If the roles between UK and Poland reversed

and you became a global superpower while we became a shithole. Would you guys accept British economic migrants as warmly as we've accepted yours over the past decade or 2?

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Probably not.

Poland might catch up in wealth and quality of life to western EU but lets be honest, we wont ever be "superpower". Too fucked up location, small population and next to Germany and Russia

what the hell man? We've let you guys walk in left, right and centre. WE DEMAND POLISH BENEFITS AND HOUSING NOW!!!!

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nice try ahmed but fuck off.

>Would you guys accept [...] economic migrant
Not if they were smart.

the official name is not poland anymore, it's polin

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Bazed kurvas. I love polska now.

Of course they wouldn't
They are well aware of how hypocritical they are it's shameful.

we are not likely to accept migrants from muslim countries in any near future.
you guys fucked yourself over

Retard, we accepted 2 million Ukranian migrants in the past few years.

Now fuck off Richard

There was a time when we were basically an European superpower, before the partitions.
If I recall correctly, our monarch at the time massively screwed up cause he was horny for the Russian empress?

Poland is the Gate Keeper between East and West. It's perfectly situated if Poles can remember how bad ass they can be. Poland can be the Big fucking Dog between two squabbling neighbours and cash in on that.

Poland is neither East nor West, it is the Central Power; Sea to the North, Mountains to the South. Anyone who wants access to either realm must pay the Gate Keeper.

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Jokes on you, we don't have any benefits or housing.

Poland is a shithole in large part to Britains perfidious nature. You allowed a country like Germany to profit from a free market economy and rebuild while Poland lingered in commie limbo. It's easy to understand why Poles despise you. Soon enough Britain will be no more anyway, my brothers in faith are working on that hard.

>as warmly as we've accepted yours

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Daily reminder the UK is finished within 9 years.

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9 years to go and then they're done!!

uk is a shithole already


>UK - superpower
>Poland - shithole
Both are wrong

As long as you don't shit in public pools like young brits do when visiting Sunny Beach.

Are they really tho.

no lmao

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They would have to filter out all the shitskins, and that is strictly verboten

I think something got lost in translation lmao, that doesn't mean what you think it means


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Who is ready for the first Polish Reich?

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The whole of Western Europe is facing the same dilemma and it's all because you put your pride before your good sense. The Battle of the Somme saw 60,000 young British men mown down in Flanders, 50,000 French men. In Verdun the Germans lost 143,000, the French another 163,000. All those potential fathers, gone.

Remember boys that your forefathers died,
Lost in millions for a country's Pride

Now you're quitting the EU because you delude yourselves you're "not a part of it". British history is inextricably bound to that of Europe. But you'll be back. Cameron mooted a tentative proposal of political union with North America before he quit and Kerry rebuffed him saying they preferred the UK to maintain influence in the EU. When you eventually quit you're going to have to confront something and that means coming to terms with a new type of English, Welsh, Scottish or murdering the one's that won't go because they have no other country.

>Anyone who wants access to either realm must pay the Gate Keeper.
or get together and kill the gate keeper

our location is a double-edged sword

It's more the amount of land, the UK was a super power when we control 1/4 of the worlds land and an even higher proportion of its people. The U.S.S.R was a super power when it was gargantuan (though a commie poor one).

I'd happily be part of an European empire that was based on race. That's not what the EU is, the EU is containment and control, it's devised by the builderberg group, it's the force by which to open the flood gates to non-Europeans of the nations that haven't destroyed themselves already.

Bongs have to show courage and fight for their country before Polish people will feel sympathy to take you in.