imagine having a female minority dual citizen in charge of your national security agency
Imagine having a female minority dual citizen in charge of your national security agency
Trump appointed a literal white supremacist to head of cyber at NSA. Let that sink in the front door.
This is like handing the keys to a Russian-American.
Bu bu bu bu but Ilhan didn’t condemn FGM
But Don't alot of Orthodox Jews hate Israel?
>trusting an (((individual)))
I think you mean "a jewish supremacist"
Good she'll get rid of Muslims
Trump is fucking disaster
The real joke, is that they put a joke in charge of the joke.
oh goodie, who is your favorite semite goyim?
Are you sure she's a dual citizen?
>US alphabets
>Being effective
>Defending the people
He really is.
actually, i am not
i just parroted what someone on Jow Forums said
maybe she isn't
What could possibly go wrong with having a "dual loyalty" Zionist Jew in charge of protecting Americans?
Surely she would protect the American goy over God's chosen people....
They hare Christians way more than they hate Muslims.
Muslims to the Jew are a useful tool used to eliminate whites and Christians. Just look what they're doing to Europe and UK.
is she a chabat lubovitch like Girl Trump and Kushner?
thats a tad suspicious
Trump is making me miss Obama not even joking. The miga is tiring
>do your cyber hacks during Sabbath
>She can't do anything about it until the sun goes down
muslims aren't idolaters like christians
>No khazar milkers
Mein Führer hat alles gegeben. Ich werde für meinen Führer alles tun. Heil Hitler!
i don't know man, they seem alright.
she's clearly not pushing them up
I meant not posting them.
oh, my bad
I thought I was about to get into a fight about khazar milkers on the internet again
this is one of the greatest memes of all time
Guess so.
Not quite.
Leftist(who are also rich and atheistic) Jews harp about Israel all the time, which is why I've started to come to the conclusion that Israeli Jews aren't as bad as the lot, especially seeing as the atheist Jew Bernie Sanders and rampant leftist Ilhan Omar are both part of the leftist cabal, but hate Israel.
The more Orthodox a Jew is, the more likely they will be right-wing and support Israel, and oppose the importation of shitskins.
In the U.S., Orthodox Jews are having 5 children to every 1 a leftist Jew has. In Britain, where Jews are already mostly conservative voters, almost half of the births are Orthodox.
In a few generations, leftist Jews will be a super-minority whilst the Orthodox ranks swell.
pure comedy
thanks, bro!
Boy oh boy, you need to learn a lot of shit about Orthodox Jews.
Also, zionists are big time into pushing for the invasion of the West with illegals:
Read all my posts.
Judaism is a cancerous mind virus.
for Zion Don homeland it's absolutely fine
Judaism is truly a cancer.
There is no "good" sect of Judaism when you're a goyim. Zionists and communists may not agree with each other, but both sides want to dominate and exploit the goyim, just to a different end.
Trump has been sucking jew cock left and right recently. That's all the thing he has to do to prevent the Epstein pedo ring blow up in his face. He just gave Israel full control on the NSA
how can we find out her dual citizenship status?
6 more years sweetie
I am curious to know if she really is dual citizen too.
I would join the tribe for a waifu like her, not going to lie.
RUSSIAN COLLUSION!!! Drumpf is colluding with Russian that fucking traitor.
>Pay no attention to the Jews got.
This and only this.
We're fucked. How is this not a conflict of interest?
Neuberger family are related to the Rothschilds
How so?
new Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
I can feel a certain ally becoming a greater ally by the day. Fuck the kikes. We shouldn't share shit with those leeches.
Good goy. Keep paying your taxes goy.
it's ok goy, orthodox jews aren't as bad as regular jews
fuck off kike
We need to DECOUPLE from Israel.
They are on their own for the next shoah
holy FUCK!
this shit needs to STOP.
Nice pic. PNW checking in.
>imagine having a female
imagine having a female given authority over males
This is actually scary seeing as israel is really big on cyber spying. Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s found to be selling info to them
Kek, or she will do something stupid and redpill the whole world on jews
They don’t spell God even when woke
No, they're the biggest zealots of them all.
It will happen after investigation of 9/11.. Israel is fucked
anybody have her feet pics?
where can i buy these niggercattle?
>4D chess
Man those jews sure know their way to positions of power
>The granddaughter of Auschwitz survivors, Neuberger, 43, who belongs to Pikesville’s Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim, has worked at the NSA for the past decade.
her husband
>Yehuda Neuberger is the grandson of Rabbi Herman Naftali Neuberger, the late president of Pikesville’s Ner Israel Rabbinical College and a highly influential figure in the international Orthodox community. In addition, Yehuda Neuberger’s uncle is Rabbi Moshe Hauer, spiritual leader of Congregation Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion in Park Heights.
come on now don't be a fool
I think her family is Satmar, who are considered by Palestinians as righteous Jews because they reject Zionism . But Satmar women don't fucking go and work outside and they don't wear short skirts and put wigs like Chabbadnik , so I think she converted to Chabbadnik cult .
>Not only a jew, not only an orthodox rightwinger jew, but also an Israeli jew
Imam Omar literally shaking right now, Trump is indeed the greatest real life shitposter
There are people who are fundamental zealots and hate Israel because it's against Talmudic teachings . Even in Muslim side the Salafi- Jihadi refuse any national state but the caliphate and many of them even burn Palestinian flags .
The same in America, the real fundamentalist Christians are in fact "God hate fags" and "Jews killed Jesus" "America is doomed nation" Church , not the Republican Christians who worship man made constitution .
inb4 she spends 90% of her time on Jow Forums
Proof of dual citizenship?
Still none
did you even read my post or ?
she is not the only one.
Her grand-dad being an Israeli rabbi does not make her automatically an Israeli.
wait wait her husband father is
>>Yehuda Neuberger is the grandson of Rabbi Herman Naftali Neuberger, the late president of Pikesville’s Ner Israel Rabbinical College and a highly influential figure in the international Orthodox community. In addition, Yehuda Neuberger’s uncle is Rabbi Moshe Hauer, spiritual leader of Congregation Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion in Park Heights.
so riddle me this retard
how the fuck is her husband and her NOT dual israli citizen ?
She might not have Israeli citizenship.
Not saying she is going to be good or bad for an America First policy, but that fact does not make her an Israeli citizen.
So sick of this shit!
We live in dark times.
I ask our forefathers...washington
Jefferson and others. to grand us
we need to KILL every mother fuking
one of these assholes.
I disagree.
==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
Lmao jews are white, calling them minorities is playing into their hands and whites (stromfags especially) are the only ones stupid enough to fall for it.
The only part I find crazy is someone being able to hold that positon while having dual citizenship/loyalty
the jew bs is non issue if shes not dual loyalty
Nobody needs to be a nazi to know that racial Jews aren't White.
jews are not white
Whites are global minority, still works out if you broaden perspective
no shit, she's probably fucked a couple generals and has blackmail on them
I'd trade my current woman out for a chick like this if it weren't for the whole nagging jewish wife thing down the road
She's probably whiter than you
ashkenazi jews aren't white
and even if they were they have zero affinity for other white people, so your argument is moot
they would throw every last one of us under the bus if it meant they get to stay on top
there is no racial solidarity expressed on their part
this is irrefutable
oy vey