Americans considered ww2 as just another “job”, they never took it personally against the Germans. Just another enemy, those “Nazi bastards”, like kids they just wanted to have a few stolen things like Nazi flags and Nazi handguns and Hitler youth insignias.
The French were emotionally involved, as their country was occupied. And sure thing, they killed a lot of Germans, POWs, civilians etc. in 1944 and 1945, but thereafter they were “ok, fine, shit happened, let’s be friends”.
Contrast that to the British who never got over the war and bring it up in every conversation, from football to politics, from relationships to business, ... even during God damn religious service do they bring up the war and say thr Germans lost and the mighty British won.
I always wondered why the French aren’t like the British when it comes to the war. They have every right to be.
Because the British fucking suck, and Britain has sucked throughout history
Jordan Lewis
I don't like your comment.
Austin Martinez
Maybe Britain is more butthurt over the loss of empires and is it some sort of cope? Like: we might have lost the colonies but at least we could beat the nahtzees?
idk man. My grandmother was from deep Vichy and every time I talked to her about WW2 and talked about the Nazis controlling where she lived, she insisted "WE WERE THE FREE FRENCH!"
Maybe history is a lie and the Allies were the bad guys.
Adrian Mitchell
They were burned out, they lost too many men in WW1, they were tired of winning.