Comfy Sunday Europe opinion thread

Let's do this.

Attached: opinion template.png (1374x1245, 68K)

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Allow me to begin.
I fucking love the real Europe, and I ain't ashamed to admit it.

Attached: (((europe))).png (1376x1250, 123K)

Paint it all red because it's a great big suicide.

Europe is dead.

Kosovo je albania
Vojvodina austro ugarska
Ostalo turska

I just made some slight adjustments actually. I think you'll like them.

Attached: (((europe))).png (1376x1250, 125K)

least random map ITT

Attached: muhopinion.png (3030x2627, 405K)

Attached: 1557147313595.png (1374x1245, 74K)

Simple as

Attached: 1564342499994.png (1374x1245, 69K)

Wtf, Albanian?

Unlike kosovo istra never had a big shitalian population
Even back in roman times they said those lands are a sea of slavs
We dont get conqored slavs conqure others
Sad turk rape baby