Disabling parts of the brain changes attitude towards migrants and God

Having a debate with this leftoid subhuman right now. Give me all your redpills on the study that found out that parts of the brain need to be entirely shut down in order to hold leftist beliefs.
If I remember correctly from a thread we had sometime in 2017 there was a different study examining liberals and conservatives that found out that leftist have underdeveloped parts of the brain.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh that must be why I think God is likely a raging narcissistic psychopath. It all makes sense now.

>Having rules and knowing the difference between good and evil makes you a raging psychopath


>Having a debate with this leftoid subhuman right now. Give me all your redpills on the study that found out that parts of the brain need to be entirely shut down in order to hold leftist beliefs.
Keep in mind, that 5G will have this capability if programed to do so.

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This is the tactic used by the elite globalists to force people to do stuff


What happens is:
Imagine an musician father wants to make his children goes to school.
This father say to his son "if you go to the school everyday santa claus will give you a nintendo switch at christimas", the father don't believe at that shit but say that to FORCE (with lies) the children go to school.
This is the tatic the elites do with people.

The thing is that the children, because is extremely excited about this awesome guy called santa, because he didnt understood very well the story or just he has some questions about it, may ask:
"How is santa claus able to move faster than light?"
The father will have to come with some theory about it.

Then the children will them ask "but how his clothes wont burn while he move this fast?"
The father will also answer it with some fake explanation.

Then children ask "but if santa claus will clone a nintendo switch and give it to me thats literally mp3 piracy that you, as a musician complain about, but with real life itens. Are you ok with me being ok with piracy"

Now the children created a situation the father cant escape, he can say its ok to receive the nintendo switch from santa claus, but by saying that he is also saying its ok to be ok with piracy.
Or he can say piracy is a bad thing, but them the children wont go to school anymore because getting a nintendo switch was the only reason to go to school.
The father will be forced to contradict himself, if he wants the children to go to school and will say "yes piracy is ok".


After more and more questions the father will have an hard time to come with explanations, and will say to his sons, "do you have any prejudice against bearded people?", "do you have prejudice against fat people?", the idea is to make this son stop making questions without having to answer them. The answer is also to make sure that his brothers stop listening to this questioning son.

Some of the brothers will start to think everyone that question santa claus has prejudice against bearded people and will complain, and will complain with this guy and everyone at school, everytime they question santa claus theory.

Anyway, the fact that this father dont really believe at this santa claus theory, create alot of plot holes, and assuming an children still believe the santa claus theory, this means the children dont really understand it and can't fully discuss it and like the father will have alot of plot holes at their explanations.

if the part of your brain that assess risk gets turned off u magically become for mass migration

disabling the brain makes you an atheist and a progressive. who woulda thunk?

If you can't hold your own against a leftist, you're not for this place, Ivane. No amount of pseudoscience and screencaps will help you.

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Leftist atheism is more of a revolt against monotheism, my atheism is more like I dont see proof so I simply dont believe.

I can’t think of anything more progressive than magnetic lobotomies.

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>If I remember correctly from a thread we had sometime in 2017 there was a different study examining liberals and conservatives that found out that leftist have underdeveloped parts of the brain.

Indeed. Underdeveloped amygdala.

So leftists are litteraly retarded?


>science proves atheists are braindead

>Disabling parts of the brain
Make yourself retarded, Goy.

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is this what actual autism is like?

Nah, it’s just someone who doesn’t speak English as their primary language.

1. The laws of logic exist.
> a) The fact that you could not even begin do dispute this premise without immediately appealing to the laws of logic demonstrates its soundness.
> b) The laws of logic are outlined below:
>> i) The law of identity (LOI) states that A=A, or that a thing is what it is and not what it is not. All things have a nature that is unique to them. A basketball, for example, by the virtue of its properties, is not a dog.
>> ii) The law of noncontradiction (LNC) states that A, cannot be both B and non-B at the same time and in the same sense. A proposition (A) can not be both true (B) and not true (non-B) at the same time and in the same sense.
>> iii) The law of excluded middle (LEM) states that either a proposition is true or its negation is true. There is no third option.
2. The laws of logic are conceptual by nature.
> a) Logic is a process of the mind. The laws of logic provide a framework for the logical thought processes. As such, they are conceptual realities.
3. The laws of logic are transcendant, that is, they are not dependant on space, time, or matter. They would obtain in the absence of all spacetime minds.
> a) In the absence of all spacetime minds, it would still be true that a dog is not a mountain (LOI).
4. Since the laws of logic are conceptual, transcendant, and do not rely on any spacetime mind, they must be conceptualized in a transcended mind. We call this transcended mind "God".
5. Therefore, God exists.

Change my mind.

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Sigh... I came here asking for sources and instead I get retarded shit like this. I knew I should have gone straight to 8ch. Forget it, this board is useless now.

