Blacks will be the world rulers in your lifetime

>Blacks will be the world rulers in your lifetime

Attached: 1478081318950.png (1080x1451, 1.3M)

No one rules with his cock. I takes a high IQ to lead. Btw the black man in average doesnt have a bigger penis than other races.

I took the bait but who cares. OP is just gay.

Attached: black superior.jpg (600x800, 130K)

Not gonna lie, as a white woman, that pic makes my pussy wet.

i am also a blond blue eyed white woman and i have this insatiable urge for that thing to impregnate me. like wow omg !

That looks like a circumcised piece of poop.

Attached: bris ritual circumcision.png (625x519, 297K)

Ruling the world isn't the same thing as ruling the hood, Cotton Boy.

You can't just "schoot up da block", you have to work, and working right is a thing you can only do when whipped by a white man.

He has a cute face

Blacks have large penises to make up for low intelligence. God placed them in africa because of the lush rich land which keeps them alive despite of subhuman intelligence. Surrounded by food, water, natural wealth they barely can scratch out a living. The large penis is meant to impregnate the woman easier because of their inability to raise children which caused high death rates among infants

post feet

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