French males are now fucked

French gov is making a law to fight "street harassment", it was obviously written by SJW and it's fucking retarded

You can now be fined from 90€ to 3000€ for :
>Commenting someone's (especially women) looks (body, face and even clothes)

>Whistling (even if it's a song, if there's someone near you and think you are doing it to draw her attention or humiliate her, you are fucked)

>LOOKING at someone """""with insistance"""", asking something """intrusive""" (want to know if she have a boyfriend ? Now you can't)

>litteraly walking behind someone

Tl;dr : if you are a french male you can now be arrested for going outside

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Unless you are a muslim, then the rules don't apply.

Good thing I don't talk to women. Fucking faggot ass bleeding bitches.

>if you are a french male

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LOL, this will never be applied

This will only apply to nogs and sandniggers

French males have always been fucked. This makes no difference.
Country of closet fag men.

Western women are animals

The thot and her enablers are an enemy of civilization.

Did they already issue out the clit cage's?

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>that flag
yeah I don't think so Jude

The only based people in France when I lived there were the popo they had no problems with harassing niggers and they were good at it too. This will be great it will mean French police will now have the power to arrest migrants for their normal behaviour then when they can't pay the fines they go jail solid move France

Yeah rape in shit immigrants and shiet.

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hope this never gets to croatia
fuck sandniggers

Just another useless law. Will never be applied.

In 6 months there will be French op-eds asking what is wrong with men, why they have become so introverted, and why they have stopped asking women out on dates.

"It takes two to tango: why have men left the mating dance floor?"

Yes of course give woman more power, let them accelerate the breakdown of civilization, can't fucking wait

That does not apply to those poor suffering refugees they cant do wrong ; ___ ;


I'll bet that only disgusting fat fucks will go to police because some man """looked at her with insistance""".

Also, reminder that sexual harassment isn't real : it's seduction if the guy is pretty, it's sexual harassment if he isn't.

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>Exhibitions featuring masturbation in public, 15,000 Euro for 1 year.
Its this year's EU arts funding round.

We all know this will happen but women are retarded and will end up destroying the west.

Never used to be sexist but seeing women abusing their power has convinced me that they should be given as little power as possible.

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Shitty pic

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What's the difference between "emprisonnement" and "reclusion criminelle"?

Oy Vey do you have a loicense to used those eyes?

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obviously this doesn't apply to the subhuman population of france, but it really is crazy how (((they))) and especially the ones that write laws, are SO horny for money
fines for whistling at women, hahahaha

bankers, lawmakers, politicians - kill them all with NO investigations


this jew speaks the truth

France is disgustingly left wing holy shit

We are finally like england

>niggers dont have any legal money so they wont pay this anyway

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This rule only apply to native French males.

>humiliate her

>hey good looking
>I’m so embarrassed someone like you would talk to me

"emprisonnement" is for less than 10 years beyond bars. Beyond (15, 20, 30, forever), it's called ""réclusion criminelle"

They have been gay all along, now they have an excuse to stop pretending otherwise

This is the ultimate show of force for the French. They are officially the largest cucks followed by the UK, Sweden and Germany.

Do Italians feel close to French or Swiss? Or is it Spanish?

North seems close to Frence, South to Spain

Thanks. Lots of Italians are going to France for work these days. That's why I asked.

What about a wolf whistle?

>I can't harass people anymore
You french faggots should learn some social etiquette on interacing with people without being creepy fucks.
>commenting on someones looks
Have you considered starting a conversation with another human being with something other than how hot you think they are.
>asking something intrusive
Maybe you shouldn't ask strangers personal questions.
Nobody likes to be stared at, especially not by some thirsty autist on your way to work

There are a million ways of interacting with people without doing any of the shit on your list. There is a tonne of material online about this exact topic, you should look into it. Stop being a dishonest cuck.

> plant a cassette recorder next to the sidewalk
> trigger a whistle everytime a man and a woman cross
> profit

fuck white people

and now watch as only arabs will get in trouble which in return make lawmakers repeal this law silently

>Not white
>able to implement that
