The economy will crash hard and lay everyone off
Are you prepared for 2020 Year of Hell?
Fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck tranny jannies
>wages don't increase
>house prices 20x
>oy vey why you no buy my house goy?
>Why isn't somebody paying $20,000,000 for my 3 bedroom house?!?!?
God please let the economy crash. Please let the crash be so fucking bad that all welfare is cu off.
In all seriousness there has never been a better time to buy a home. Interest rates on a mortgage are at historical lows and a good possibility they will go lower. If interest rates go negative, banks will literally pay some of your monthly mortgage. It will suck for savers though
god i hope my parents sell the house and move while it's still worth $800k
no shit commiefornia is an expensive shithole filled with criminals. why would anyone want to live there? wait until the rest of the tech world moves to cheaper texas.
Why does nobody seem to understand that the fact most of the USA's wealth is tied up in real estate is a huge issue? Arabs and Chinese state corporations are literally buying our country out from under us, and we're supposed to be anxious that the bubble is shrinking?
I don’t see that happening. Texas is like Mexico, only shittier