>Bismarck vs. Trump
Who would win in a fight?
>Bismarck vs. Trump
Who would win in a fight?
Bismarck littelary beat up the guy after getting shot 3times point blank range
I think its clear who the winner is
>Bismarck against a fat Boomer who literally doesn't believe in exercise
Bismarck, one fought in wars to protect his nation from invaders. The other sucks Jewish cum on a daily basis while pretending to be a nationalist.
another correct the record shill, get him magapedes
just donated another $500 to trump, hes gonna make america great again
you guys just dont understand, its all optics
Jew vs Jew
Chad Bismarck
This supposedly "based" Kaiser spent all his days antagonizing the major european powers because muh invincible prussian army, enters into a naval arms race with the world's superpower; a sure good way to antagonize said superpower. Then one day, in what can only be explained as autistic screeching, he hands austria-hungary a blank cheque which is duly interpreted as german backing in a local war, which leads to a continent wide european bloodbath. If starting the war wasn't enough, this autistic cunt sends communists to undermine his cousin's dominion which leads to a communist state being established, leading to millions of whites being killed and his own cousin and his family being brutally murdered. That communist state which BASED KAISER helped establish then destroys Germany 35 years later, leading to millions of whites dying.
So its a retarded jew against an equally retarded jewish shill.Go figure.
Trump. He can beat the shit out of Bismarck's corpse.
Bismarck was tall as fuck and struck fear in smaller men. He was an actual badass too, so Trump would stand fuck all chance