When will Germany be forgiven?

When will Germany be forgiven?

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Not until (((they)) destroyed the german race with low birth rathes and fast breeding nigger/arabs

I can't make threads on Jow Forums anymore due to abuse, why is this?

Never. Look at the number they've done on Germany.

Who did you abuse?

>can't make threads on Jow Forums anymore due to abuse
>why is this

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because of jewish bullies

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Nobody, i didn't do shit

forgiven for what?

>dindu nuffin

The Eternal Kraut

Can you post a screenshot of the warning?

when they slob on this knob like corn on the cob

When they remove the shackles off of themselves and realize they have nothing to be sorry for.

Did you forgive Germany btw? Considering how WW2 is fucking up your demography until this day...

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they did nothing wrong

>More pussy to go around
Why would he complain? Should thank them

Really? The only German threads that come up on here are like "Scotland should fuck England off and become a German vassal". Do Germans even do threads that aren't EU COPE?

This tbqh

I'm talking about the birth deficit caused by WW2 and its echos every 25 years.

I was going to post this: m.youtube.com/watch?v=UvZEkpcAAmM

We forgave them with our dicks and communism in 1945

never lol, neither british neither french neither russians neither jews want strong germanly like fucking EVER the goal is to destroy it and partition territory lol

Hopefully never

For some reason they simply refuse to stop cucking themselves out of guilt, so it's still profitable to hold their feet to the fire.

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in translation: only 18% of germans are tolerant

It's been over 2000 years and they haven't forgiven the Romans or Greeks.

Jews are hateful and spiteful creatures, guess why they got kicked out from everywhere they were trying to settle in as a people? They are the sons of lucifer, misfortune carriers who brings desolation upon civilizations. They won't and will probably never forgive Germany for their doing.

welp I am a fucking historian and I am a bit drunk.
Germany has seen these exact conditions in the past. Post WWI they were pretty much defeated and cucked in a variety of ways.
Then comes along a plucky young war hero.
>the police shot at him during a protest
>his enemies were commies
>he created a,symbol to strike fear
>the German people felt defeated
some of this should sound familiar. IDK if they ate intetnionally trying to bring about Hitler 2.0 or what but the conditions are damn near perfect as compared to post wwI so...

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One of the best songs of the 20th century.

Never, it's too amusing as they still do not show any sign of humanity

>post Commie-Russia populations are stable
Ahh, they'll be fine.

>mfw nazitoids have to make up fantasies of German guilt to feel better about themselves

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It's not up to Israel to forgive Germany.
It's upto the germans to become catholic again and forgive themselves.
They have been stripped of the gift of confession and now they can't find a way to redeem themselves but have to resort to the jew extreme measure that is mass immigration.

question : as a loud mouthed american who freely speaks his opinion, what would happen if i went with some friends to a german restaurant and talked about how the nazis really werent that bad?

If the owners aren't shit you'll be asked to leave for being a disgusting nazitoid.

You'd be reported to the local Stasi.
Germans are worthless.

OP: the Holohoax isn't real. How can a non event be forgiven, seeing as to how it never occurred, and all....

Maybe the Jews were right. The anglosphere forgave Germany and they took over the whole of Europe again.
I'm not great on history but they fucked Rome, fucked the British Isles, took over Europe once and nearly took it 20 years prior, and now they've done it again.
Yet here we are, feeling sorry for the destroyers of civilization, again??

None of those are Germans, note how it is almost always meme flags and none of the OPs can actually speak German.

No, it's not either/or. They're all a fucking problem.
Jews subvert, continentals chimp out.

lol. where is russia? actually germans did most damage to russia

Communists aren't people.

You did this to yourself by inviting Jewish bolshevists into your country.

Not Germanys fault you went full retardo communist
Or maybe it was? Weren't the Jews also of German ancestry that started it all?

