don't you?

>gave money
You fucked up, the only way to stop it is to starve it.


Oh I'm so sowwy Mr has a military base in every fucking country worth a shit

Gooks like being slaves to China. They would sell their entire peninsula to China if it meant they could stick it to even one Jap

We also issued apology...only to Korea

Pretty sure the granmother of OP got raped by japanese alpha.

>sudaca asking me
What the fuck do I know, matenigger?

Man, I wish Abe would do that.

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And not only that but the Japanese have apologized to the Koreans more than any other group in Asia, yet the Koreans are still crying.

hey stop your bullying...they ask the usa to take over their land with bases

you gonna get 4 bombs english teacher...fix my grammer to

hm? no. i only wear condom when i fuck your moms vagene.

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You have 23 in Japan alone and they want you gone cause you can't keep your pet chimps on a leash

t. creepy engrish teaching weeb
go homu whittu piggu


Shut up chopstick, I'm focusing on the burger now


I want to emphasize my race to keep it from dying you faggot. Unlike you we don't even have a tiny island for us as a homeland. Stop projecting your failures on us and our movement faggot.

hey stop bullying our african american citizens over seas keep the japs in line by raping their women

That’s just a small thing that happened recently. The reason the gooks are chimping out again is because they’re literally nigger-tier and scream about ‘muh reparations’

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