Why does Jow Forums like this guy, he looks like tranny with greasy hair that doesn't brush his teeth and doesn't shower for months?
He is a degenerate piece of genetic garbage, his father should have pulled his cock out and cum in the curtains.
Why does Jow Forums like this guy, he looks like tranny with greasy hair that doesn't brush his teeth and doesn't shower for months?
He is a degenerate piece of genetic garbage, his father should have pulled his cock out and cum in the curtains.
You sound mad, summerfriend
STFU Stop posting these threads.
He's a total at 3.14
Yeah he is the reason why abortion should be legal.
because he is a literal retard.
This guy looks truly disgusting you can probably smell him 20 meters away.
He probably smells like a mixture of stale pee, shit, cigarette smoke and alcohol.
He is a leftist faggot, who used to LARP as an antisemitic edgy boy.
He also used to LARP as a satanist and other stupid shit.
Now he is just a centrist loser reading news outlets' stories and gives commentary for his retarded illiterate audience.
He needs shekels, so be sure to donate to fund his retarded civic nationalist gibberish.
>why does pol
>pol is one person
Never watched him. Kill yourself faggot.
He is trying to look like John Lennon but instead he looks like a smelly hobo.
I bet flies are laying their eggs on his smelly greasy hair.
He is a disgusting piece of human excrement.
He looks like a greasy rat
Wtf why do you guys hate him so much
He's a retarded civic nationalist who just rambles on incoherently about everything. He doesn't understand anything apart from farming. Only a retard could be a civic nationalist like him for this long.
I wish I could find a guy like him minus the facial hair who could findom me
They're socialists.
I can't stand his stupid youtube name, his face or anything he stands for.
Guy looks like someone you would expect to run a secret underground LSD cult mansion/dungeon where all the cult members are also his harem that he abuses sexually and psyhologically, like that one deranged chick that SHICE magazine did a documentary on.
One of the most punchable faces that I've seen so far... I don't know why people follow this moron.
>>why does pol
>>pol is one person
>Never watched him. Kill yourself faggot.
Also, this.
>Why does Jow Forums like this guy
general consensus is e celebs are cunts
stop paying heed to the wrong people.
highfive I find him repulsing as well. smrdljivi hašoman
the only issue with him is he doesn’t seem pro white. maybe someone could show him what shitskins are really like while he’s still in amsterdam?...