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Wow, what a surprise.

I'll say it again.

You do not own real estate ever. You are either renting it from the bank or renting it from the government.

If it isn't allodial title, you don't own it. No one has allodial title but the government.

>Not suing the local Government into submission
Hire a damn lawyer.

>not realizing the judges are corrupt

Dumbass, that's not how lawsuits work.
And judges can get their ass tossed off the bench for too many bad rulings.

Tell that to the 9th circuit

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tell that to the supreme court

I'm no fan of property taxes or taxes in general, but he would have been notified of this literally dozens of times over a period of several years.

>What are Federally appointed Judges
God you faggots are literally retarded.
And Federal judges can be removed from the Bench.
Congress is just too faggoty to try.

wow good source, very informative, I believe you 500%

It wouldn't even go as far as the supreme court. Appeals would more than likely overturn it.

Based and propertypilled.

Are there countries that actually let you own it.

user with brains, rare specimen

It's still indefensible theft. A mobster burning down your business doesn't suddenly become justified because they warned you plenty of times to pay your protection fees before they did it.

Property tax is the most insidiously evil thing that's ever been imagined.

welcome to Earth

they didn't deserve to own it if they can't come up with $9 in a three year period.

No you’re a slave an any country where you can’t defend your land. This is one of the reasons why gun rights are essential to have a free country as well as having a strong community who will defend itself against tyranny.

It can't be true. No one would buy anything in America.

Your girlfriend’s bull might let you watch this week

He doesn't have $8.41 to pay rent, oh, I mean taxes, to his landlord, er, I mean the you think he has money to pay an attorney? Besides, the suit would be frivolous. The government (landlord) can legally take "your" property for unpaid fines or taxes (i.e. rent), even if it is just a pittance that you owe. Fee simple ownership (the type of "ownership" that home"owners" in the US and many other countries have) is really just another form of leasehold where the tenant (home"owner") is granted more property rights than a landlord would normally include in a rental contract.

at least i have one

You know user, I’ve always found the terms of Tyranny a bit loose.

Things would be better if metrics on tyranny were unbiased and measurable. Therefore then accountable.

If X threshold is crossed then all force is legally justified.

Things like fiat central banking would never have been established. It should/ was punishable by death.

The Government can't legally seize property in excess of the amount that its owed.
If it really was less than $9 worth of taxes, they can seize a potted plant and that's about it.
That's why you always hire a lawyer. Because Governments love bullying, but hate when someone bullies them back.


Guys, can you redpill me in two words on the topic. Whatever I buy in America, it's 100% government property and they granted you to use it temporarily?

thank you based poseidon

They can seize the house and force a sale, even if all they get back is their $8.00 plus fines and interest.

What is a Sheriff's Sales

A sheriff’s sale is a public auction where mortgage lenders, banks, tax collectors, and other litigants can collect money lost on property. A sheriff sale occurs at the end of the foreclosure process when the initial property owner can no longer make good on his or her mortgage payments.

A sheriff sale can also occur to satisfy judgment and tax liens.

They can and do seize and sell homes for unpaid taxes, property and other and the dollar amount in taxes that you owe does not matter. The government always gets its money.

The dynamics of broad human organization will never be clean-cut enough for that. Draw a line in the sand and tyranny will nickle-and-dime itself around that line and chide and snicker when you notice. That is, for example, why the law has both letter and spirit - because the true heart of justice is tucked away in a part of the human soul which can never be fully put to words.
That's also why ideological and philosophical writing on the subject is written the way it is: there is no formula or instruction manual to follow when doing what's right, instead we have to inspire people to find their bravery and consciences through beauty we can impart with words.


>The government always gets its money.
er, I mean
*The government always collects its rent.

You're missing the point faggot.
8 bucks is such a small amount that the IRS would offer a payment plan unless it was impossible for the owner to pay back the amount.
Seizing a house over that little means that either the owners were utter retards, or someone in Government was abusing the system.
And a halfway competent lawyer would rip them to shreds.

This is why we need a Monarchy. I feel a lot better being a subject to a Sovereign then the faceless bureaucracy.

The fuck?
They "deserve" to own it because they came up with the money to purchase the fucking thing, or had it given to them by the prior owner for whatever reason. If you believe anything else, then you've the same fucking idea of property rights as the damn socialists.

Just because the government doesn't frequently seize a home over $8.00 does not mean that doing so is an abuse of power. It is well within the power of the government to do so under our various state and federal statutes.

Yea its all great until they come knocking at your door for your son or daughter for duty or you need to give x amount of this, for some slum the monarch needs to fix.

It says that the property that was seized over $8 was actually an asset owned by the victim's LLC. Surely there are different laws for business property than there are for privately owned property?

So the Draft and Taxes?

No, it's not within their power
There are steps the IRS and other Agencies have to take or they can and will get sued.

I can’t tell if this supports my point or not... it makes its even more imperative to preserve absolute liberty.

Otherwise any other compromise is just hypocrisy and fooling yourself.

Might as well just have a benevolent and loving dictator.

There’s no half pregnant user. If you miss a workout you’ve lost both the gains from that day and the opportunity cost, ie your worse off then previously

Government sucks.