Stop praying to men and worshipping a guy in a stupid hat who thinks Europeans don't deserve a homeland.

jesus christ. the childrens of 60 years of western propoganda.
yeye its absolutely russias fault what germany invaded and killed 13 millions of cizitens in my country + 8million military loses.
fucking retards

They emigrated from Germany but they weren't German.

>I'm not great on history
We notice. Look up a man named Stilico - almost as many Germans defended Rome as attacked it, and logically too, given we were one of the main demographics in their military. As for the British Isles, your very existence as a state is the result of Saxon settlement. And the only times we made an actual effort to take over Europe was when the Western nations we'd previously been defending sold out to the Rothschilds (whose Zionist leanings required the end of Jewish life in Europe, as the likelihood of migration to their little oil-peddling state in the Middle East would not otherwise have been high enough). You can read Hertzl, Churchill, Roosevelt (Franklin D., not Theodore), really any Western leader of the time and will find I'm not lying.


go die faggot.

If I was living next door to a massive communist cock fest headed by a paranoid half Jew with designs on the entire continent, I'd want to invade too.

Virtually all Jews trace their ancestry to the ones that once settled in Germany ("Ashkenazim" has meant "Germans" since that one Kabbalah Rabbi likened the Rhineland to Scythia, and Yiddish is their dialect of the German language that was the main trade language of the post-Rome period). That does not, however, make them German any more than learning Hebrew makes the modern-day Khazars Israelites.

for what?

>almost as many Germans defended Rome as attacked it
Doesn't disprove my point tho. Germans destroyed it.
>As for the British Isles, your very existence as a state is the result of Saxon settlement.
You have no idea what we could have been if it wasn't for you. We might not have this german royal family of pedos, we could have colonized the moon by now!
>And the only times we made an actual effort to take over Europe was when the Western nations we'd previously been defending sold out to the Rothschilds (whose Zionist leanings required the end of Jewish life in Europe, as the likelihood of migration to their little oil-peddling state in the Middle East would not otherwise have been high enough). You can read Hertzl, Churchill, Roosevelt (Franklin D., not Theodore), really any Western leader of the time and will find I'm not lying
I'm more familiar with ww2 and don't dispute anything you said there.

If voicing unrealistic expectations worked, the USSR wouldn't have been a shithole.

you understand by the way what your goverment used the same tactic on you like the 3rd reich did? dehumanized the enemy so the soldiers would kill other people without hesitation if needed. US=Nazi Germany lol.
just so you know in the USSR goverment never did propoganda vs people of US or any other western countrys. quite opposite they always said whats it the same people who ruled by goverment with wrong idealogy.

They never forgave those other nations either. As soon as the war finished they got to work flooding them with humanoid garbage.

They see all Whites as the Edomites.

what really is german though? from my research deutsch comes from a latin word which means the language of the common people. so nation of the people who speak the common language? how did you end up calling yourselves that?


Zionists are genocidal faggots who need to GTFO to Israel.

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That's because it would have been risible even to slavs on a starvation diet. Communists are not people.

When you kick out the Turks and get Ostpreußen back.

A German chieftain (Alaric the Goth) commanded the army that eventually sacked the actual city of Rome, but the decline had been ongoing for ages.

As for the royal family, they're a cadet branch of the real deal because the prince who actually should have become king was passed over in favor of that stuttering inbred when he dared marry a commoner for love. You can thank your own degenerate obsession with the scandal press for your problems, and without us you'd be the cattle-like slave population even your precious Romans mocked you as.

You truly aren't a historian.

>without us
Well there's the rub, see. "Us" in this case are "the people who are not you".
Germany has always been the China of Europe.

who wants to be forgiven by whom and about what?
i for myself don't seek to be forgiven by some krethi and plethi

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Diutsch is the old spelling, compare the English word "Dutch" (note how the Amish language is called "Pennsylvania Dutch", but reads more like Swiss German than proper Dutch). It originates with the fact that the tribal authorities who took over in what are now France and the Benelux spoke their own native dialects and held votes to determine leadership (look up the "Althing" system), thereby being distinct from and often opposed to the tribes that were loyal to Rome, spoke Latin and usually followed whomever Imperial authority would appoint over them as governor.

