Redpill me on Communism

Can someone redpill me on communism? Is it good or bad. Throw whatever you got.

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What's with the redhead?

> meme flag
> red pill on communism
first where are you from faggot

Shut the fuck fat ass.

Just give me the redhead and no one gets hurt.

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communism is the leading cause of women with tiny flat titties.
Anything else you need to know?

Oh he didnt finish his sentence, he mustve been stabbed. Pity... poor europoor

it has never worked in practice because there are no institutional checks and balances to keep the central planning authority from being corrupt and working in its own interest

it's sort of how everyone conceives of anarcho-capitalism like the smurf village but in practice it ends up like afghan or somali clans

Attached: Smurfia Law.jpg (720x524, 52K)

bitch loves the bbc

Whiny, useless faggots get summarily executed so it’s a good thing