This planet is such shit and I will be surprised if very many government shitters are spared being thrown in the lake of fire.

There are, of course, differences, but the fact remains that in either case real estate can be seized by the government and sold to the highest bidder to pay taxes that are owed.

we are talking about property taxes
Go look up your state's real estate statutes and get back to me.

>Pigs from the world police are the worst
Big shock.

State laws aside, it says right in the link that you posted:

"Property Seizure: The tax authorities may seize assets such as your car, boat, house or other asset of value that can be sold to cover the unpaid tax liability."

>home equity
I don't know SHIT about real estate, so this makes no sense to me at all.
>literally the cost of a meal
>seized a house
like lol

If I really hate the monarch, it might be possible to assassinate them, and they know it. Mortality is highly equalizing. I can not threaten the beurocracy in the same way. The beurocracy can have me killed, but I can never retaliate in kind, and they know it.

Dude, the OP is a Michigan thing
Michigan requires property to be in at least its second year of delinquency.,4676,7-238-43535_55601---,00.html

thank you based Poseidon

Now tell us the full unbiased story. You know the one where he didn't pay taxes for years, ignored notifications to pay and was eventually taken to court and lost his property because of it.

Reminds me of the stories about that guy who got prison time for collecting rain water. Fake news made it sound like he was just collecting it in barrels as it rained when in reality he was blocking rivers and diverting the natural flow of water into a man made lake that was something like over 10 million gallons of water and was causing drought in the surrounding areas.

Hopefully it was an illegal alien. They never pay their taxes

Stop thinking so much, dude, like, just stay on message, man.

Yes just like in a normal nation. But monarchs you have less freedoms.

I was mostly just talking about the idea that things would be better if metrics on tyranny were unbiased and measurable. It's just not a thing that will ever happen.

So, you paid your house in full. You are now a proud home owner. Let's say you live off your land and have no need for money. After all, you are now the owner of a house and land.

Now the government comes after two years of trying to collect property taxes from you. Even though you paid off your entire mortgage (death grip) and are officially a home owner, they can still, after due process, seize and sell your property that you may have spent $250,000 to obtain just to collect a few hundred dollars in taxes. Now, does it really sound to you like you own anything? Do you feel in charge? This is a tenant landlord relationship that you have with the government.

Your property taxes are rent paid to the government and the siezure of your property is an eviction for failing to pay rent. They just use different words to describe the same relationship as a tenant has with a landlord.

All these seething "muh land" "muh house" cucks that simply can't deal with the reality that if you pay property taxes you are only ever leasing something from the government. The same applies to vehicle registration andany other myriad of items you have to pay for the privilege to lease and operate. Sure you can sell the home or vehicle but you're gonna pay taxes again and get pulled into another leasing agreement. Let's say it's one of the few states without property tax. Big deal you still have to get the approval of the state to build structures, pay for blueprints and get a representative of the state to inspect it and sign off on it and if you don't they can either force you or just seize it from you. Hell they can also just decide they want to build something on "your" land and seize it and force you to take what they determine to be the fair market value. No one is free in this country you're all just serfs who dream themselves to be kings.

we are on the same page

But I have tax free land.
Alaska rocks.

If the bank or government take your house:
Dump used motor oil and antifreeze onto the land. Before it can be sold to reap profit, it has to be cleaned up, and environmental cleanup costs a small fortune, especially if it's spread out.
You're looking at costs of over $100K minimum to clean up the spills if you do it right.

If they wanna steal your house, make them earn that shit.

Attached: 1275752382380.jpg (469x428, 63K)

The state allows it, however you still need their blessing and have to pay them to do things with it and build structures on it. It also can be seized from you for any given reason with little to no recourse.

Not in alaska.
Can't be seized by any court.
Not even family courts.
I can also build whatever I want and own mineral rights.

thank you based Poseiden

It's often referred to as the only example of actual sovereign land in the u.s.

For example, I can legally shoot trespassers on it, even children.
Only feds can enter, and only then with a warrant, otherwise I can legally kill them.
Alaska rocks.

>no source
>no location or names
>no details of any kind
>65 replies
Jow Forums is a lost cause

people will reply to anything these days
even the lowest of of low baits

thank you, now go back to CNN

are you some sort of AI chat bot or something? you dont post like a real human person

They can seize property, after due process, for any unpaid taxes or fines, of any doesn't have to be property tax. Even if your state had no income or property tax, the IRS can seize and sell "your" property to pay income tax liabilities. Sure, as a home"owner" the government, through law, confers more property rights to you than you would have if you were a tenant in an apartment building. The bottom line is, however, that the government can seize your property for unpaid taxes (rent). They can, for all intents and purposes, evict you from property that you supposedly own for failure to pay rent (taxes, fines, etc). Once you throw eminent domain into the equation, it becomes crystal clear. They may call you the owner of real property, but you are not. You are a tenant and the government is the landlord. You just happen to be a tenant with really generous lease terms and conditions.

Government debt, sure.
But most states protect at least a portion of your equity from judgement if not the entire homestead.
I'd be willing to bet that when this goes to court, the government will be paying back most of the equity that he had beyond the tax debt owed.

thank you based poseidon
