Is there any hope?

Attached: swastik.png (640x640, 189K)

Shut up ill knock you out memefag

We’re all fucked

nazis were always hopeless losers.
and the people that worship nazis have ensured they will share the same fate as them.

Very little. Maybe something fash will happen when the monetary system goes into free fall

Attached: F514157D-EEDA-4C52-93CE-76BDC14D9272.jpg (1024x1024, 109K)

Literally no. Best you're getting is Civic Nationalism.

we muste segure the fudure and egsistense of whyde chyldren and eggsterminade the jous :DDDD
hail hidler :DDDD

Attached: 1564317109866.png (190x266, 9K)

Yes but with hammer and cross and sword, not a swastika.


Attached: hubris.jpg (726x875, 202K)

fuck hope!

Attached: FUCKHOPE2.png (476x255, 18K)