A message to /ptg/ shills

Your leader is a Jew
>Daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism
>Grandchildren/son in law is Jewish
>Best friends with Jewish pedophile billionaires
>Proclaims Jerusalem as a Jewish capital to the world
>Enshrines billions of foreign aide for Israel
>Criminalized hate speech against Israel
>Fired and replaced all racially aware Christians cabinet members with Jews
>Calls Isreal and Jews “my people”
>Tweets about Israel every single day
>Wants to start a war against Iran because of Israel
>Ordered military to stay in Middle East to protect Israel
Now cope harder shills and fuck off back to your containment general.

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shut it down

Kys shill nazi rat. Any Christian American knows of the strategic importance of Jews controlling Israel. For the next coming of Christ, Jews must be in control of Israel. Isreal is the bulwark against the satanic terrorist hordes of Iran and Syria keeping us Americans safe from sin.

Trump supporters are mentally ill.

MAGA shill


Have sex incel

Look here you fucking nigger. Why did you make this thread instead of just posting this complete slide garbage in ptg itself.