>too stupid to debate with facts and logic against a retarded leftist
>so stupid he thinks he's going to change someone's mind that is already made up
>can't do his own research
>bitches at others for not spoon feeding
Fuck off nigger

>transcendental argument
>retarded shit
kek, it's ironically quite possibly the most stupid thing anyone ever seriously said. and the best part about it is that you're most likely not aware of it

thank you for the laugh, fellow balkanese

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>this much mongrel mega-cope
Heh, bet you didn't even know that leftoids are genuinely mentally ill before seeing this thread.
Paraconsistent logic and quantum mechanics obliterated your shit-tier argument four decades ago. Get on with the times, christcuck.

>rational on 'there is no god'
>rational off 'I fuckin love pakis'

Left faggots also can't accurately visually grasp what motivates Right leaning people, while the reverse doesn't hold true.

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>he seriously believes it was debunked
can't make this up

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Leftists also tend to be uglier and physically inferior.

>You'll just have to wait and find out when you die.

I guess, in the meantime i find it hard to believe in anything or take anything seriously. If fear wasn't so real i would laugh at it, it's all just meaningless structure IMO. I guess reincarnation kinda makes sense...

I really really just want to be happy and for everything to be "okay". I desperately want to go to Heaven, to be freed from my inferior mind and body. To be loved by a loving God.

Liberals are literally brain damaged.

I fucking hate immigrants and hold conservative values, but my brain refuses to believe that there is a God. Why is this?

Often a puppet does not know they are one.

>disabling the brain makes you a God rejecting leftist
Tell us something we didn't already know

Sounds like "brain damage leads to liberalism".

Yes and it's not their fault, of course there's no reason for you to feel sorry for them since apparently there is no God. This is why i believe human extinction is a very real possibility, none of us are anything too divine or special IMO.

Life is unironically more accurately viewed through the eyes of a psychopath than a child's, children are dumb. As far as i can see innocence is just another tool in the arsenal to be selectivelyused to acomplish a certain goal, like getting to suck your hot mother's tits. Filthy cunt.

Because you're probably ugly or have a small or average dick OR you've seen too many people with such physical characteristics.

That's it folks, just an ugly biological competition. That's all i can see.

That explains it.
Brain damage.

Inferior untermensch genetics and in many cases brain damage from degenerate living or being raised by degenerate parents.

I guess it must be the second one then. Larger than average cock and in pretty great shape. Not sure how seeing ugly people makes me not believe in God though.

ECT and lobotomies didn't make crazy people not crazy.

This is the most echo chamber thread I've seen on this site and I've seen alot.

kill niggers

perfect dark is a documentary

Agreed. Everyone on here agrees that liberals are retarded. This is just preaching to the choir.

It should be obvious to you, unless you have a complete lack of empathy. The idea that God has a chosen people is laughable, then he's not really God at all. Seems to me like he's a bit constrained in his powers OR an unlikeable psychopath from my point of view, either way i'm not impressed.

Liberals are master philosophers but unironically, there's no reason to try in life. Be a parasite and fuck everyone over, die of a drug overdose at the age of 27, literally who gives a fuck.

Or what, you're gonna tell me life is this special and magical Disney World movie "wholesome" horseshit. Tell that to the 18 million that died of the Spanish flu, many of them kids. Not like anyone even remembers them.

It's like they never even existed.

If anything, i'm going to cuck as many men as possible and if it turns out i'm infertile i'll still fuck your wife out of spite. I despise other men and their whores and their filthy offspring.

Disabling parts of the brain will make you blind and retarded.

This story is fucking stupid.

>Indeed. Underdeveloped amygdala.
Cool. Did not know that. Also it turns out that leftists are usually weak omega basedboys, while people with conservative views tend to be more stronger and manlier

I despise life itself and treat it with the irreverence it deserves, i desecrate it. So fucking what. Hell isn't even real.

>The fact that you could not even begin do dispute this premise

Why would he waste time on this retarded shit?

That's the whole point. 5G also used the same frequency as early warning weather instruments so they need to change it.

>omitting the important part

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is this what it has come to? crippling someone's natural sense of threat/danger constitutes "making someone less prejudiced"

Its called shock therapy usually. I like the spin on the magnets.

I'm an atheist and think we should build the wall and deport all illegals. What does that make me?
>inb4 faggot

because you're a godless commie subhuman

5G is the same shit used in military-grade microwave weapons, just need to tweat the frequency of any 5G tower to work.
Try to barricade yourself in your house, the cops will make you 'feel' like you're burning to make you come out.

Common mistake that Libtards have any resemblance to normal human brains. The active Groupthink lobes make their brains more similar to Zombies.

A christian that forsake his Father and is still in denial about it but has the required intelligence to forgive Him

So leftoids lack brains? kek

Finally something at least mildly useful, thank you.

People who have no faith in God and have a positive attitude towards being replaced demographically have brain damage. That's ultimately what that means. It's scientific jewish doublespeak for "brain damage is good for you, goy!"



fear is the mind killer

yeah okay christcuck

t. Tom A.

if you think thats something

listen to this
