Went to a metal concert

>went to a metal concert
>people wear apparel with words like "cannibal", "blood", "chaos" on it
>instead of listening to the music, metalsoyheads talk about "dumb nazis" that see natives replaced
>basically jerk each other concluding that they are more intelligent than those nazis
>the metal concert has a 99,9% white audience
>on my way to the metro station, I only hear arabic

Why is metal so cucked?

Attached: Musik-In-Wacken-ist-auch-vor-der-offiziellen-Festivaleroeffnung-einiges-los.jpg (440x330, 29K)

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They are rebelling against mom and dad in the safest way possible

>Why is metal so cucked?
maybe in germany. half of the metalheads I know have NS imagery on pins/patches and have no problem with racist/homophobic/antisemitic themes and lyrics. the ""metal"" concert you seen was probably some child-tier trash. the actual metal scene and underground is pretty based with for example great retro styled NS band Black Magick SS getting very popular recently. also I have never seen anyone get in any trouble during a concert because they had swastika patch or neclace or something, but again I never was in metal concert in germany.

Attached: JewWarOrder.jpg (626x640, 126K)

Metalheads have small penises

pfft! Speak for yourself.

There is metal and there is white trash rock. You can't have both.

Cucks in Germany can’t have ANY nazi imagery...

you're in germany, everything's cucked hans

>Be weak person
>Want to seem dangerous or violent so people who preyed on you will no longer do so
>Also want to scare off any new predators
>See Metal has a "scary" aesthetic. (screaming, blood, vikings, cannibals, corpses)
>Adopt it as your new identity like camoflage
>Still a weak cuck underneath
>Meet likeminded cucks at concerts
>Signal your virtue and superiority to non-cucks

In Poland it's also illegal to wear anything depicting swastika or any other symbol that might be considered to be promoting fascism, but it doesn't stop anyone to wear these things to clubs and concerts.

Attached: BMSS.jpg (982x906, 213K)