Forgiven for creating the EU?

thanks, that clears it up for me. ill read about the Althing system.

>the China of Europe.
oh look a retard

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In 2099 after the allies relinquish control of German media. sott.net/article/284252-US-German-secret-treaty-means-Berlin-is-Washingtons-vassal-until-2099

You have nothing to apologize for.
Holohoax is a scam.

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English are German-Celt mixes; the Britons whom the Angles and the Saxons came to rule over were after all a Celtic nationality. Without Germans there would be no English, but Germans would exist regardless of whether we settled on England. They are us, but we're not them, sort of the way you're not the same man as your father.

The EU is a zionist project.

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>your own obsession
Yeah, about that. It's the germanic blooded of us that are the degenerates, that have ruined Britain.
We would have been a space faring race if it wasn't for you cunts. FACT

brits are fucking worthless kike slaves who chimp out over tea and spices and all attempts by good men to unify europe.

Meanwhile Americans, for the most part of German blood and having hired German minds, are actually space-faring. What a most frighteningly irrational clod you are.

Oh, those same German blooded males who hid in their homesteads as the Ulster Scot BVLLS fought off the Indian attacks and tamed the frontier for you quivering pile of autistic shitbags?

Your command of the language suggested an actual Brit. Now I find you are a Turk. Annoying. Let us just say there is a reason why that word describes male cattle, and you can tell me all about the Indians on the moon.

I'm an Ulster Scot and I appropriate what I damn well please, Hans. I appropriated Ireland and I'll be appropriating your shithole too if you don't smarten up and cool it with the migrant love.

must think of stomach ache and reflux

I don't care for the faggotry running rampant in Germania these days, so I'd appreciate not getting tag teamed by Kraut faggots, ty.

You were meat shields. By percentage alone more of you left than did actual Irish. As for the migrant "love", no German would be looking at that as the party line if not for the aforementioned insanity of the World Wars. Hurry up and see through Brexit, and with your Union undone we'll no longer be held at nukepoint to let them in.

Kinda like praying to the physical embodiment of elements and worshipping Varg who says Americans shouldn't stay in America?
wew lad

>tag teamed

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We only left to find more fights, son, the Catholics were pussies who'd hide in bushes and do drive bys.
Remind me again of how popular your green party is there? You're a nation of cucks and you know it.
Adolf pulled you out of kiddy diddling and ass fucking and as soon as he was gone you went right back to it.

Watch this(viewer discretion advised)

Karl Schmidt of Germany must understand that he is not only responsible for the past but the future as well. We have rid him of Hitler, nazism, militarism. but we have not rid him of his history, his tradition. That he must do for himself. Until he does he still an potential enemy of civilization. Only when he does can he take his place in the society of man.

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>out of kiddy diddling and ass fucking
you wot mate?

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>Forgiven for creating the EU?
>creating the EU
I hope you are trolling and not as stupid as people say.

french i bet

>french i bet
Him or me?



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You should not confuse being the party that the press praises with being the most popular party (and as the party of pedophiles is of course automatically the one closest to the Jewish cultural identity, their fellow Jews will sing their praises constantly); foreigners may legitimately not know this, but the way "our" system is set up is that half of the parliament is staffed according to actual vote results. The other half is direct EU appointees to make sure we don't get in the way of the Great Exchange again like we did under Kaiser and Führer. And these appointees then elect the Chancellor and form the voting body for the President. We are not a nation of cucks, we're a nation of prisoners.

french and americans always plotted together

Okay I'm sorry.

fokkn right

Did you guys forget already?

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We aren't UK. We stand apart from the UK, proud and tall.
We have our own Guberment and everything.

It's fine. I could have been a bit less aggressive myself.

no you don't
saville is scotish

>Ulster Scots have evolved apart from mainland Scots, we grew tougher and more religious while they developed the heroin gene and the degenerate gene.